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  1. I don't want a jabiru engine anymore
  2. is it possible to change an ultralight rego from 55 to 24 ?
  3. Doesn't mean I can't transport it to a suitable person easy to put in on a trailer
  4. It's actually near rockhampton and is a jabiru
  5. Is there anybody in or near central Queensland who can do repair and assemble work of a damaged ultralight aircraft .?
  6. On radio news today reported pilot stable , also said its believed that he was blind by the sun and flew into power lines and crashed to the ground , soon are take off
  7. Is there any word on what caused the engine failure / forced landing up near weipa.?
  8. http://www.news-mail.com.au/news/youtube-video-claims-show-ufo-over-bundaberg/1641249/
  9. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/south-australian-pilot-killed-in-light-plane-crash-in-queensland/story-e6frg6n6-1226518584306 Looks like there was five planes flight together
  10. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/fatal-plane-crash-at-cotterell-river-cape-york/story-fndo45r1-1226518342259
  11. Seems a long investergation, a small plane hit a ferris wheel end off
  12. Could I ask , was there any legal problems for the ferris wheel operator or pilot come out of an accident investergation of this ?
  13. A press conference has been called for 10am this morning (Tuesday) in Moroochydore with authorities expected to provide further details - information from that press conference will be updated here shortly
  14. Pprune report plane found 45minutes ago
  15. The area they are looking should have mobile coverage
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