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Bernie Knight

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Everything posted by Bernie Knight

  1. I would go the Rec Aus route as you gain your Navs and passenger endorsements that transfer over. All Rec Aus tests etc BAK, radio etc. transfer across. Your hours transfer across also when you do an RPL. You now fly OCTA with your RPL and can do the extra training to the PPL level to fly into CTA - Controlled Airspace. I think your limited to 1500kg with the RPL and if you want to carry additional passengers you will need the Class 2 medical - not a big deal. To obtain the Part 61 RPL licence currently you are required to apply for an ASIC card to get this first licence - again I think this is the case now when you complete the paperwork. Once you have the Rec Aus licence you can always fly the Rec Aus aircraft as the "Bi Annual flight review" - the BFR in the GA aircraft covers both. The Rec Aus school at Gawler will no doubt map out a clear path for you and explain it better and correct my understanding of it..
  2. iPad mini and OzRunways. I have the OzRunways on my iPhone also. I find the iPhone is quite easy to read if I need it - I did let the iPad battery runout a few times prior to placing a point in..
  3. Hi all I'm finding my fuel dipstick - aluminium - is not clear enough to accurately check fuel dips. I've seen black anodised sticks with levels punched into them. I had considered a hardwood replacement as the wood tends to hold fuel levels for a bit longer for accurate reading. Anyone found a good style/type/material. Cheers
  4. Whoaa certainly looks the goods.
  5. I'm often off topic - so are the others here in the nursing home with me. Must be the meds.. Looks good
  6. Good to see PIC is safe and well.
  7. If an aviation enthusiast finds it, there will be little chance that REX or CASA will ever see it again. Would look nice on the pool room wall with aviation photos around it Luckily it wasn't the prop on the alternative engine as rotation would see a slightly different direction of travel roughly through seat 7A..
  8. There's no urgency for me to get there - however I want to get straight over and then take my time getting back and stopping off. I've planned stops now at Port Pirie, Forrest a stop over at Esperance onto Albany heading over. On the way back, I'll stop over at Esperance, Port Pirie and stop over at Clare and Portland before heading home.
  9. Skippydiesel, ..I just drew that trip on the map and it looks a great option Fuel is always a big deciding factor and Avgas is just not available in a number of locations I was considering flying into. I have two 20 liters bladders and I am considering carrying them - about 300 km of extra fuel to get a bit off track. Maybe on the way back, but the endurance with my RV8 is really very good so I should take more advantage of that...
  10. Peter, Great news re the tests. Yes I saw you were retired, but if your in the western area, we are just 45 minutes down the road and a good excuse to get out of the house. Let's know if your thinking of heading down. I'm in Italy for five weeks though from next week. Part of my decision for the May excursion when I'm back over to the west..
  11. Red750 Peter, Just an update, the Iskra jet is only a few weeks of having the few small changes and repairs completed. My RV8 is in hangar 8 with my old Steen Skybolt and the jet. The Antonov maybe back in shortly, so I may move across to a back hangar as I have the engine cowls all off and the front race type seat out. It's all laying around taking lots of floor space. I could be in the back hangar - but at the Lethbridge Airpark a bit.
  12. Naremman Thanks. Yes I looking forward to running the coast. The tandem seating in the RV allows great visibility to both left and the right. I will be going alone and with full fuel capacity I have quite a bit of luggage capacity - 10 kg. front with tie down and battery charger. Just on 80 kg. behind with some ballast. I'm just working through a safety pack, first aid, survival gear etc etc. there's a great resource I have printed off with all types of survival items from blankets, water, lights and a detailed list of small requirements. This adds up to only a few kgs. I will take plenty of photos and add a detailed Post here - Blog
  13. Potrero Thanks my answer - I could not have answered it better I've previously looked at both shipping and farm weather patterns and yes agree. And importantly I have time... Thanks guys for the feedback it's been invaluable..
  14. Peter Sorry I missed you. We have the Antonov AN2 in our hangar and the Iskra jet, so I may have been over with the guys there The Skybolt just near my plane was my old plane - just a handful for me Perhaps a visit to YLED - Lethbridge for a Saturday lunch one day. Bernie
  15. Thanks mate, I have Forrest and Esperance on my trip. I will fly/go over quickly and take a few extra days coming back. At around 140 -150 knots I have around 6 hours of endurance plus and about 1500 km. If I pull back to 19/1900 I can go for ages with wing tanks holding 200 litres - plus 1 hour reserve at just on 40 litres. I will top up at Port Pirie and fill up at Forrest. Headwinds are always an issue over this part of the world. It sounds like you had a great trip. Thanks for the tips on Nullaborr etc. Thanks mate again. Bernie
  16. Skippydiesel Yes weather and fuel supply are obviously the most important planing points.
  17. Thanks Phil, I will try a slightly different route on the way back. Will keep you posted
  18. Skippydiesel I'm thinking of leaving in late April early May but will do some earlier flights to Clare Valley, Port Pirrie and possibly Port Lincoln first. Bernie
  19. Yes I see Myrup - in between Fisheries and Merivale Road. Looks ideal as it is a lot closer to town. . Mmmm maybe Esperance for fuel and back to Myrup..
  20. Great performing aircraft. Look forward to see it up close at Bendigo.
  21. Poteroo Thanks for the runway breakdown. I will try and get to the Myrup strip and catch up with the RV owners there I have good endurance and around 5 hours plus 1 hour reserve comfortably. At 140 -150 knots good ground distance. 230 litres of fuel in mains and wing tips. I'm planning now and may go directly to Albany and I'm thinking stop off on the way back.
  22. Sad to hear of any accident car or aircraft where a life is lost. A young wife and child will need the support of those around them. Whilst I don't know the pilot or his family I feel for their sorrow and the sadness experienced by those who know them. Thoughts and prays for all.
  23. Kununurra Thanks I use OzRunways - but not to the full advantage. I'll check that out now. Thanks for the heads up Bernie
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