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Bernie Knight

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Everything posted by Bernie Knight

  1. I guess we all know some young pilot who is trying to get enough hours to obtain that dream job in the airline industry. They are hangar rats for their early years, then they progress into the training arena prior to taking various jobs to get those wanted hours - many end up doing tourism or delivery jobs to obtain those hours. If we are serious we need to have a path to better assist their progression.
  2. Mmmm goes back to the night of the late Princess Di and her accident in the French tunnel where Paparazzi filmed whilst some Paparazzi assisted the injured body guard and the Princess. And more recently we saw numerous iPhone footage of the Melbourne car running pedestrians down in town and Police etc attending. Guess it would have happened in the past when we only had our box brownie camera..
  3. dazza 38 I think your right here. Not wanting to push the Vans aircraft but I'm seeing more of them on the RAA register - the RV3, RV3B go on and RV4 with rear seats out etc can be a good option at under $100,000 And with Specs that far exceed. Mmmm an option
  4. Oops back on topic PLA and Sunrise I thought the segment on Sunrise was very well done from a marketing perspective. The sales guy had his businesses shirt on with clear branding. Looked very professional and had appropriate signage. Well done to him Whilst the segment appears 'live' and 'cold questioning' the programmers have given questions out prior and had answers back to form up the segment and prepare tele promps for the television presenters.
  5. Garfly Yes will do. May just fly up and sort it, as I have enough paperwork to avoid ....
  6. Garfly I'm even more confused now. I need to go through the wringer again this time with a Birth Certificate - that I did produce last time. So I'm currently in possession of a current ASIC that is useless, as it does not meet todays new issue standard. What the hell. Who is running this circus.
  7. Just a bit confused here If you hold a current ASIC due for renewal is this new process needed or required for/by me Or do I have an ASIC card that proves little about me and I need to go through the whole process again
  8. Hi all, The tail dragged arrived at Lethbridge yesterday. It was the auctioned aircraft. I believe it's having full services being done this Wednesday so should be available for hire or training. It's is in the Warbirds hangar. Bruce can pass on details of the owner for training or may be able to complete training.
  9. Red750 Oops guilty of probably starting this off track discussion.. Back on track we need more politicians on side .. I saw a sticker on a car the other day it summed it up perfectly "Don't vote for them it only encourages them"..
  10. I'm amazed that constituents are put through this expensive voting process across Australia in what must be one of the greatest waste of time and money exercises in our political arena... There are so many urgent items parliament needs to address - not to mention the terrorist campaign being a priority and top of mind of us all. I'm gob smacked that a parliamentary sitting member didn't move a change to the constitution to just get on with the business of the day. How the Australian and New Zealand dual citizenship even gets parliamentary speaker time amazes me and is an insult to both Australians and New Zealanders who fought side by side in the war. Have we forgotten the ANZAC history. What the hell was Barnaby going to do to jeopardise our security if he did in fact have New Zealand citizenship? Get sheep banned or the rugby banned to our advantage I do understand conflict exists if one had dual citizenship with a country that was considered hostile.. Mmmm go figure - ill get off my soapbox now.. Just my Sunday morning coffee rant
  11. So sad to recently hear family members talk after loosing loved ones. Their stories are heart breaking. Thoughts with family members and I hope we don't have to experience the loss. Stay safe.
  12. Cheers Welcome aboard FNG if I'm understanding .....
  13. Welcome aboard
  14. Welcome board Grant I may get up there soon. I did have an instructor up tye re who was with The Flying Doctors..
  15. So sorry to hear and thoughts with all.
  16. Mmm importantly how was it? Are you hooked..
  17. Turboplanner I'm not going to get into an argument on a point of law and an Act of Parliment that you are quoting other than to state that you are incorrect and misinterpreting the section. There is considerable Case Law to support my companies stand - no different to Bernie Eccleston stating what teams can run at the F1 Grand Prix and the MCG Grand Final being telecast by one network exclusively. I know this Thread has got somewhat off track Turboplanner and will leave it at that If you feel we have done the wrong thing by offering exclusivity at our events and suggesting Air Adventure could do the same then I'm sorry you think that. However, with over 20 years in the food business that insisted on sponsorship exclusivity, along with my car, home and airshow (previous ventures that gave exclusitivity) I think we were within our rights and the law. I backed these decisions up with the knowledge I gained in my first full time job as a Court Prosecutor. I'm sure many of the lawyers and barristers whom are friends at the time would have challenged us if we were going something wrong. Again put simply your wrong in your interpretation.
  18. Turboplanner If you read or quote Acts of Parliment you need to have an understanding of law. You are incorrect as there is absolutely no restraint of trade as these events my company ran are closed events and not retail outlets. The venue owner has the right to say who can or cannot attend
  19. No we allowed multiple trade sites in trading in similiar products but no trade site that was opposition to our major sponsors Shell as a major sponsor had their own sponsored teams and this saw big race vehicle displays from Go Karts to race trucks It is as not that hard to preclude direct opposition in this area . A little harder with Civa Vola Amatil whom insisted no food vendors sell Pepso or other drinks Here we had a professional food vendor handle the sites and vendors.
  20. Hi all, Just a few thoughts after attending. I think the variety of seminars available was excellent. Some were well attended and one or two I went to had only a few interested enthusiasts there. Matt Halls presentation in the main club auditorium was attended by around 120 seated with 20 or so standing at the back. Matt kept everyone interested and fielded questions for some time after. One negative was presenters in the seminar tents were competing with external speaker announcements or event commentary. The Camguard presenter finished early as he was drowned out by the external speakers. Not a big deal, but those presenters and some of the trade sites were also competing with external speaker locations. The Airshow saw many of the trade show exhibitors bump out whilst this show was on and this was disappointing for those whom had attended seminars and then the show. It was obvious that people were heading back to the trade area to find many exhibitors had gone. Perhaps the organisers can put a time to remain set up on exhibitors. I did hear numerous people enquire about gliding club displays. It was also obvious Dubbo and local residents were there in force and local clubs whom did a fantastic job with food stalls etc but did miss a good opportunity to promote their own club aircraft and membership. After heading up from south of Melbourne I think it was well worth the trip and the money. There is perhaps an opportunity to sell tickets to Dubbo locals prior at a cheaper price at the Narromine clubs. Well done all involved.
  21. Roundsounds ...dumb Guess you missed my point. I'm simply saying "if a major sponsor" - sorry I used food restaurants as an example I should have used GMH and Ford or another example. My point is; if someone is a major sponsor they are certainly going to look for exclusivity within their brand, supply or business circumscribe. I'm pretty sure Citibank would not agree to have CBA or NAB auto tellers or trade sites at their event. In fact I can quote events were banking organizations have asked for auto tellers to be removed or trade sites be placed in front of them covering them. I have numerous contracts on file and happy to let any volunteer event organisers view them. Anyway just my thoughts as by dredging it up may prevent this happening at future events. Additionally I'm very cognizant on why this happened on this occasion. Back to my thoughts on displays etc. Adding displays etc. My suggestions in adding exhibitors may not be that relevant in 2017 - but my company in the 90's ran the largest to date private event at Point Cook airbase. 'Wings,Wheels and Water' at its inaugural event was the largest two day event ever held with sponsors such as Shell, RAAF, State Government of Victoria, National Air and Space Museum, Dulux, Bob Jane T Marts, The Victoria Police and the Wyndham City Council. The focus was on exhibitors having cheap trade sites. This was successful as exhibitors carry high costs to simply be there and displaying. The more exhibitors attracts the punter through the gate. We had over 200 exhibit sites and 2300 separate exhibitors some from as far as Texas USA. We raced a Mustang Shelby car against a Mustang plane down the strip. A jet racing a Lamborghini was also a highlight. Mmmm try doing that today..:cops:insurance .. It was a reasonable event that insurance costs made to prohibitive to continue... But 29,000 visitors through the gate proved it was a good weekend, again proving that you don't need to charge exhibitors or participants to cover costs. In fact the exhibitors and participants are the draw card. Safe flying to all heading up Weather looks pretty good.
  22. Yes I agree re the tiff..... Now watch me get off topic.. If promoters think they can attract a major sponsor then allow the opposition in on a cheap trade site they are kidding themselves. The major sponsorship opportunity is given to a number of suppliers and one took it up. An example of sponsorship at this level is, McDonalds Restaurants sponsor the AFL and KFC Restaurants sponsor the cricket etc etc. I know each is blocked completely from the advertising sweep and the site at the non sponsored events. Events that I promoted years ago saw very strict agreements signed between us and a major soft drink seller. The contract was very clear that food vendors could not sell opposition soft drink and opposition signs must be covered. Food vendors did this as they understand the commercial agreements fully. An opposition trader trying to get into sponsored event is inappropriate and un professional. I often see opposition advertising hatched out on television programs on buildings, cars and t shirts etc. preventing free product or brand placement by the advertiser who has not sponsored. It is the sponsor right and the norm to block opposition advertising if they are a major. I certainly fully understand a major sponsor not wanting their opposition on site after that sponsor has put up the money to attract visitors etc. it's not restraint of trade but rather a commercial agreement. Guess my point in stating this is basically the organizers appear to; have not been clear in offering a business sole trade rights from the start, have not fully understood this and have not managed the opposition trade site application correctly. Make the event bigger by; Add a swap meet of aircraft parts selling sites at a reasonable price. Having cheaper trade sites in lower profile positions. Offering Council and other Airparks or schools free sites to promote their region. Free club sites to promote to potential members. Add in RAAF and commercial training and recruitment airline sites for free. Free sites to all existing advertisers in Sport Pilot. Free Banner Adds and links to all exhibitors on the Rec Aus site. Again just a few of my thoughts. Considering I was asking about admission costs I've certainly got off topic... Cheers all see you at Narromine.
  23. In open display areas the square metre cost of sites to the promoter is zip so that cost could be passed onto exterior exhibitors? I guess if outside site were cheap you may get more exhibitors?
  24. I think this is all good feedback to the organizers - Rec Aus. The program certainly looks good and is well thought through.
  25. Thanks for the comments guys. I thought pricing - in particular with camping included - was quite reasonable. But there was a bit of a drop off in numbers for the one day fly in component and admission.
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