Mmm Kasper some good points.
Perhaps you could put your hand up and join the Board, no doubt your due diligence on the current position could then be explored first hand. Or you could ring the Treasurer and ask..
RAAus membership is in my belief is under priced when one considers the benefits - our insurance and importantly the platform to pursue economical flying..
The survival of any business or club is a real focus on their P+ L and every line item and I think your point here is a good one. The bottom line then is, if it's not surviving they need to work to increase income. Unfortunately that comes from us in subscriptions or other income sources.
Those income sources need to have the 'marketers' onboard who will look at advertising income opportunities, event running, merchandise, sale of training publications etc. along with other explored value add.
We are a diverse group of members whom have a variety of skills. In my close circles, there are accountants, lawyers, successful business owners and numerous other skills - many retired pursuing their interest in flying.
Do RAAus Board consider running regional whiteboard sessions inviting members to participate? The SWOT analysis done at said events could bring up/out some great ideas. Not to mention members whom may not want a full time Board position but are prepared to work on sub committees for the benefit of our interest.
Just a few thoughts..