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About Harv

  • Birthday 25/06/1980


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    Gazelle, CT4, G6
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  1. I’ve got a brand new in box 447 with b type gearbox to go in the aircraft. I’ve been looking at new props of course but also thought I’d try my luck at finding something second hand. I like the idea of building a prop (have read the threads here and elsewhere) but don’t have the wherewithal or the time to get into that element of the build. Ive scrathbuilt the aircraft from plans and am really just wanting to get tried and proven prop ‘off the shelf’. I share a hangar with trike owners… there are pusher props all over the place!
  2. Roger! I wasn’t sure what you were offering.
  3. If you have a prop for sale, please let me know the details, cost, etc.
  4. Long shot, but wondering if anyone has a prop that would suit a Rotax 447 in tractor application? I understand this is a somewhat antiquated engine/prop combo but Im hoping someone might have something floating around in airworthy condition. There seems to be little shortage of props to suit a pusher application in my parts. Cheers Harv
  5. CASA website still has the official ADs. RA-Aus will have the post VH rego stuff. I think Coastal Aviation still have a STC for making bits for them including a new bungee style gear. There is limited life wing spars (4000 hours) and some other things which I can’t remember right now but are covered in the maintenance manual. Wing spar being the main one. I have heard of one gazelle that has done well over this but the wings were opened right up, inspected, and recovered. I’m not 100 percent certain how Raaus feel about this these days. The tech manager at the time was OK with it. The main AD to check is the strut carry through. If there is a tube bolted to the underside of the fuselage between the two strut mounts it’s been done. there is lots of discussion on this site about gazelles. But the key things to look at are the ailerons and aileron hangers and the older landing gear which use vulcanised rubber blocks rather than bungees. if you get stuck PM me and I can hunt around for the ads for you. With the exception of the limited life wing spar I can’t think of anything negative to say about the Gazelle. They are a brilliant aeroplane.
  6. Hi all With the help of a generous member of the forum I now have a B box but I am after a gear set now. I have a 2.24 to 1 set already but wanting to know if anyone has a 2.58 to 1 set they would be willing to part with? Cheers Alex
  7. I'm looking for a 'B' Type (2.58) gearbox. Please let me know if you have one that you are willing to sell. Cheers Alex
  8. Hi - does anyone have a left hand side main gear leg for a Gazelle they would be willing to part with? Mine is bent, not enough to be U/S, but I would like a straight one.. I have also got a call into Coastal Aviation. Cheers Alex
  9. I've advertised for sale a brand new unused SUB4 redrive to suit an EA81 in the classifieds section. Was purchased for $3500 NZD and has been in storage since. I'm open to reasonable offers. I also have some EA81 engine bits. Located just outside Canberra.
  10. I can't add much but Graham did tell me that he had to literally hang his arm and much of his body weight out the sides to get the thing to roll. After he got it on the ground for the last time (which was effectively a crash landing) he kicked the shit out of it to ensure it '....would never fly again'. He was a huge fan of the concept and the aircraft itself but its flight characteristics unfortunately left a lot to be desired.
  11. My description of Techniglue's consistency would be: a bit less paste like than toothpaste. Perhaps like yogurt. Or good old Araldite mixed with some micro balloons (or sawdust). It's good at filling gaps and not running out of joints. I guess the noteworthy thing about being 'built to a standard' - and carrying a MIL spec - is that you have a baseline. In general, MIL spec on aeroplane glue is a bit of a Furphy, but I would much rather repair a certified aeroplane with glue that has a MIL spec than one that doesn't. Especially when it comes to the regulatory authorities. I certainly wouldn't consider using Resorcinol in this day and age. Cheers
  12. It's been awhile since I did my research on adhesives, but somewhere along the way I came to the conclusion (as you probably have also) that adhesive manufacturers are pretty sharp with marketing techniques. They tend not to report data on their products in the same way their competitors do, obviously making it difficult for a consumer to make a direct comparison with other products on the market. I'm using Techniglue on my Himax project. Not sure if you've given it a thought - It's relatively cheap, quite forgiving with it's gap-filling properties and I believe you can buy two different speed hardeners for it these days. It is also readily available around here. I've used T88 and the Bote-Cote products in other projects and found Techniglue to be as good as, if not better, to use. It doesn't come with a MIL spec like T88 (which gives some people that warm fuzzy feeling), but it's more than adequate for the application. My Dad built the fuselage and empennage of my Himax project using Techniglue and there is absolutely no sign of degradation in the glue joints after some 15 years of it being stored in a tin shed, in a temperate climate. Some slight yellowing of the epoxy which is to be expected, but it's held up well, as have the test pieces that were made up with each batch of glue. The proof is in the pudding for me.
  13. Normally, I wouldn't bite. Ok, I think it would do you good to note that even the true linguistic experts of this world say no to zero tolerance on grammar and spelling errors. Enjoy what everyone who attempts the English language brings to it - it has travelled a long road with no end in sight. To whine publicly just seems so arrogant... Or, perhaps ignorant is a better descriptor.
  14. Dodo - Tony Lamarra from Goulburn would be your best bet. He owns plenty of hangar space, seems to mostly be storage for his furniture business at the moment but he does lease space when it's available. Tony is also one of natures true gentleman and can tell you all you would ever want to know about the airport and Goulburn. I Havent got his number handy but Google should turn it up. There is a private strip on murrumbateman road at the Gundaroo end - I live just around the corner (just moved here) I haven't yet plucked up the courage to ask the owner about it but the place has been advertised for sale in the raaus mag. If your interested in buying/building a hangar at Goulburn I would be quite interested in a joint venture/syndicate/long term lease if your considering other options. The airport fees may make it prohibitive but split two three or four ways it could be a good option. Cheers
  15. FFS, the last thing we need now is for RAAus to toss about wasting time following 'due process'. Darren has been helping out since the proverbial hit the fan last year. He is hands down the best fit for the job right now. He's got the skill, experience and now, the 'corporate knowledge' to get us through this mess. He (and Dean Tompkins) are being good Samaritans. They could just as easily throw up their hands and say 'this is all too hard , bugger the lot of you'... But they have chosen to try and sort this technical mess out and neither of them played any part in creating it. As for the 'jobs for the boys' comments. Appointing Darren is not even remotely like that. If you ask me it's a solid and affirmative action on our new managements behalf. Like someone else said above, lets stand back and let the new mob give it a red hot go before we sit comfortably in our arm chairs and fire out the ' expert' advice/opinions. And just quietly, I don't think Darren is even close to the retirement age.....
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