Sorry when I said site and add on I should have been more specific;
Site cost, site preparation, four individually custom made 5 metre panels with 42" inch screens, display portals, platforms and consoles.. Handout and other giveaways.
Transport and set up bump out costs by outside contractors.
Insurance requirements to set up and ensure display safety.
Then add in staff costs to be at the event and getting there; staff transfers, vehicle hire, staff allowances, meals, accommodation, wages, overtime, days owed in lieu, etc.
I would guess total staff cost alone over 6 days would be a minimum of $2500 per person per day.
At events we have displayed at the costs soon add up.
:faint:Just my thoughts based on our companies organising and running of Australia's largest one day auto events and the Wings Wheels and Water at Point Cook in the early 90's. The later event was held only once due to ridiculous costs and add on by insurance companies etc.and the responsible management company for the Point Cook Airbase - Australian Property Managers if I recall.