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Everything posted by kfowler

  1. i started to learn to fly in a jab right stick then went to a gazelle left stick then back to a jab no problem
  2. kfowler

    Cheetah kit

    thanks ross the serria i would love to build one but the cheetah will be the first the guys in my area there are ten of us getting our pilots cert i will be the first so the first plane should be a cheetah we should have a lot of fun with it my wife and i are going all over oz in it we hope
  3. just a little note to say that i enjoy reading your post very much i will be building a cheetah in the very near future does the cheetah fly as good as very body say
  4. kfowler

    Cheetah kit

    hello ross how far off finishing your cheetah are you as i have just soloed last week end i will be going over to taree very soon to test the cheetah how are you going with the sound treatment and how long have you been building it thank you
  5. it wiil be interesting i to sent email etc no reply yet
  6. gold fields wa
  7. i was trying to get some information how you go about starting a aeroclub we have a gravel air strip with a run down club house and hanger here seems to be a fair bit of interest about ultra light flying in over area i hope to finish my certificate soon and once a plane gets in the area i think there will be a lot of interest so far i have 8 people that want more info on flying ultra lights so a club could be a good thing so any idea would be a great help
  8. great to see i will be going over at the end of next month to have a look at the cheetah sierra i would like to know how you get on with the project best of luck and safe flying
  9. i will start the ball rolling in about a month will try for photos then
  10. cheeta serria i was talking to Garry Morgan today about the cheetah sierra which is a new plane not really it is the cheetah all metal skin with the 3300 jabiru a cruise speed of 130 knt very interesting i think that i will get one
  11. have not got it yet but i went and brought one from the newsagent
  12. hi chris thank you for your reply i will be doing my training with sport aviation academy with glen his plane is a j160 soon he will have 2 planes and two other instructors how far along are you with your training we are living in the gold fields happy flying
  13. hello to very body i am new to the ultralights a short story of how i got to ultralights. for years i wanted to fly aircraft but could not afford it with family etc, so i was flying radio control aircraft . as my work has change and a new life for my wife and myself on the other side of the country i was looking at ga licence which was a large amount of dollars i started to do the training then i found out about ultra light 3 axis and the cost about 1/3 of a ga licence so i am booked in to do a 2 week course hoping to get a areo solo licence .when i get the full licence we will be flying all over the country as our kids (5) live all over the country about 1200nm from where we are the cost of our flying is very good i will be buying a jabiru c160 thats all for now happy flying everybody
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