Guess you missed my point.
I'm simply saying "if a major sponsor" - sorry I used food restaurants as an example I should have used GMH and Ford or another example.
My point is; if someone is a major sponsor they are certainly going to look for exclusivity within their brand, supply or business circumscribe.
I'm pretty sure Citibank would not agree to have CBA or NAB auto tellers or trade sites at their event. In fact I can quote events were banking organizations have asked for auto tellers to be removed or trade sites be placed in front of them covering them.
I have numerous contracts on file and happy to let any volunteer event organisers view them.
Anyway just my thoughts as by dredging it up may prevent this happening at future events.
Additionally I'm very cognizant on why this happened on this occasion.
Back to my thoughts on displays etc.
Adding displays etc. My suggestions in adding exhibitors may not be that relevant in 2017 - but my company in the 90's ran the largest to date private event at Point Cook airbase.
'Wings,Wheels and Water' at its inaugural event was the largest two day event ever held with sponsors such as Shell, RAAF, State Government of Victoria, National Air and Space Museum, Dulux, Bob Jane T Marts, The Victoria Police and the Wyndham City Council.
The focus was on exhibitors having cheap trade sites. This was successful as exhibitors carry high costs to simply be there and displaying. The more exhibitors attracts the punter through the gate.
We had over 200 exhibit sites and 2300 separate exhibitors some from as far as Texas USA.
We raced a Mustang Shelby car against a Mustang plane down the strip. A jet racing a Lamborghini was also a highlight. Mmmm try doing that today..:cops:insurance ..
It was a reasonable event that insurance costs made to prohibitive to continue...
But 29,000 visitors through the gate proved it was a good weekend, again proving that you don't need to charge exhibitors or participants to cover costs. In fact the exhibitors and participants are the draw card.
Safe flying to all heading up
Weather looks pretty good.