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Everything posted by hendonguy

  1. hi Yenn , im interested in where you find rodds bay , we recently moved to the area and finding it hard to find anybody interested in lsa flying , we have visited hedlow and couple other airstrips in the area , been told they have an active ultralight bunch down there
  2. sorry missed the paste
  3. http://www.themorningbulletin.com.au/story/2011/10/31/airstrip-owner-answers/
  4. it said in another story on the net , the council took these steps due to others in the area worried about saftey and noise , maybe more of the Hume dam example will cause more councils to try the same action .
  5. if you want to use your light aircraft to travel to an area where you have permittion to shot and you have the correct shooters licence and a member of the correct shooter feberation , how do you transport a firearm , if the firemarm is dismantled is it still a fireman or dose it then become a piece of wood and a pipe , and what about ammo? how can you ban someone for life when he didnt have the right to fly in the first place seems if he continued to fly after going to court hed be commiting the same offence as he had already proven he had no problem commiting in the first place , im , in the paper , he says he had been flying over that area many times , has he been flying from a airstrip with other aircraft/pilots or just from his back yard , cant beleive some body didnt grass him up ,
  6. i can understand the pilot reporting an engine failure , he said his instruments read 500ft , hume dam is reported on the net to be 173m above sea level , thats 567feet , so he would have water in his fuel, flying at 500ft as hed be 67feet below the surface of the water , he may be haveing trouble breathing as well , but a hell of a way of checking out the fish population of the dam
  7. Listening to 95.5wplj a talk back radio station in new York , pilot reported to a tower of heavy icing minutes before the
  8. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-12-08/search-on-for-missing-plane/3719756
  9. when our 2200cc jabiru engine blew up , the prop didnt stop it just continued to turn which was a real problem as the engine was vibrating so much it went through my mind the airframe may fall apart , this also caused another problem any release of pressure on the stick , the nose of the aircraft just shot straight up which was another concern thinking we could stall , while training we did heaps of engine failure simulations putting the engine to idle , one time in a circuit the engine stopped and the prop didnt turn but pushing the starter button started it right up , the real life engine blow up was nothing like training
  10. Can you use a ej22 Subaru with direct drive or do you always need a prsu?
  11. 10 being s#*t one being great? Cheers mate thought people would like it
  12. Bloke driving down the road ,watched two workers one digging hole one filling it in ,bloke drives by a while longer same thing happening ,one digging one filling , few hours drives by same thing and it gets the better of the driver , stops and says to the digger and filler ,you guys what you fellows doing digging a filling? The digger answers , the guy who puts the post in , is away today
  13. Wtf , if an instructor can see the ground , what hope for his students http://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/local/human_error_led_to_plane_crash_drama_1_3871207
  14. Not skytrans Png airlines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Airlines_PNG_DHC_crash Rego p2-mcq
  15. http://www.solomonstarnews.com/news/business/12528-dash-8-grounded Why ground a complete fleet of aircraft known for there safety
  16. Removed the cylinder head from no.3 the damage is exact same as http://www.aaib.gov.uk/cms_resources.cfm?file=/dft_avsafety_pdf_502082.pdf. Even down to undercarriage detaching , no fin damage none on mine and no leak between head and cylinder , think from now on doing leak down test every 25hours and pull through every pre flight . Before this happen temps /oil pressure all normal , engine didnt run rough , just sudden vibration then a bang
  17. My maintenance log is in the hanger I will get the results and let you know yes we did the correct leak down test, I do recall the last valve set one of the cleanse was ever so slighty loose , maybe about 2 or 3 thou don't know if this was any warning of the coming failure
  18. My engine has about 560 hours , it had a top end rebuild from an l2 about 200 hours ago , has been serviced correctly every 25 hours ,run on av gas 100 percent ,75 hours ago a level 2 did a 100hour service including a compression test , in the space of one revolution the engine went from perfect to life treating it was unbelievable how quickly it happen
  19. J2200 solid lifter 4 cylinder
  20. Engine has droped a valve , funny it would not stop turning over wind assistance I think causing a terrible vibration during the emergency but now will only turn about 1/4 of a turn ,indicating there is now something stuck between the piston and head
  21. Google Warwick daily news. Picture on there . Far from being write off though
  22. Least we didn't have to eat dugs drink urine and write help in our blood like the guy over seas , eprib much better if needed
  23. Forgot , believe it or not a Chanel 9 chopper with reporters and camera man came all the way from Brisbane , landed next to us set up and wanted to interview me about this , told them no , to much bad news already for ra.aus with out adding more ,
  24. Hi , we where on our way to goondiwindi fly in this morning about 10ks north of gore Queensland we had an engine failure in our lsa, jabiru we where in tiger country but managed to make a clear but rough field and able to do a forced landing , the plane got a fare bit of damage but we surveyed totally un hurt , just want to let people who that had heard of our accident and wondered if anybody was hurt , all ok , engine failure cause not know ,but not fuel , And thank Warwick flying school for life saving engine failure landing training /practise
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