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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. AOPA posted on their BookFace site today.
  2. Well done, may never have been taken out. May be do an oil change at 15 - 20 hours and recheck plug then. Glad it came out for you. I've never put a copper washer under them or seen such. Cheers.
  3. That is about inspection of it; do a google of 'unable to remove magnetic plug' and rotax owner will have some methods of removal. I came across a stubborn one before Xmas while doing an oil change. Owner is getting a new mag plug hex head from floods and then the old one will be removed and inspected and the new one fitted. I hope for you that yours is free it takes a #40 Torx and make sure its fully in when turning as they strip out easily and that's why Rotax upgraded the plug.
  4. Yes I would, two reasons one to see any fur, filing on it and to know it can be undone. It’s a torx drive not Allen key. If it’s hard to undo try some hammer taps and vice grips to loosen. There no washer or copper washer under it just a metal to metal fit. Cheers
  5. Depends on when you do your filter; I change oil at 50 and filter at 100. At 100 also lube the muffler to header ball joints on mine so if you have ball joint type connections you may consider relubeing them at 100 with the specified lube. Mine is S/S so use Koppa Kote / Copper slip lube. Steel Rotax require one of the nickle anti seizes. have you had the magnetic plug out, it has a torx female and they can be a real pain and then you need to buy the upgrade hex head one a 16mm / 5/8” ring spanner fits.
  6. How's Lone Eagle at Clifton, I'd recommend the drifter alos have Jabiru. Be close and have overnight accommodation so could do and afternoon and then a morning fly in the smooth air to start back again with.
  7. Nice Mike. What was the empty weight of Nic's and a couple of images would be nice of how it looks today. Yours is coming along nicely; they take a while just need to get over the humps when seems slow and never getting there thoughts; I'd just do some small things to keep it moving. Like the paint job and colours; even though I'm a Blue person. Cheers
  8. Lucky Keizer took a Rolls Royce Merlin engine from a Mosquito aircraft, chopped off two cylinders and built a bike around it.
  9. The engine is a modified Merlin 12 out of an aircraft so I believe it has a connection, it was last displayed at the Mechanos Air show in Mackay.
  10. Lucky is a mate of mine; I’ll show him your comment. He’ll have a laugh. Cheers.
  11. Hi Nev, I like your posts but they need the link with it either the quote or the paragraph referred to. My experience is that RAA won't allow LL unless you have a business case (eg Property water / fence rounds etc). I tried to do LL a number of years ago at bfr time as would have been good learning and also for any valley flying, turns etc. Not approved by CFI; but the forced landing that was part of bfr was good regarding theory / challenge test of the planning and the practical down to almost on the deck considering wind direction strength, location, obstacles (trees, mounds, small gully / creek). So RAA do low flying in the safest possible manner; but not LL for sightseeing / enjoyment. UP here we have a power line between two hills that would be like hitting a ski lift if LL that valley.
  12. Marty was the 1/4" hose tail fitted to the collector tank when you got it or did you fit it yourself?
  13. It comes on about 80mm down; I plan for 5 litres available. I can see mine where I have it in my Nynja.
  14. Being 19 and your the owner builder and any prop change won't need a MARAP. If you change prop just record the weight of what you take off and put on. The percentage weight change shouldn't require another w&b.
  15. Solo; meets the home sick angle description. On tarmac for takeoff you need the right amount of rudder in early or else you will be over to the right and on the grass in no time.
  16. Don’t understand why Lee U would be attending any actual post mortem examination. Provide opinion on injury, marks and the report should be enough.
  17. Yes, under pax seat. I’m travelling so can’t send image.
  18. I should have added that it is how I determine the amount of adjustment to get the target rpm S&L Wide open throttle. So I start with a pitch and then adjust. Usually takes three processes. I have found the laser is the way to go for this. To get pitch equal each prop is a method of tightening the prop hob bolts in a certain sequence that you learn after a number of torque sessions and with observation to get the dot on the spot for each blade.
  19. Yes; just asking measurement from blade (top) to the dot on floor. To make one side of a triangle, I then calculate as a right angle to get an approximate pitch angle. (Nynja is about 1220mm)
  20. To reduce any possibility of CO and other fumes entering the cabin via the open tubes that the engine mount is attached to I have plugged both tubes with nylon caps.
  21. Looks good Marty, I’m not sure about the 0.1 degree measurement as I’d expect the distance to be 2 to 3 times the distance (5-6mm) You may have read my posts where I have been doing laser adjusting for about 5 years and is the way to do it. Keen to hear how you find it and learn the adjusting method to align rack blade on the dot. What is the distance between the blade and the dot on floor? About 1100mm?
  22. It's in RAAus incident summaries; so was RAA, Maybe a lighter model than the current model available.
  23. Where the about 100kgs were trimmed (if trimming of weight occurred) may possibly be a contributing factor; will be interested in the Coroners findings. Hope its all good and weight correct and just an early lighter version to the current model advertised.
  24. Aircraft dropped into Boonah on the way to New Caledonia.
  25. When I did my rudder trim bungee I settled for the KISS manual principle with a sort of jack screw setup. Teleflex cable and a threaded wheel that moves the inner cable in or out with the distance from one turn being the thread pitch. Works a treat for the required movement. Could have fitted a trim servo and switch but settled for the simple and practical manual turn method. The cables come in 1, 2 or 3 inch movement.
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