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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. Price reduced to $1,200.
  2. I hope CASA's outcome mirrors what the pilot has already decided and done for his airmanship in the future.
  3. Agree, those onboard persons safety first; discard any commercial pressures; (you may pay a career price later) but yourself and those onboard have been looked after.
  4. In my area 95 RON has become quite scarce - most servos rationalising their offering to 91 or 98 RON. not in my town Mackay, 90% have 95 even the new ones ( I use Mobil locally and have choice of BP, Caltex, Shell.) After 7pm 5 cents off per litre.
  5. Like the info about MAP gauge min and max. I’ll mark mine for 95 grade.(I have a fixed pitch E-prop on 912 ULS)
  6. They are a good handheld; also if buying one at $350 pm Ian as he my be able to match the price for the two day sale and if so supports him.
  7. Everywhere is nice, we have our good days and plenty of bad days. Cheers.
  8. Had a nice fly around the block, first fly for a few weeks due to weather and other commitments. Great conditions. Also yesterday received the rear wing tube upgraded bracket so in the wet can fit the 600 kg wing upgrade and in a couple of weeks finish off Ben’s wings. In the parcel were a set of 17mm silicone coolant hoses and clamps for the Rotax 912 ULS that will be fitted in the neat future. IMG_3323.mov
  9. Thanks I'll pay soon; just getting it for in hangar. I still have the hand held icom I got from you a couple years back, working great. Cheers
  10. Nice Ian, I just ordered a scanner radio. Will either pay over phone or bsb; how do I get advice it is still in stock before I make payment. Cheers.
  11. Nice, thanks for additional info; I was becoming concerned a few posts back. Cheers and look forward to hearing the fix and solution.
  12. Not that one; this one was many years ago at a property on Brandy creek road, Cannon Valley; Ross Millard was with us then and I was assisting him with the dismantle of the aircraft as it hit tall trees on take off and landed nose first on the neighbouring property.
  13. Years ago when I assisted taking the wings off a Savannah Bingo that hit treetops on take-off and crashed had heaps of plastic 2 litre milk bottles (empty of course) in the wings in case of a water ditching.
  14. Have you checked in this? Lord Engine mounts Aircraft Spruce.pdf
  15. Maybe phone flexible Drive and ask if they have same compond grade in your sizing.
  16. Lord Mounts Part No. CB220113 from Flexible Drive are the same size and used over here; I am told by another Skyranger owner in Australia. However I purchase from the manufacturer.
  17. These are the Skyranger ones. 13 pound a set at Flylight Airsport UK. (Image apart is the ones I replaced on a Skyranger last year.)
  18. Hearing that an instructor is involved it's interesting that he has not provided advice and connection to an engine service person. Seems the instructor is leaving it up to the owner to sort the engine issue and is prepared to run a time expired engine with unknown maintenance history. A very good instructor would not do such in my experience as they would ensure the aircraft is airworthy and if asked provide advice on required work before operation of the aircraft.
  19. Best to phone RAA with aircraft details and they will advise if required for its category and send the documents and the form to be completed by an L2, annual requirement re engine condition report etc. (I have done a couple.)
  20. MARAP Engine Condition report #23 and can't be used for training or hire.
  21. If your not solo; I would not be doing high speed taxi runs as you will be in the air before you know it. Wal is great to talk to; a full carb rebuild by him is a good option to set up for trouble free operations into the future; especially if it has not been done for a while and the needle, o rings etc and worn a perished. I'll PM my contact should you wish to call. Cheers.
  22. Give Floods a call and they may be able to solve the issue and comment of fast throttle movements. The POH for the Gazelle will state throttle operation method recommended on take off and other situations. How many hours have you done with this engine or other 912 Rotax?
  23. Are you moving from idle to full throttle over a four second period? The Rotax does not like fast throttle (like it sounds when you refer to "stab the throttle quickly") which is not correct application of throttle according to Rotax.
  24. Worth dropping off the carb bowls and check closely to see if any slithers of fuel hose is present (you said fuel lines replaced) while off check the floats (type and weights). Next I would do a mechanical balance as per the maintenance manual. Then watch the movement of the throttle arms through the travel. Then run engine up again; if vibration still present and same and when in the vibration rpm range pull the carb heat and note what occurs. Cheers and I have some other checks but do these first.
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