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Bernie Knight

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Everything posted by Bernie Knight

  1. May do Don. The Skybolt has quite a strong structural area behind and the high top wing. Mmmm I don't plan on trying though ..
  2. Window axe and belt cutter in one tool - handy
  3. Hi all, I asked the question in another Thread about RV4's going on RAAus registration. One or two replies included some photos and detail on RV4's that have been converted with seats etc removed. One aircraft in particular was featured on the covered of Sport Pilot. I'm keen to make contact with anyone who has or knows of owners whom have gone down this path. Thinking of buying an RV4 and doing just this.. Privacy prohibits me from just going on the RAaus site and looking up owners as the registration is not found as easily as the GA aircraft - simply type in a VH registration and the owners details come up. Anyway to protect the guilty and innocent it would be easiest to respond here and email me any details on registrations and owners whom have placed the RV4 on. [email protected] Thanks guys in anticipation:cheezy grin:
  4. Welcome guys. Neat videos - reminds me a bit of Mel and Mike - "ask the Leylands" and their 4 X 4 adventures cross Australia. Seriously, looks like fun and the fold up bikes are a great way to get around. I hope they sponsor you as I' m sure the fold up bikes sites are getting looks of searches ... Welcome again.
  5. Appears to be the "Janie" P51D Mustang. On checking the Hardwick Warbird site it has quite a history. Yes, agree sad to loose an aviation enthusiast and an iconic aircraft.
  6. I was told recently it originated in Lethbridge - YLED. Big things happening out there at Lethbridge at the moment - growth, new business, new hangars and fuel to name a few. Check out the a thread on site here - Lethbridge on growth steroids..
  7. CASA Mmmm it will be a brave, thick skull, patient and tolerant person who takes on the role of CEO next You can only bang your head on the wall for so long ..
  8. Sounds interesting. Certainly an option
  9. I hand those things to my grandchildren - never a problem.
  10. Pylon500 Re fault - yes I thought the same and then recalled the natural response to any accident where we generally question our ourselves. Did I signal? did I put my hand up? did you see me etc. etc. Self doubt I guess that was re assured by the official. I thought the official that arrived first did a great job in isolating and ensuring everything was shut down. Me I would have said .. " what the f*+^ just happened there "
  11. Great to see you guys fly in. Over the next few years the club area and kitchen area will be re built in line with all of the new buildings and hangars. Cheers.
  12. There are two schools there The GA is based in Essendon with their office at Lethbridge and they are there each weekend . They operate on a needs basis at Lethbridge during the week and are quite busy . Recreational aviation is through Golden Plains Aviation. They have a Tecnam Eaglet and a low wing Pioneer They are there seven days a week and are very busy The RAAus pathway. It's quite a bit cheaper to do a PPL this way transitioning through RPL to PPL if that's you desire It's ideal to do the Recreational path as s start into aviation CFI at Lethbridge in RAAus is Bill W. and David Mc is the CEO So yes plenty at Lethbridge and a few options and thoughts.
  13. Bob.carlos I agree
  14. Mmm not sure if I should acknowledge the geese or the turkey Or the goose previewing Sully for the Onion. Mmm Clint Eastwood becomes David Attenborough. "Go ahead make my day - ... you goose .." The Onion - Farcical newspaper world - "We will not give Americans anymore Movies until they appreciate the ones they have.."
  15. The members of Geelong Sports Aviators at Lethbridge - YLED - organized a movie night in Geelong last Wednesday. Fourteen of us whom attended made up a total of eighteen in the theatre, pity as I thought it is a very good movie. I agree the investigators once challenged with reducing the simulator response by the 30 odd seconds - trying not to spoil it for those that haven't seen it - certainly capitulated. It is also interesting that the simulator runs had no interaction with the air traffic controllers and the options the controllers were giving. All of that would have taken up time. At the end of the day, I feel Sullenberger did a fantastic job and as the Captain deserves the accolades and he did constantly and immediately acknowledged all of his crew throughout. A few things that I particularly took in were just how financially under pressure Sully was and how both he and his wife were under pressure from the media. I left thinking the media saw him as a hero, as did the passengers and I was thinking yes he did a fantastic job. The way in which he ran up and down the isle checking and then agonising that he had everyone safe on land show his character. Don't leave the theatre until the credits finish - I stayed and left with a lump in my throat as I watched the real passengers step up and state their seat number and listened to The actual Sully and the actual crew and passengers - very telling. Yes rate it maybe a high 8. If the Second Officer gets $10,000 to $20,000 for a speaking engagement, maybe Sully will not have a finance problem moving forward. Not to mention his advisor fee that Clint Eastwood would have paid.
  16. There is an AOPA email circulating with both information - approach to medicals - along with a petition. I have not got it but signed the petition at my club. Maybe some one can post and link and we all endeavor to get people to sign it. Cheers
  17. nother big day at Lethbridge Airpark this week. 1. Officials opening the new fuel facility 2. My aircraft as featured in the local raio station web site. Bay FM 93.9 Geelong. The local Council Mayor joined Council staff to assist Federal MP Sarah Henderson to open the new fuel facilities at Lethbridge - YLED . It was good to see my aircraft featured on the local radio station web site. BayFM 93.9 Geelong. Sarah Henderson highlighted the real advantage of having Mogas, Avgas and Jet available for authorities including air ambulance, Police and firefighting aircraft. Airpark owner Gary Baum highlighted the amount of work already completed at Lethbridge and was clearly excited to announce further sub divisions and hangar sites are available. Gary highlighted the new large hangars about to commence construction. Clearly Lethbridge is in a growth period with lots of interest from pilots and larger aircraft owners in the new fuel facilities and building taking place.
  18. More pictures going up this week. A lot has happened over the last week. In the meantime stay in the circuit ..
  19. Nico13 Not the best weather to be flying but it's looking better over the coming weeks.
  20. Nasty Call down. Not sure what the position is regarding PPC's BBQ every midday on Saturdays.
  21. Busy Saturday BBQ day at YLED Lethbridge.
  22. Changing every day at Lethbridge. Concrete taxi ways going in. Beautiful grassed areas. Fuel facilities will be up in next two weeks. Worth a visit - be surprised by huge hangars going up in coming weeks. CHECK PHOTOS ABOVE
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