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Everything posted by phantomphixer

  1. Reported forced landing of Jabiru 230 Saturday 22/2 at about 11am. https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/bundaberg/one-injured-in-plane-crash-rosedale/news-story/f2765d7f29aa405124157a2234400be9
  2. Wooden aircraft suffers collision with terrain, flattening airfield infrastructure.
  3. Imagine having to pin that lot back on after dry cleaning đŸ€Ł Well off topic now.
  4. Courier Mail website reports that a light aircraft has crashed in remote, heavily timbered terrain in the Dalrymple Hills area near Finch Hatton, west of Mackay. A rescue chopper has found the crash site where smoke is evident but it is in an area which is difficult to access. Ground personnel are trying to reach the site.
  5. News media used to report the news but that is no longer their primary purpose. The core business of news media is to sell advertising and make shed loads of money. The more click worthy the article, the less the need for accurate reporting. If there’s a video of anything it can get top billing despite being trivial in the extreme.
  6. Talk yourself through it as you fly it. You’ll find that affirming what you’re doing will keep you calm and help you to fly and land well. Most of us still do that on most flights, it helps us to remember the numbers, the height, speed and spacing, the positional cues, the landing checks and the approach and landing. It all helps.
  7. What was going on in that cockpit? It appears that neither of the pilots was watching airspeed and altitude.
  8. A light aircraft has reportedly been involved in an accident on Fraser Island this morning (25/9/21). Does anybody know any details? I understand that the pilot survived thank, goodness.
  9. Restraining and securing of hoses and wiring etc is not the responsibility of the manufacturer but of the maintainer and the owner. The manufacturer can only nurse you so far. Do the maintenance required and work out any other possible failure points and fix them. Let others know what you have done so that they might avoid any pitfalls.
  10. The aircraft is registered “23-xxxx” and is therefore a LSA. No modifications are allowed without approval from the manufacturer. We can assume from that, that it is a standard 2 seat aircraft.
  11. I forgot to mention that regular glide approach in a Jab is not kind to the engine because it gets cooled down too much (air cooled). Leaving that bit of power on enables the engine to maintain a temperature that is better suited to a sudden acceleration, temperature rise, and the increased load of a “go around” or “touch and go” When flying behind a Jabiru, more “mechanical sympathy” means better reliability ( be nice). It’s a great engine and, like all others, needs to be understood and operated in an optimum manner. Full back trim is normally easily overcome as the trim control will move as the controls are pushed forward.
  12. Trim setting on final is always full back trim, using throttle to adjust attitude only if necessary. Having said that, I can still stuff it up with the best of them!
  13. J230D: my best approach starts with slowing the aircraft on late downwind abeam the threshold. Carby heat on and reduce rpm to 1600, trim back to maintain circuit ht. 84kt 1/2 flap. Turn base and fly down to final at 70kt. Fly final at 65kt. When you’re sure you’re in take full flap, maintain 63 to 65kt. Carby heat off at 100ft ish. Power off in the round out. For touch and go or go around apply full power and use right rudder to maintain the centreline, pushing forward on the controls to counter nose up tendency, accelerate and raise flaps to 1/2 when positive climb felt, trim for climb. It’s best to have full power and full control before changing configuration.
  14. I believe some of the smaller low cost carriers used to train their pilots to let the aircraft do the flying and manual flying skills would suffer as a result, as would decision making during a “non-normal” event.
  15. I’m with pmccarthy on this. Smooth gentle turn from mid base leg. Eyes outside but lots of glances at airspeed and the ball, keeping it all coordinated hopefully.
  16. If you’re going to crank it to raise oil pressure, it’s a good idea to have the throttle open and the choke off to avoid flooding and wet plugs. Don’t forget to repeat pre start checks to avoid the engine revving and the kite trying to get moving.
  17. Any aircraft that has the final say in what happens to it (Airbus) is not one that I would prefer. (licensed 20 odd years on 767s and 747-400 series)
  18. Considering that the accident occurred shortly after takeoff, I have to wonder if CO poisoning has a cumulative effect on the body in a given time frame. The time for exposure would seem quite small from engine start to climb out. Could there have been residual CO in their blood from the outbound flight? I ask this because it could be food for thought for a lot of us.
  19. Head to the Jabiru homepage and you should have the POH and all manuals available for the whole Jabiru family of aircraft. You can download as many as you need, free!
  20. I’m guessing that a 914 powered Jab 230 / 430 might be ok for a VH-Experimental rego, albeit a bit nose heavy. That could only be done with a kit built RaAus rego due to LSA rules applying to factory built craft but I don’t know what MTOW would be granted, possibly sacrificing pax, baggage or fuel allowance. I don’t see any reason why you would go to the expense of messing around with the balanced, lightweight and proven combination that Jabiru offers. It’s as reliable as the next type when maintained correctly and smooth with power to spare.
  21. Who will we claim our carton of beer from when it has a heavy landing?
  22. There’s no reason why you can’t have both. A well maintained log book can assist in having a well maintained aircraft if everything is correctly recorded. It all becomes a future reference to aid troubleshooting and trend monitoring etc. I agree that I wouldn’t pay someone $199 to review it.
  23. He’d have needed to punch off the external stores just to stay airborne. We used to say that they needed the curvature of the earth to get airborne on a hot day when armed.
  24. In my day, all aircraft to be armed were positioned on a “safe heading “ and stayed there until scrambled or disarmed. It saved a few lives and property when on a couple of occasions a missile went flying without permission due to moisture ingress in the “shearwafer connector”
  25. Love the pun Bexy, love my Jab 3300 too.
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