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Everything posted by kfowler

  1. thank you for spending the time to answer my question. very help full thank you:clap:
  2. can anyone tell what sort of load you would get going from a 60 x 42 to a 56 x 44
  3. :clap:Here is a brief out line of our trip first really long trip.kambalda to Bendigo and return. departed on 19th april at 6:30 am for forrest the forcast was for clear skys here but we had low clouds for three hours we arrived at forrest had a coffee with the sand in manager and a bit of a chat. departed forrest tracking for ceduna we climbed to 5500 hands off the stick miminum effort flying for about 3hours landed at ceduna refueled and of to the motel for the night as we lost 1.5hr of day light. next morning we departed for port pirie arrived at port pirie no one home as the fly in was on at Jamestown lots of traffic on the radio nice airport departed for bendigo and arrived at 5:00pm boy those boys fly large circuits the flight over was into a head wind on both days the plane performed with out a hitch and the sights are to been seen to be believed. We parked the plane at Bendigo for two weeks thank to the bendigo aero club for there parking place. Flying around were there is more traffic yhen we have in kambalda was very exciting for me with all the landing strips through victoria watching other aircraft tacking off/landing listerning to radio calls form aircraft tacking at other strips is all good . on saturday 3rd may we left Bendigo at 7:30 for the reverse trip with a head wind again 70kts got to port pirie then Ceduna and guess what:help: ....no fuel may be tuesday so we put 40lts mogas as we had 25lts avgas left in the tank sunday morning left Ceduna at 7:30 for Forrest guess what another head wind this time we got 80/85 knts weather forecast some showers coming from the west 100nm from Forrest there were isolated shower ok just fly around them a very light shower at the threshold landed got some fuel this time the owners were there very freindly people had a look at the museum a helicoater was coming in for fuel so the owner said i could put our plane in the hanger the heli pilot departed Ceduna about hour after use and he said he had to go to 8500 to get a 5kt tail wing . we departed for Kambalda the weather inproved but still a head wind 85kts about 100nm from kambalda we got a tail wind yeppy 110kt boy we where realy move land at kambalda we had a great trip . the next long trip will be to outback QLD a place called augustus downs then on to maningrida nt to see son and daughter. will in vic we called into the clear prop shop and picked up two more head set very good value our plane is a JAB LSA
  4. maynard are these engine two stroke if was the spark plug the right heat range if you go hotter on the heat range you melt a hole in the top of the piston above the spark plug all the best keith
  5. flyer thank you for your input i will be in touch with the owner keith
  6. ianrat thankyou for your reply i will be using a subaru engine keith
  7. Are there any flyers out there that are building or flying a kr2 or kr2s i would like to find out where to buy the timber and what type of timber they are using any help would be good thank you.
  8. hi jim look at raaus web site if the rego is correct it a LSA, keith
  9. thanks brett i have applied to be on the email thing i hope to go and get the wa come and get it trophy soon
  10. what is happening in wa so we can go to a place with or people with the same interest find out where you can get fuel etc as just about every where from there is three plus hours
  11. how many raaus flyer are active in WA does not seen to be to many looking for places to fly to
  12. kfowler

    JAB LSA Spats

    thank you it looks like they stay off as they are $600 plus from jab thank you again
  13. kfowler

    JAB LSA Spats

    Can any one tell me if fitting wheel spats to a lsa have any advantages.
  14. thank you for your post on the above incident as a new pilot it is good to read this that will help me to stay a live. we have a small aero club with 10 students most of your flying is in a single plane circuit as i have a plane now i will be coming and going from the circuit to give them some insight to other traffic. i would be talking to your instructor i did read your other post and well done on taking the last steep keep up the good work live to fly fly to live
  15. we will be coming over to northam very soon
  16. we over here in kambalda are doing some thing about it in the three months the red hill recreational aviators have been going we have 12 students learning to fly very shortly we will be flying all over the place
  17. gold fields western Australia mid 20's very little cloud
  18. just a question on the prop tape did you put it on the back of the prop. if so did it stay there and has it protected it thank you
  19. thank you for your reply Clive the air strip was built by western mining back in the 70?for the gliding club it was alway mainly for rec flying there is a parashute club with about two people in it at the moment they had a hunger ,kitchen, toilet and barrack then the area went down with one person flying in each week to keep it open the vandals got to it and destroyed the lot the council would not help they wanted to bull doz the lot except for one persons effect to keep it open he tryed to get control of it but no luck. the mining company does not want the rec flyer to pay fees the council is saying user pays to pay for the up keep the rec flyer are supporting the mining company for commerical flights to pay fees as the other mining company are not putting any money up be the will use it the .ultra light club have been using it for the last 4 months at the moment we have ten student learning to fly we are paying to get the school up which is 8 hours away by car 3.5 hour flying this cost goes onto the flight lesson cost any other cost would almost get to ga lessons costs there is a ga school in the area with a tar strip about 1 hour away they charge landing fees but you can get fuel there and if the aero club is open a coffee so thats ok but our strip is ok for us the up grade is great the miming comp want to help us as they can see the benefit to the community
  20. can anyone tell me what landing fees are for.The strip in question is gravel 1500 mts long graded buy the local aero club, nothing else in the area to speak of it has been in us for 30 year the first 10 by gliding the next 20 by meat bombs up until now the local council did not want any thing to do with it three years ago they where going to rip it up.but the meat bombs protested and tried to get control of it to no avail because a mining company now wants to up grade the strip to two km gravel for there use fly in fly out the company is going to pay for the up grade no charge to the council the council wants to charge every one else to use the strip also can any one come up with how to fight this council on this one
  21. ian try the central victorian radio control modellers in bendigo they may help email me and i will give the contact number
  22. i won't think twice about getting it from Garry as it would be a lot quicker then trying to get them over here
  23. if you own a mulit meter very carefully start the engine and check the voltage at the battery with the engine at idle with the wheels choked hand brake on some in the plane with the brake rev the engine up and read the voltage at the battery if the voltage goes over 14.5 volt it the rectifier or regulator not shore what the voltage should be set at 14.5 or there abouts the volt meter in your plane should go up to 16 volts if the volt are ok iwould check the gauge earths temp gauge earth under dash
  24. does the rev counter still read ok
  25. what other engine gauges do you have
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