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Everything posted by BRL

  1. eyirekraftpylut if your trig is adsb able you can add the tn72 gps source$750.00 plus the ta50 antenna 125.00 and a ping for adsb in 225.00. $1100.00 all up and no need for extra devices this system works for me.
  2. Don't know if this is related to your fuel pump problem but l have just been flying and noticed my fuel pressure was barely keeping above the min pressure and had to keep the electric pump on to maintain pressure. On landing pump was removed and dismantled ( not expecting warranty pump 3yr old) by the resident L2 and he found the the discharge side the valve loose in its seat the 3rd of which he has seen in recent times. l too see the fluctuation in the pressure going from electric to mechanical but deemed it one of those things, to prove the pump was right or wrong was proven by refitting the old pump that was changed out on the 5yr rule and everything returned to normal and with less fluctuation than the new pump in regards to switching from electric to mechanical.Will be speaking to Floods about this.
  3. We are having the same conversations re landing fees at yyrm in Gippsland, My take on this is most Ra aircraft use fuel from the servo and to my knowledge we are still paying a levy for roads and excise tax so wether l drive on the road or land on a sealed strip whats the difference ? The amount of money wasted on substandard road repair what difference does it make to the big picture to do maintenance on a runway? Double dipping is what landing fees are.!
  4. Did you get anyone looking at the aircraft at Leongatha? If not l should be able to arrange with a couple of pilots l know down there but dont know how to person to person to speak with you,
  5. if we are to believe in the warming climate then whatever it costs to mitigate ie renewable energy, then to save the earth it is what it is, for my money hydrogen is the most obvious choice and no longer to fill that petrol all that starts the change is a stroke of the pen
  6. Excellent day weather wise engine reported to be smoking before impact approx 3 mile short of the runway.
  7. Or head to Yarram which now has an Avgas facility and a great coffee machine, Wilsons prom on a nice autumn morn is worth a lap or to as well
  8. tap on the camera view you want and it will enlarge
  9. Just replaced the nose gear donut rubbers on the eurofox dont know wether they would suit the Gazelle they are approx 50mm deep with a 16mm hole thru the centre got from horsham aviation
  10. Without knowing what all the non voters think and with such a poor number voting l would call it an invalid election! But l have no answer to a solution other than saying your membership should tie in with compulsory voting ??
  11. Great summary thruster 88
  12. I don't believe the landing fees are the issue the issue is who are RA representing ? their members or the aerodromes and avdata? Ive asked that question of the CEO and have no reply.
  13. problem is we pay to be represented and l don't believe that its our organisation role to report our details to other parties who dont or are they?
  14. Everyone needs to email the CEO and let him know what they think, united we stand divided we fall
  15. l have no issue paying landing fees the issue l have is that our organisation is releasing our details to the likes of Avdata which says to me that our organisation feels it needs to be the moral lighthouse for us all. Question who are they representing us or Avdata ? as l have said in a email to mr Linke l am well capable of doing that myself and l don't want my details disclosed to profiteers.
  16. It would pay for everyone to take a look at the charter review ( in the latest from the CEO newsletter) and see how you think that lines up with the releasing private details. lve just sent my thoughts to them about this stupid decision.
  17. Perhaps a call to Mike Smith re whats good to fly over water and take a look at his around the world flight video powered by Rotax.
  18. 4 aircraft departed yyrm on sunday24th of july 1x Jabiru,1x kitfox, 1x whitman tailwind and 1x eurofox 3k heading for Lake Eyre. First night at Mungo Lodge, second night Broken Hill and a tour around the area plus the use of a car thanks to a bloke named Bruce along with a chat to Laurie who at 85 did a trip around Aus by himself. 3rd night at William creek after flying over Marree man and the sth end of the lake 4th night at Wentworth and a night on a houseboat with Bruce Hammet 5th night Bendigo and fogged in next morning after a delay with fog back to Yarram via Kilmore gap YLTV and over the hill back home in silky smooth air. pilots Alan Jarvis,Geoff Boyd, Jim Christinson and Brian Lucas great trip and good company
  19. Had the same problem and worried like mad about it being the the Bose A20 headset but they worked perfectly in other aircraft, so first step check them on other aircraft. The radio was changed and the problem went away
  20. Alan Jarvis PAJ Aviation
  21. I think bit of over thinking is going on in regards to the structural attributes of the damaged savvy I say three cheers to the savvy and that no one was hurt.
  22. the headset works in a different aircraft so does this make it the h/set or the radio?
  23. Im wondering if anyone has experienced this problem : I am hiring the local school savanaha s which has a xcomm radio approx 2 mths old and when I plug in my bose a20 headset l can hear everything thats going on but when l try to transmit the tx sign comes up but no audio is going out, the other pilots say they can hear the carrier but no audio. The cfi did a master reset before any flights on saturday and the radio worked fine until l came along and when l changed headsets the radio wouldn't tx and wouldnt on the others that had been fine earlier, l then gave another pilot the bose to check in his Aircraft and they functioned perfectly so it would seem as if they are not comparable to the xcom any clues?
  24. After watching for a long while I too have gone solo today , at 55 I was worried I may not be able to cut the mustard but under CFI Allan Jarvis and at the Yarram aerodrome it came together beautifully BRL
  25. Gooday all After starting to learn to fly in 1998 and never finished due to work commitments etc etc I am about to have another crack at it. I was recently in the USA and took the oppurtunity to drop into John and Deb Mcbeans and had a look over their facility and aircraft and it looks pretty impresive to me. Was just wondering what thoughts are out there on the kitfox? brl
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