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  • Aircraft
    TL 2000 Sting s3
  • Location
    Tallebudgera QLD
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  1. Touch and go Murwillumbah Rwy 18
  2. TL 2000 sting flying aerobatics somewhere in eastern Europe.
  3. [medio=full]201[/medio]
  4. http://www.recreationalflying.com/media/tl-2000-sting-landing-rwy-21-coffs-harbour.126/
  5. The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire
  6. TL 2000 Sting S3 performing aerobatic Joy Flights
  7. #bearhawkrotarytug
  8. Farcoffs

    Check for cats

    Flying south east from the Grampians.
  9. Farcoffs

    Cesna flip

    Hier der Link zum Flug: http://www.onlinecontest.org/olc-2.0/gliding/flightinfo.html?dsId=5196884 Der Tag fing schon richtig bescheiden an. Enge Bärte, die z...
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