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Everything posted by hendonguy

  1. I don't want a jabiru engine anymore
  2. is it possible to change an ultralight rego from 55 to 24 ?
  3. Doesn't mean I can't transport it to a suitable person easy to put in on a trailer
  4. It's actually near rockhampton and is a jabiru
  5. Is there anybody in or near central Queensland who can do repair and assemble work of a damaged ultralight aircraft .?
  6. On radio news today reported pilot stable , also said its believed that he was blind by the sun and flew into power lines and crashed to the ground , soon are take off
  7. Is there any word on what caused the engine failure / forced landing up near weipa.?
  8. http://www.news-mail.com.au/news/youtube-video-claims-show-ufo-over-bundaberg/1641249/
  9. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/south-australian-pilot-killed-in-light-plane-crash-in-queensland/story-e6frg6n6-1226518584306 Looks like there was five planes flight together
  10. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/fatal-plane-crash-at-cotterell-river-cape-york/story-fndo45r1-1226518342259
  11. Seems a long investergation, a small plane hit a ferris wheel end off
  12. Could I ask , was there any legal problems for the ferris wheel operator or pilot come out of an accident investergation of this ?
  13. A press conference has been called for 10am this morning (Tuesday) in Moroochydore with authorities expected to provide further details - information from that press conference will be updated here shortly
  14. Pprune report plane found 45minutes ago
  15. The area they are looking should have mobile coverage
  16. http://www.news.com.au/national/search-on-for-missing-plane-between-kingaroy-and-maleny/story-fndo4ckr-1226486050351 Another report talking about fuel
  17. hi hope you dont mind you asking what kind of cost are replacment cables
  18. hi , Brain , thanks for your offer regarding the ignition problem im having , i now have to find out why its not running on number 3 cylinder , plenty of compression and spark , it has a new piston new cylinder new head and valves , i can only think it has a leak in the intake causing a lean mixture thanks again Andrew
  19. thank you for everbodys help , i alway thought when i find the problem it would be a silly thing , and it was
  20. Thanks for that , i cant understand how i missed this , but the problem was that i had both leads facing down and the coils must be directional some how , turned the the right hand one the other way and i now have spark,
  21. actually tried all sorts of different gaps
  22. yes gap set as per jabiru instructions
  23. yes the leads are in the correct way the engine runs on one mag , I checked the spark at the high tension leads on the coils , had nice spark on the left none on the right , i bought a new coil and fitted it to the right hand side still no spark , if the magnets didnt have enough magnetic what ever the other side wouldnt work the earth wire isnt connected so its not a faulty switch , I am thinking the only thing it can be is the steel part of the coil should be earthed and for some reason its not im thinking of running an earth from left hand side coil to the right as the left works and thats the problem this should be a temporary repair or at least a test , anybody got any other ideas ?
  24. thanks but bought new ones and swapped them the one that came from the side with good spark didnt give me spark on the bad one
  25. i also know that the timing is correct the engine runs on one mag , all be it on 3 cylinders , even if the timing wasnt correct or the motor wouldnt go at all
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