i have an interesting problem with me 2200 solid lifter engine ,
i am a qualified mechanic with more years than i would like to admit but I think i need some advise .
we blew our jabiru up which caused a heap of damage , i stripped the engine and very carefully rebuilt
using replacment parts from jabiru
heres the problem ,only one mag has spark
i have swapped one thing at a time from the good ignition ,
first i changed the rotor still no spark on the bad one but still spark on the good one
i put the rotor onto the shaft and fitted the cap allowing it to push the rotor to the height , that didnt work so measured the good one and set to same no good ,
i changed the coils good one still sparked but still on good on bad ,
i tool the distributor cap off and wound the engine to check the shaft was straight and turning all ok ,
changed the cap over ,still great spark on the good one bad one still no good
i disconnected the earth /kill wires still no good , i changed spark plus no good
plug leads no good ,
as everthing has been taken off the good one and swap but dosent work on the bad one
the engine runs
but i have a second problem the engine will only run on 3 cylinders and only runs with choke full on
the cylinder that dosnt go, has plenty of compression , i think this problem may be an air leak in the intake but the no spark is puzzling anybody got any ideas ?