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Everything posted by asic46

  1. Thankfully it looks like normal service has been resumed (or nearly resumed) on the registration front, and the hysterical accusations and name calling has been shown to be "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" Which is good thing, because it means that I will be able to register my Thruster when it arrives at christmas. I was assigned my registration number today by Caitlin - 28-8249 ! I am going to give this number to the sign writer, and I was wondering if anybody can give me some advice as to the materials I should specify, for a fabric wing Thanks
  2. Should be arriving in the first week of December !
  3. Progress !
  4. More pics at http://alicekatherinececiledavid.blogspot.com.au/
  5. The aeroplane will be test flown in the UK prior to despatch, and when the wings have been sticky-taped on here, flown initially by an experienced pilot who will initiate me into the world of the Thruster. Alas, we are still some time off delivery, but I will post some more pictures and news when it comes to hand.
  6. New new !
  7. First photos from the factory in the UK of my new Thruster http://alicekatherinececiledavid.blogspot.com.au/
  8. asic46


    Tony Abbott wakes one morning with a toothache, so he goes to the Dentist. The Dentist takes an x-ray and says "I am afraid that you need a filling Mr Abbott" Tony doesn't like needles and drilling (Who does ?) so he says "I'll think about it" Later that night, down the pub, he tells his mates about his problem. They decide to have a look for themselves, so Tony stands in a corner with his mouth open while they file past taking turns to stare in to his gob. After some discussion, a spokesman for the group says "We don't reckon you need a filling at all" "Wow that is great, thanks fellas" says Tony "I don't suppose you blokes know anything about climate change?" "Do we what !" they chorus. The rest is history....
  9. There is a couple of ways of looking at 'plane ownership. You might firstly do a cost benefit analysis, and determine the economic costs associated with ownership vs rental. But secondly, and more relevant for me, are the intangible benefits which have to be considered. I do approx 100 hrs a year, usually in flights of about 1 hours duration. I want a 'plane to be available when I want it, not when it is convenient for the school. I wouldn't see myself investing much time in cleaning school planes, but I can be found regularly washing my own on days when the weather makes flying impossible. If you own your own 'plane, then for good or bad, you are master of your own destiny. Some people are content to visit the local art gallery, others want paintings on their own walls. That is why I am buying a new Thruster.
  10. They are working out a budget for me, I will let you know - The high Aussie dollar is helping some people !
  11. Does any body know of a 'Vision' (really a Thruster) nose wheel aircraft in Victoria ? I am thinking of buying a newie, and would like to hear from anybody with experience of this machine, and ideally get a closer look at one.
  12. Works even better if you type in tony abbott
  13. Did you hear the one about the recreational pilot who went flying after the oil ran out ? No, neither did I.
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