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    Tecnam Sierra
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  1. Hi Chad, I have a Foxbat A22LS with 33 hours on it. Haven't flown as much as you but enjoy it immensely. I am based in Sale in Victoria. I would love to do something about the rattle from the brake callipers. Thanks again. Anamitra
  2. Hi Bass, Thanks for the update. Seems like Murray Bridge is geographically better placed to fly into than Aldinga. Don't much fancy flying low over water. Must get that elcheapo car. Cheers
  3. Hi H, That's exactly what I was thinking of doing. Thanks Cheers .
  4. Thank you all for all the detailed input. It seems like Aldinga or Gawlor are the only possibilities. Am in the process of organizing some form of transport to and from. I'm grateful for all your help. Thanks again.
  5. Hi Thirsty, I could drive 45 min from Aldinga. Can I get a car hire ? I will have to do this on a semi regular basis for 5 yrs, so will have to work something on a long term. I shall usually come on a Friday to Aldinga and flyback on Sunday. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
  6. Hi, I would like to fly into a RA pilot friendly airport close to Adelaide as I would like to visit my son studying there. I wonder if forumites might know about any airfields where I could park my Foxbat for a day or two and maybe get a car for hire to drive to Adelaide. Will be happy to pay for the privilege . Appreciate any information. Thanks all.
  7. After years of chiding closed cockpit aircraft flying, Alf has finally taken the plunge and had a flying lesson in the Jabiru J160. The beaming smile as you exited the aircraft says it all. Welcome to the club ALF and with your talents you will surely make as good a closed cockpit pilot as you were in the Microlight. Talk about the Dark side !!!!!!
  8. Now that makes mighty interesting reading. Welcome to the dark side my friend. Glad to have you this side of the fence. You know you always wanted to do this yourself !!!!!
  9. Dark Side Alf !!!! I wonder if all other forum members agree with your sentiments ? Well even the dark side was once the the light side .
  10. You sure can write well Alf. Great Effort.
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