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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. The rafter bracing is what I referred to as Fly straps and the back side space on both sides would be cross braced and also the front ones,
  2. No fly straps or cross bracing that we have in North Queensland for cyclone rating. Cross bracing would have helped stop it falling back.
  3. No different to crossing a busy street; aircraft landing and taking off being the traffic and the helo being the pedestrian wanting to cross; in a sort of way. Same caution before crossing, also looking before entering runway to taxi back track.
  4. Is over your way, this is UK available. Don't apply over any stickers. I go around all mine, details of use will be in the instructions. Cheers. Post an image of your bird in the Skyranger forums under a new topic say 'UK Skyrangers'. Best Regards.
  5. As at times your wrong, as he only used Starbrite which is a sort of acid based cleaner for stains, what I posted is perfect for a detail and surface protection, the. See what’s still there and the UK guys will has good advice.
  6. Ian was getting them made, I sold mine to a LAME.
  7. Agree, talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. A test fine polish cut would be all and some different shades would still exist. Do it on boat hulls all the time. The old rego numbers show due to the gel coat having been shaded by the numbers. Attached is what I posted that I use.
  8. The Air Traffic Controller will need a lot of support; not good if doing two persons task; which was their priority / rostered task and covering another at the same period due to short staff level; will be interesting to hear about. RIP and support to all involved and affected.
  9. Its the way classifieds sets your location as UK. Try posting a classified without posting your actual address and not posting a bodgy one.
  10. Could be carby balance or the carb opening system. Could try redoing a mechanical balance. If you were to do a mechanical balance make a note of the turns to get the gap that is measured with a feeler gauge and also the turns on the idle jet. That way if they are out of speck you can adjust to speck or reset them where they were. If you want I'm happy to loan you my balance master for one month if you pay the postage. But consider the mechanical balance first. Even a pneumatic balance if you have ethe gear.
  11. Skip please reread my post and correct your statement as in my second parragraph I said I had a balance master fitted and very happy with it. I saw the balance master on your old Zephyr and assumed you where still happy to fly with it, and you have confirmed your reason and its perceived benefit. For site users information I was very happy with the reduction of vibration by the balance master and would fit one again in the absence of performing dynamic balances. My experience was during 77 flights during 2018 and 2020. AS I now use a Dynavibe to perform dynamic balances I do not refit the balance master (Balance master can not be on the prop during the dynamic balance procedure.) Skip how many flights have you made with the balance master fitted for comparasion?
  12. Agree however the Dynavibe is counting rpm off the reflective tape on one blade so its reduction rpm.
  13. All good; I was referring to MoneyBox's comment. Your 600 tacho is very good balance wise. Cheers.
  14. Some testers are considering the gear ratio not engine rpm on tacho; therefore 600 rpm of prop may be about 1500 rpm on a Rotax 912.
  15. That will work, 500m, good to have releases in the fences so if you clip them with wheels the wire will let go easily and weak posts that will fold over. Also can have side bits at each end so you can do a rolling start when ever needed (start at right angles onto end of runway so rolling when enter and rolling line up and away, not starting from fully stopped at the end.)
  16. By chopper escorted by cobra gunships.
  17. Also mandatory is a shelter, dunny, tea and coffee honor tin and windsock.🙂🙃 You will have a good setup.
  18. Just read your pipe length, look perfect.
  19. Three times the wing span is a good start as minimum (25 to 27 meters).
  20. I give mine a hand cut / polish / wax with a good quality Meaguires product about twice a year; just keep off any decal areas. Starbrite is more like a water stain remover. I'd try the hand polish on an under surface; it should work and most likely you will always notice a different shade where the decals were. Paul or Mark Hilton will have some ideas especially Mark as they restore and repair a lot.
  21. Mike, your aware that sika needs to be protected from UV? Thats the role of the black colour on glass etc; it's to shade the UV not for looks in the first instance.
  22. Meant to be mate; you always remember great true mates forever. Cheers.
  23. Fantastic as usual. You should be the airman of the year. Cheers. PS I'm at Kurrimine the first 2 weekends and the week between again this year. Weather was all over the show this year so must do the catch up like we planned last year.
  24. Best way to cut that spring steel is a small cut off wheel; Dremel or similar. 100mm with care and 1mm wheel. Used all in the past. Then dress the cut end of wire for craftmanship.
  25. How good is that, Congrats and well done to you.
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