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Everything posted by bernieh

  1. I agree with most of what you said Maj... What bothers me most is that we as members were not kept in the loop of what was happening....A couple of emails I sent to SR were given the good old " don't you worry about that" type answers and I firmly believe that as members we deserve more............B
  2. I agree with you there TP...........B
  3. So they are actually trying to help me break my addiction ? Now it all becomes clear...I don't believe that the 2 months until the EGM will be enough time to sort out this debacle with the current management strategy of "see no evil , hear no evil , speak no evil"... the s*** will only become deeper and smellier........... B
  4. If I could I would..Power to you Ozzie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B
  5. Too bad flying is so darned addictive , or I would consider taking up social marbles or something exciting!
  6. the cold hard facts are that once RAA has accepted and transmitted a payment they are obligated to honour their part of the contract...If the documentation is not in order why have they accepted the payment , and will the service provided be dated from the due date or the date on which the registration was actually renewed??
  7. Self righteous and self opinionated as usual Turbs..................B
  8. In view of the current debacle that is RAA , it seems to me to be an inordanitely long period of time to wait for the scheduled EGM.....The Titanic is already amongst the icebergs..... I can not attend but will be giving my proxy ......B
  9. Kaz.... At last a concise and clear summary of the trainwreck that is the RAA at this time........................B
  10. Well Alan I come from the slate pencil days ........Cheers B
  11. Some times the mind gets ahead of these old fingers... that last bit should read "the mire in which we find ourselves may not be so deep"... apologies....B
  12. Keith....I see where you are coming from but as you said you have been following this saga for ages... The reality is that none of this happened overnight... It is an ongoing saga..Everyone wants to see it put right and help the board too but there is also an obligation on the board to keep the membership informed of problems as they occur...Perhaps if members were "kept in the loop" the mire we now find ourselves may no be so deep.....................B
  13. Being way out of the mainstream of recreation aviation I have had to rely on "Sport Pilot" and the "RAA" website....After following the threads on this forum to say I am "gobsmacked" would be an understatement...It seems the "Titanic" is still steaming through the fog that surrounds CASA audits, CEO resignations, Tech Manager replacements,etc with little more response to emails from than "Dont you worry about that" from the powers that be...I am too far away, and too ill informed, and have no experience in corporate and legal matters so I have tried to keep an open mind but it seems one iceberg follows the next . Probably everyone concerned is in their own way doing what they believe to be their best for RAA so IMHO the general meeting being discussed is the only way forward so we can continue to do what we love most and that is "fly" I can only offer support in the way of proxy votes etc and would gladly do this......B
  14. great pics Ian...................
  15. certainly is a credit to the owner.... I think he said 4000 man hours.... and the sound of a radial engine is to die for!!!!! also from memory 60litres per hour at 90knots
  16. passed through Charters Towers bout 18 months ago....bout a 1934 model from West Aus..... it looked even better close up.... great restoration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. As I understand it the Spanish government received some ME109 (possibly g models) in about 1943... In the 50's they decided to utilize them but as the local Supercheap had no Daimler Benz engines in stock they had to settle for Merlins... dont know what model or hp.............
  18. Just to muddy the water.... Merlin engined me109 at duxford 2012...
  19. Hey Alley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Afternoon Alley!!!!!!!!!!!
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