thank you for your reply Clive the air strip was built by western mining back in the 70?for the gliding club it was alway mainly for rec flying there is a parashute club with about two people in it at the moment they had a hunger ,kitchen, toilet and barrack then the area went down with one person flying in each week to keep it open the vandals got to it and destroyed the lot the council would not help they wanted to bull doz the lot except for one persons effect to keep it open he tryed to get control of it but no luck. the mining company does not want the rec flyer to pay fees the council is saying user pays to pay for the up keep the rec flyer are supporting the mining company for commerical flights to pay fees as the other mining company are not putting any money up be the will use it the .ultra light club have been using it for the last 4 months at the moment we have ten student learning to fly we are paying to get the school up which is 8 hours away by car 3.5 hour flying this cost goes onto the flight lesson cost any other cost would almost get to ga lessons costs there is a ga school in the area with a tar strip about 1 hour away they charge landing fees but you can get fuel there and if the aero club is open a coffee so thats ok but our strip is ok for us the up grade is great the miming comp want to help us as they can see the benefit to the community