Trailer wows
I have a semi finished project under way for my Aeropup (which also when folded is roughly on the 2.4mtr mark). My trailer was purpose made for transporting insulation batts and was 6.5 long and 2.4 wide and fully enclosed. I have lengthened the trailer to 7.2 metres and removed the roof to make my temporary hanger while I am finishing off the project (cant see myself flying the plane due to fuel prices holding us to randsom, I would rather spend my surplus on the family!) The real problem is registration and keeping the trailer under the 2.5 wide limit HOWEVER I was told by the RTA I can register the trailer 3 metre maximum and would need to have flags displayed, wide load signs and a yellow flashing light with restrictions only to transport during daylight hours, hardly bloody worth it!!!! Not mentioning any names but I have seen this done. Build the trailer to max of 2.5 wide, get it registered then acrow jack the sides out so that you have more clearance with the wings. You would have to be pretty unlucky for the transport mob to pull you over and run a tape measure over your gear, an extra 100-150mm makes all the difference between having damaged and scuffed leading edges. Another option would to have the sides on hinges to swing out from the trailer when loading then swing in pin down and lock. I think building the plane is the easy part! Another thing that you have got to take into consideration is the empty weight, over 750kgs (I think) you will need independant braking system and yearly rego checks if in NSW, same for boggie or tri axles. I hope this post has been some assistance.