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Bernie Knight

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Everything posted by Bernie Knight

  1. Hi mate Have you heard anything on this young guys injuries etc. What's your thoughts on the accident. Ryan certainly has hundreds of hours but I'm not sure on how many in Moths? What's your bi plane? Bernie.
    1. dutchroll


      I've heard he had less than 5 hours. Also the weather (wind) was really bad that day. Way more than what a Tiger Moth should be flying in. In the FB photo he appears to have a bladder bag and tube on his left leg. That's bad...means serious spinal injury and no bladder control as a result. My plane is a Pitts Model 12.
  2. Oops I'd better take my Go Pros off don't want to contravene any Reg... Yes tried to follow up on Ryan's progress but not much filtering through on how he is going or his injuries. Hope his on the mend and back up soon.
  3. Cheers Ozzie - yes I wondering how he was going. As I said I met him at Jamestown and have read his book. We took him up for a ride up in the Antinov at Jamestown. Cheers
  4. Hi all, I just surfed around but cannot see any 'Posts' or info on Ryan. Hope is on the mend.
  5. Hi all, What's the latest on Ryan? Nice young guy whom I met at Jamestown just prior to his accident. Certainly is a shock when you know one or two of those involved. Hope his on the mend.
  6. Rumor about is - MTOW in RAAus may shortly increase to at least 750kg with a possible request to go higher!
  7. Rumor about is - MTOW in RAAus may shortly increase to at least 750kg with a possible request to go higher!
  8. Kasper, Sounds a pity you didn't get on board.
  9. Kasper, Sounds a pity you didn't get on board.
  10. And a larger Cessna twin is now on site for hire - think it is a 303? Sorry my photo was of the car!
  11. This Citation was in at Lethbridge this week. The airport is now attracting larger and more frequent users.
  12. coljones Yes makes sense as to the need to continue with hard copy - paper - magazines. Mmm web based is an addition income.. Cheers
  13. Geoff I'm referring to Budget Pilot Supplies in Queensland - from memory I think the principal there is Steve. ..I got so bogged down in the sites rhetoric on ' savings, cheaper than anyone else and other personal praise.. Sorry if there was any confusion with other similiar business names. If we support advertisers in the magazine - I tell them where I saw their advertisement - I think they will continue to advertise there and ensure the quality and growth of the magazine. I'm not really up on how the magazine contributes back to RAAus as an organisation. coljones above has explained it somewhat to me. The RAAus profitability is the subject of another Thread/s and I'm just starting to understand that.. Safe flying guys...
  14. Mmm Kasper some good points. Perhaps you could put your hand up and join the Board, no doubt your due diligence on the current position could then be explored first hand. Or you could ring the Treasurer and ask.. RAAus membership is in my belief is under priced when one considers the benefits - our insurance and importantly the platform to pursue economical flying.. The survival of any business or club is a real focus on their P+ L and every line item and I think your point here is a good one. The bottom line then is, if it's not surviving they need to work to increase income. Unfortunately that comes from us in subscriptions or other income sources. Those income sources need to have the 'marketers' onboard who will look at advertising income opportunities, event running, merchandise, sale of training publications etc. along with other explored value add. We are a diverse group of members whom have a variety of skills. In my close circles, there are accountants, lawyers, successful business owners and numerous other skills - many retired pursuing their interest in flying. Do RAAus Board consider running regional whiteboard sessions inviting members to participate? The SWOT analysis done at said events could bring up/out some great ideas. Not to mention members whom may not want a full time Board position but are prepared to work on sub committees for the benefit of our interest. Just a few thoughts..
  15. I certainly agree Lethbridge is an ideal location. Whilst Skythrills has left Lethbridge due to the principle taking a full time position with RFDS the GA side of things is about to launch in a big way there with a new training group going in today. Long bitumen runways and smooth grassed runways and well maintained facilities make it an ideal option. Skythrills owner often returns to run aerobatic or specialist training... Recreational training is also very big there with three aircraft on line and experienced trainers. Lethbridge is going through a big growth stage with about 16 large hangars going in now. New facilities including up to date fuel systems. And importantly, Lethbridge has an active, enthusiastic owners club whom are very welcoming. Come down to their midday Saturday BBQ well worth flying in or driving down. There are also plenty of hangars being built over the next few months, so reasonably priced hangar cost will be available - about $50 to $60 in most now - and may go down as more hangars go up in the next few months.
  16. I must be fair and say I have not tried the shop on here - Ian - but in my experience with Budget Pilot Supplies in Queensland is, as of today it's four days since I emailed the Budget Pilot Supplies and still no reply. Worse still it's now nearly three weeks since Budget Pilot Supplies supposedly mailed my order. :faint:My business runs on the mail and courier delivery and in over 20 plus years we have never misplaced or totally lost a parcel in the Australian Post. So when advised by Budget Pilot Supplies I checked my Post Office I was told by them to check my supplier and their despatch. Mmmm I'm still waiting for that reply from Budget Pilot Suplies and that's the reason I wrote the cost off and just reordered with Skylines Aviation. As I said in the interim, I placed an order on the 12th of August with Skylines Aviation at Moorabbin and received it the next day in Express Post. Interestingly, the Express Post pack was .50c cheaper than Budget Pilot Supplies claim of $10 flat post. Put bluntly it is simply poor customer service and obviously disappointing to not get the order and I reason that it would be a good idea for Budget owners to read their own mission statement in 'About Us' on their website and then live up to their rhetoric. It's this web page that prompted me to start the Thread asking is there such a thing as budget supplies? Or do we just purchase from the better known supplies at possibly a higher cost knowing service is paramount to them.. By the way, I ordered the charts/maps to carry and I also use my iPad etc.. like most I love the iPad software and their customer service and constant upgrades. Now that's good customer service. I also have taken up the option to purchase our magazine in hard copy. My thoughts and possibly generalizing in regard to RA Aus members are; - we are a big and growing group of enthusiasts whom in many cases are capable of doing more than the very basic of maintenance, repair and no doubt we are enthusiastic in purchasing parts, accessories and should be treated like any other Business customer.. Yes, sometimes those words Budget, Cheap and Discout may just be that.. I hope aircraft and supplies businesses don't see us as the secondary group they place their spare or surplus marketing and promotional cash with. Safe flying..
  17. csscotthendry It's certainly disappointing to hear I'm not alone in purchases. Yes I agree with comments above on pricing and it amazes me that these businesses can survive giving this type of service or lack of service. Maybe the business owners have other full time income and its a hobby business. I purchased snap in circular vents from Aircraft spruce a few years back and the freight and handling cost was five times the item costs - a joke.. I think I'll avoid any business with the words - Budget, Cheap or Discount in their title.. Cheers
  18. Oops - sorry it was 'Budget Pilot Supplies' in Queensland on whom I have been waiting for my order since late July 2015.. I gave up and re ordered from 'Skylines Aviation Supply' at Moorabin in Victoria and received my order in 48 hours via the postal service that supposedly lost my 'Budget Pilot Supplies' order..
  19. Sue, Like you I thought - and still do - that buying off the advertisers in our magazine is supporting the RA Aus . But I'm particularly disappointed in my transaction with the budget supplier in Queensland whom lead me to believe that his sale items are better than prices anywhere.. For that business to state your parcel was mailed 15 days ago and then it does not turn up leaves me to wonder if it was ever sent... If an advertiser of business makes these service statements or advertises prices in the current RA Aus magazine then that price should be honored. I wondering how many others have lost purchases in the mail... I certainly haven't in the last 20 years in receiving weekly mail orders into our business until now. Thanks I will place 'Clear Prop' on my list of reputable suppliers. Safe flying.
  20. Again my thoughts are with family and friends.
  21. Sad to hear of this accident and the grief for family members.
  22. Welcome nvedia. I personally don't get on the Forum much myself with Posts but certainly get a lot of information along with interesting reading here. Enjoy the Forum. I have played around with small simulators that use low cost software. Saitek - spelling? - is one supplier of pedals, sticks and heels etc. The Gamesmen in New South Wales is one bigger supplier. Maybe worth a visit to their site.. Safe flying.
  23. asmol - thanks for the clarification on the staff attendance. I think I would be more concerned 'after the event' if board members did not attend what is clearly a major event for the aviation community. Hats off to those board members and staff whom attended in their own time - I owe you a beer for your dedication to the sport.... Glad to hear you lucky guys had such a good time - maybe next Oshkosh for me.
  24. Hi all, I have been - like many of you - looking on both websites and in magazines with the aim of purchasing cheaper good quality parts or supplies... For a long time I have purchased my charts, maps and assorted parts from a Moorabin based supplier 'Skylines Aviation' and have found service and pricing to be competive. Importantly, I receive my orders within days and all parts etc are well wrapped and packaged. ... But I am starting to realise there are only a few supplies that you can really rely on to deliver. I recently ordered WAC charts and a few items from a Queensland based business that refers to themselves as a budget pilot parts business. This companies website extols its virtues of; # $10 Flat Shipping and # If your interested in saving your in the right place and # you can choose to save money etc etc .. Well not only did I not get my order from this budget supplier, but when I followed up I was told it was probably at my Post Office.. This was not the case and then to add to their poor performance they did answer my follow up emails sent to them. It's a bit frustrating as I have written off the order completely and my money/costs as it's difficult to prove I have not got the order. Not to mention that in 0ver 20 years I have never had a postal order go missing. I find its also frustrating opening the current edition of our magazine 'Sport Pilot' and seeing an XTreme Mini EFIS at a cost of $1350 and then to find the cost is in fact over hundreds more when I call the supplier to place an order. I'm not sure if I'm the only one that finds it a bit frustrating when I order from advertisers whom supposedly support the magazine and our recreational aviation to be left wanting by some suppliers and advertisers. My thoughts are - some suppliers need to have a good look at their business and realise we are a big part of the market and that whilst we may not have a GA or VH registered aircraft - or a PPL - we certainly have buying power and will vote with our feet if service is not up to scratch. Just my 0.02 cents worth. I know there are numerous advertisers and suppliers whom do deliver what they promise, but this few leave me wondering.. Stay safe...
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