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Everything posted by oracle1

  1. You are absolutely correct facthunter this is a pivotal moment. Be prepared for massive loss of privileges and increases in cost.
  2. The RAA couldn't organise an afternoon tea party, this has been demonstrated comprehensively. The RAA couldn't tell me how many hours two strokes did as compared to four strokes much less brand of engine. If you have figures as to brand x engine, how many hours they have done between failures, the cause of failure, and a comparison with all the other engines in common service including RAA and VH registered types that fit the "LSA / Ultralight " category I suggest you post them. You lack of understanding of good governance eg meeting procedures and now you have demonstrated a lack of understanding of statistical analysis. I am not interested in the RAA procedures, they cant proceed to even register an aircraft properly. The incompetence that you have so vociferously supported in other threads is why we find ourselves in this position. Lets wait and see what the ATSB has to say.
  3. All arguments raised thus far are based on anecdotal evidence, very similar to what has been raised in previous threads. We have a gut feeling something may be wrong but its not conclusive. Without knowing the failure modes, the inputs of the pilot and the maintainer its all pure speculation. The argument should be about how we plan to gather the data, the parameters of the data and its interpretation. Until then its all 6 schooners at the bar talk.
  4. It seems that finally we will be able to study a real statistical analysis of the reliability of light sport engines, something that should have been done by RAA right from the get go, it may be some time however before the report is released. Be prepared for increased regulation, whether it creates better safety outcomes remains to be seen http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/2013/ar-2013-107.aspx
  5. A Jabiru has landed safely in a paddock at Victoria Pt after a suspected engine failure. That's two in two weeks? What's going on? http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/pilot-forced-to-make-emergency-landing-in-paddock-southeast-of-brisbane/story-fnihsrf2-1226700475247
  6. Soon you will plug a data cable into the back of your head and a feeding tube into your mouth and go flying in the matrix.
  7. Just cant believe the hoax that CASA was going to shut us down is still being flogged to justify the MB appointment. It's like ground hog day in here, move on, if the SMS is a problem appoint someone with due process followed who is competent to do the job. END OF STORY.........
  8. Ask about how the number of valid medicals has halved
  9. RAA or not there is no money in it
  10. First rule of flying is maintain airspeed. No excuse for this in a multi crew environment, who cares what the auto throttle did or didn't do.
  11. Australian pilots will always be in demand, why? because we can fly
  12. Hear Hear. A properly trained pilot should be able to control the aircraft in any part of the envelope. I did my ab intio training in gliders and had my instructors put me into some vicious spins, didn't like it at the time but it was and is a priceless lesson.
  13. John G an excellent summation of CASA's shortcomings in this matter, methinks the supposed emergency was A Red Herring.
  14. More will follow to distance themselves from the danger of being exposed to liability by a President who acts unilaterally.
  15. This thread has degenerated into Chutzpah. The Canberra Communists in RAA will soon be going to the same place as the Canberra Communists up on the hill. (excluding the board members who have been honest with the membership, they know who they are) If the board cant get together in a room and agree on what is a principle staff appointment I don't give a rats a**e about constitutions, I will simply stop paying my money and my aircraft will never fly with numbers again. If we cant trust this board with a staff appointment how can we trust the board to ensure the RAA's future especially with a regulator who is clearly antagonistic towards our failures, perhaps justifiably so. There are millions in the bank, for goodness sake spend some money and hire someone who is competent to clean up the mess. I don't care how you paint it or how many sweet words you wrap around it, its jobs for the boys and nasty politics. People are dead because aviation is dangerous and people will continue to die. About the only factor we can change is the rate at which they die and the fact is the current junta have thus far shown no ability to change this. Call an election and clean out the dead wood from the board otherwise it will only get worse from here.
  16. Hear Hear This ones a hanging offence plain and simple If this matter is not resolved then First payment of Salary is receipt of fraudulent monies Go ahead show us how really inept you are! I hear the Victorian Fraud Squad is on a roll with investigating incorporated associations with corrupt (RED) heads
  17. Sorry basic principle of Westminster democracy meeting procedure. If you don't inform all members of the group that a meeting is to occur then the notice of meeting isn't valid. The vote is immaterial even if it did occur. Were all parties informed and did they acknowledge they were informed? No meeting, no quorum no vote no appointment black and white. Has this country devolved to the point that we don't understand the principles of democracy? Its painfully obvious the organization is dysfunctional and soon it will implode. This latest stunt is so far off track a child can discern it is wrong. CASA "the model litigant" is not your friend and most certainly not benevolent. Soon we will learn the taste of tedious costly complexity and nihilism, which will manifest itself every 100 hours with a bill from a LAME. The RPL category already awaits! Call an election for the whole board now please.
  18. Ladies and Gentleman, the future of the organization is at stake and enough is enough. If Miles B appointment is illegal (nothing is illegal unless you get a Judge to say so and judges say whatever they like these days) and the ACT Justice Department move in conjunction with CASA to argue we cannot govern ourselves then we can kiss it all goodbye. CASA has done a superb job of destroying GA and now their coming for us. This appointment and how it was conducted is unacceptable. There are many others who could have been considered for this position. Miles abdication from his elected post and failure to fulfill his obligations to the members to see out his term should be taken into account. My opinion is nothing short of putting the whole board to election will solve the problem. Even if a favourable board is elected only some really good management and some really good luck is going to turn this around. What we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the organizations liabilities. We need competent administrators to solve this problem and needless to say we shouldn't be looking internally for them. The position is a good idea, the way it was conducted is a disgrace.
  19. There will probably be a number of parallel investigations that will be conducted regarding this event. The investigation by his employer has resulted in his dismissal. The ATSB's investigation may result in charges being laid within its mandate. CASA may investigate and may revoke his license under its powers. The Queensland police may investigate and may charge the pilot under the criminal code for drug offences. One thing is certain, his career is over. I think it is very sad for the pilot and a tragic waste of a promising career. Drug abuse is a medical problem that should be treated. Biggles I tend to agree that it would not a be a pretty sight me and you on the village green but it is unlikely that we are all going to be subjected to it. I also agree that this thread is beginning to look like vultures picking over the pilots corpse. It is now time to await the results and learn from them. perhaps its time to lock this thread?
  20. Gentleman, whilst everyone in here is getting hot under the collar there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of how the drug screening process works. When a drug test is conducted the pilot provides two samples an A and a B sample. The A sample is tested in the field with a less accurate kit which gives an initial indication of the presence of any of multiple "families" of drugs without giving an initial level of concentration (except in the case of alcohol) rather that the presence of the drug in the sample has exceeded a cutoff threshold. At this stage it is possible to have a false positive for legal prescription drugs such as codeine which appear as an opiate. The A test is conducted in the presence of the pilot and at which he/she is given the opportunity to disclose "any substance" which may test positive. Then the B sample is sent to an accredited lab through a chain of custody process to ensure the sample is not tampered with to be analysed by gas chromatography which then gives an exact result of the drug's identity down to a concentration of 1 part per billion in the sample. Given this event occurred on the 5th November and the RFDS didn't make an announcement until 20th November and that the above process is strictly mandated by CASA's guiding legislation I will walk naked on the village green if the RFDS doesn't have a lab report indicating the failure of the B sample. Sorry Gentleman, guilty as charged, a career over showing so much promise as most of us would give our eye teeth to be flying at the pinnacle of GA, the RFDS.
  21. Agreed Tornado they don"t fear us they fear CASA, as every aviator should, but the humiliation is now public and the resignation of Tizzard is an admission of guilt. I feel for Finn he seemed a switched on guy every time I spoke to him and the incompetence preceded him. I would also speculate that if the registration debacle had continued that legal action would be inevitable for loss of income for some aircraft owners and schools. This would also have been a serious threat to the survival of the movement. With regards the rego, there should be two categories 1.) amateur built and not for hire and reward and (maintained by owner or Level 2) 2.) Factory certified and for hire and reward. (maintained by a Level 2 if in commercial service and signed off by a level 2 as meeting its type certificate if owner maintenance has been performed) Maximum weight 600kg for both classes, meets the stall speed, maximum two seats but actual takeoff weight dependant on certified weight. Weight increase is a moot point I reckon a c150/2 will make about the same size crater as a J230 when it goes into suburbia. I am not a big fan of LSA. One it encourages corruption by self certification without reference to an external body and two it eliminates STC's by third parties which encourages competition. The best example of this is someone developing an STC to fit a Rotax to a Jabiru for example, regards
  22. Has it finally dawned on the executive just how angry we are and just how out of touch they are? There should be no part time work for the CEO they all need to be taken of the teat. This has been a fiasco that has sullied the movements reputation and will set back increased privileges for many years to come. As a movement we need to examine our whole structure and streamline rego categories. The standard of training and maintenance has to be lifted and closer examination needs to be paid to the standard of both imported aircraft and locally produced ones. We are too big to operate like a sporting club, there is too much at stake.
  23. bore glazing is a well understood phenomena, that diesels and air cooled aircraft engines are prone to. An excellent explanation can be found here. http://coxengineering.sharepoint.com/Pages/Boreglazing.aspx Engines that are lightly loaded do not develop enough Brake Mean Effective pressure to expand the rings and seal against the bore.
  24. For anyone who is interested I am a Level 2 based near Brisbane and I offer a fly in fly out service for maintenance. I will come to you and if you have others in your area I can split the costs of travel between you. I also spraypaint if refinishing is required. If anyone is interested you can contact me on 0488 685 378. regards George Andrew
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