The members of Geelong Sports Aviators at Lethbridge - YLED - organized a movie night in Geelong last Wednesday. Fourteen of us whom attended made up a total of eighteen in the theatre, pity as I thought it is a very good movie.
I agree the investigators once challenged with reducing the simulator response by the 30 odd seconds - trying not to spoil it for those that haven't seen it - certainly capitulated. It is also interesting that the simulator runs had no interaction with the air traffic controllers and the options the controllers were giving. All of that would have taken up time.
At the end of the day, I feel Sullenberger did a fantastic job and as the Captain deserves the accolades and he did constantly and immediately acknowledged all of his crew throughout.
A few things that I particularly took in were just how financially under pressure Sully was and how both he and his wife were under pressure from the media.
I left thinking the media saw him as a hero, as did the passengers and I was thinking yes he did a fantastic job. The way in which he ran up and down the isle checking and then agonising that he had everyone safe on land show his character.
Don't leave the theatre until the credits finish - I stayed and left with a lump in my throat as I watched the real passengers step up and state their seat number and listened to The actual Sully and the actual crew and passengers - very telling.
Yes rate it maybe a high 8.
If the Second Officer gets $10,000 to $20,000 for a speaking engagement, maybe Sully will not have a finance problem moving forward. Not to mention his advisor fee that Clint Eastwood would have paid.