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Bernie Knight

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Everything posted by Bernie Knight

  1. Thanks Ben and Moderator for the replies. It makes sense re the Navs etc. Can you get local software or are only generic software packages available. I thinking a NAV over Victoria would be really a benefit but over the Washington City centre is another thing.. What pedals, yoke etc is suggested. I have surfed the Gamesman etc. whom have Daitek or similiar brand.. Thanks guys again. Bernie
  2. Thanks guys for the feedback. I was just talking with another pilot who has a simulator at home and he also felt the realism - flare, landings etc were not felt through the unit, as the simulator is not set up on a linked seat that has hydraulics etc. Quite an expensive simulator for cars can see users tossed from side to side in corners and under braking. Again, sounds quite expensive to achieve this level of realism. I may just stick to doing circuits to hone those skills. I'd did see the simulators and software can dollar add up - may be cheaper to just do a dozen circuits each week for a month Thanks again for the feedback. Safe flying. Bernie - for your responses and feedback...
  3. Thanks Nick for the reply. I was keen to hone my skills with finals, stalls, aerobatic etc. I was interested to hear if the rudder pedals, stick etc was realistic and comparable to real flight. Obviously I would set up a chair and frame to mount the stick, rudders, monitors and computer. The conversation I sat in on was about a home simulator that had software with airliners etc so caught my attention as a training tool rather than a game or 'toy'.. I know a home simulator will not be the quality or detail of an airline simulator - never know though..
  4. Hi all, I recently participated in a discussion on the use of a flight simulator and their advantages. The particular software used was passenger jet airliners - not something I plan on doing soon But I'm interested to hear if anyone uses a simulator to hone those skills or just pass the time. I would be very interested in software that has small aircraft. What hardware is best - seat, stick, monitors and drivers. Do you use an X Box etc. Thanks in advance for any ideas or discussion. Safe flying. Bernie
  5. poteroo Yes I knew you were tongue in cheek... I was more responding to the group who say these types of things and possibly both believe them and action out.
  6. Great video. Mmm yes I would have put it down certainly once it bounced. There was still plenty of runway and grass. Later in the day when it was cooler may have been an option.
  7. Welcome mate. I have been on the forum for a while and get so much great advice and general reading.
  8. Great viewing. Tnx for sharing. Happy New a Year.
  9. David Yes I agree the understanding or lack of is a concern. Guess we all see that guy trying to climb..... I was at a recent flyin where I saw two guys empty their Waeco fridge having flown 200km and they were weighed at 110kg over, plus stickers, plus plus..
  10. Dazza 38 Guess I agree somewhat, as it is an ideal forum or place to get ones point of view across... Love this smilie.. But I'm still concerned about comments or blatant disregard for regulations in particular MTOW etc as dangerous. My concern is seeing so many 'Posts' where pilots are stating they load to clear the runway fence. This is my concern as it reflects badly on the safety conscious pilot who calculates weights, fuel capacity etc staying under RA 600KG importantly representing RA responsibly. Recent Natfly saw CASA weighing. Was it because people were 'Posting' those type of comments regarding MTOW. Guess we will never know... But I am not going to go on a public forum and let the Police know I speed up the Hume Highway every Friday night. Maybe I'm reading to much into it but I think it's basically baiting the hook..
  11. It sometimes amazes me when Forum users respond using abbreviations such as CASA and RA etc thinking statutory authorities don't monitor these sites. A simple search by that or any authority reveals who is talking about them. The blatant disregard by some users 'Posting on site' does not reflect the profession group RA has as members. I'm not having a go at anyone but just making an observation - do a pre flight check before "Posting".. The a forum provides a great resource for me and I usually have my questions answered before I get to ask them..
  12. Yes felt a little closed in as he moved about, no doubt close living quarters and sleep areas as well.. but whoa to say I am an astronaut would be worth all the cramped living - not to mention the salary..
  13. Whoa speed limit to 17800 knts!! Damn I know how he keeps those white socks clean his feet never touch the floor.
  14. Dave, as I will be at Natfly I look forward to seeing your aircraft. Hopefully testing is all complete and you are there. I will be departing Bendigo as a guest of Will Q. who has kindly organized a seat for me to Natfly. Bernie
  15. Kevin, Alan - thanks will make sure I catch up with them. No doubt they will be busy and I will head up to their base to possibly take a better look. I have seen figures of 130 cruise. I have also seen some discussion here on the Forum where owners had made some real improvements to the cruising speed. I will have a look for this again - no doubt Gary and his Morgan owners will be up on this..
  16. Looks fantastic. I am looking forward to seeing Gary and his aircraft at Natfly this Easter.
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