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Everything posted by hendonguy

  1. hi thanks what i mean is i took the right hand coil which worked and the engine run , and replaced the left coil with the working coil and set the air gap but even with a proven coil i still didnt get spark , i removed the ground wire from the coil still no spark , i will have a go at seeing if i have spark at the high tension lead thats a good idea ,
  2. yes i disconnected the wires at the coil
  3. better than this guys landing http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/06/10/bc-100-mile-house-plane-crash.html they probably dont need to buy lotto tickets all their luck is used up
  4. i have an interesting problem with me 2200 solid lifter engine , i am a qualified mechanic with more years than i would like to admit but I think i need some advise . we blew our jabiru up which caused a heap of damage , i stripped the engine and very carefully rebuilt using replacment parts from jabiru heres the problem ,only one mag has spark i have swapped one thing at a time from the good ignition , first i changed the rotor still no spark on the bad one but still spark on the good one i put the rotor onto the shaft and fitted the cap allowing it to push the rotor to the height , that didnt work so measured the good one and set to same no good , i changed the coils good one still sparked but still on good on bad , i tool the distributor cap off and wound the engine to check the shaft was straight and turning all ok , changed the cap over ,still great spark on the good one bad one still no good i disconnected the earth /kill wires still no good , i changed spark plus no good plug leads no good , as everthing has been taken off the good one and swap but dosent work on the bad one the engine runs but i have a second problem the engine will only run on 3 cylinders and only runs with choke full on the cylinder that dosnt go, has plenty of compression , i think this problem may be an air leak in the intake but the no spark is puzzling anybody got any ideas ?
  5. Do you have any pictures of the fit up of the engine ?,How did you get a 55 rego plane changed to a rotax mtr ? i was told by Jabiru I could even change the heads on my 55 rego to LCH
  6. i wondered if we are nearing " the not too distant future"when a firewall forward kit is available i have a parnter who wont get in our jabiru now , after having an engine failure and having a forced landing . I live in rockhampton talked to a person who flew one of the Jabs with a 912 said it was a fanastic aircraft
  7. you can stop here for a wee stop , we landed here it is a lovely little runway the people dont seem to have a problem letting people use the strip , its away from where your going though but a place to stretch the legs http://www.fallingrain.com/apts/41498.html
  8. yes there is a bunch of a/c there already
  9. if you want to land at hedlow and you want to contact sombody first the contact number is , 0417767454 and if you wanted anything else their web address is http://www.hedloweairservices.com.au/ the operations manger last week told me that a level 2 mechanic has also set shop , the pilot for mig adventures was in get his vehicle serviced last tuesday , they are considering moving their operation to hedlow in the near future
  10. hedlow is open ive been out there a couple of time in the last couple of weeks , there is 3 ra aircrafts and about 3 ga stored and used from the strip
  11. hi , if you go to the link http://www.cessna182.org.au/newsletters.htm and open the file autum11 issue one and read down you will get the information for an airfield near keeple sands , the contact details of the guy who owns the place is on there as well , i think its the same airstrip that yenn quoted , I have spoken to him and he was telling me the airstrip is very close to being open to the public with fuel supplies etc
  12. terriable news , there is a tiger moth the the areas areo club web site , dosnt mean its the aircraft involved of course
  13. funny some really interesting comments on this video , lot of encouragement would this guy be a old pilot or a bold pilot ?
  14. thanks matt , i was able to make contact a couple of the guys who fly out of there and had a little visit a couple of weeks ago they gave me a cooks tour , great little and nice people , wheres up north?
  15. this will be an over sight while writing rules , bet if its proved this guy was breaking the rules having 3 in the aircraft the rule will be changed very quickly
  16. there would appear to be evidence of a passenger number infringement , unless one of them accidently fell into the aircraft , like old mate the captain accidently fell out of his ship into a life boat , well it could happen - couldnt it ?
  17. not sure if an audit would stop this kind of thing , 3 pax, no rego
  18. these crashs with pilots operating outside an ra pilots certificate (if this guy had a certificate) is very worring to people who have spent time and money to forfull a dream to lean to fly and do the right thing , we could finish up with a certificate which has the same costs etc as a ppl or lose the right to fly at all , any body else who is here and dose the wrong thing please stop
  19. just said on the new its a gyro, instructor and stu
  20. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/emergency-services-crews-head-to-light-plane-crash-at-whyalla/story-e6frea83-1226244326518
  21. that would be great thanks
  22. hi could anybody help me , how do you get to the airstip at rodds bay qld by road ? sorry i dont mean the answer is by car ute or motorbike , i meant where it is
  23. is this thread still about a crash in hume dam?
  24. when i first started training to obtain my certificate , there was talk around the hangers that ra looked at lifting the weight to allow ra pilots to fly 152 etc , i understand they recently lifted the limit but not up to the 152 will they ever ? or are aircraft like this so old ra would be worried without serviceing by a lame they may have a heap more accidents , they are still only a 2 seater ,price quite reasonable and from what i have been told not that much different from some ra planes to handle
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