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Everything posted by Akazia

  1. Ya, I have the D3, use it as my backup to my Skyview HDX. Works pretty well, long battery life, takes a bit to fire up and calibrate after first start up.
  2. You could try James at https://swishprojects.com.au/
  3. The switches have a double nut on them, so I lined the front one up and did them up from the back, if I had to adjust the front I was just very careful. You can get plastic washers that size but I don't think I will bother with those for the switches.
  4. I was very impressed with how it turned out, a bit fiddly, but worth the effort. The wrap is reasonably cheap too. I got a heap of little plastic washers for under the instrument screw heads and also under the dash panel mounting screws to stop any damage to the wrap.
  5. I am building a Zodiac 650 and I opted for the 3M Carbon fibre wrap. I also created a dash overlay that I broke up into several dash sections. Still a few bits to go though.
  6. Sorry for the late reply Terry, are the 701 & 601/650 firewalls/engine mounts the same.
  7. Looking at an Autoflight redrive, plus some of their other options like dual port heads, efi, tuned intake & exhaust.
  8. Wondering if anyone still makes engine mounts, cowls or FWF kits to suit the EA81 in a Zodiac 650. Or has any suggestions for other suitable parts, cheers Tim.
  9. Hey did you have an online build log of any description to have a look at, cheers Tim.
  10. Akazia

    Zenith ch650 kit

    Hey Phil, thanks for the info... Would be good to see your plane and catch up for a chat if you are up my way. What engine config you running in yours, cheers Tim.
  11. According to ABR lookup Rotec engineering is being wound up, but rotec aerosport is not...
  12. Thanks Dexter, would be interesting to find out why he went with one over the other, I posed the question abut the TBI's the other day on "the other forum", and it got deleted with little explanation. So there was no chance for anyone to give pro's and cons, it looks like a good bit on gear, just need to know if people happy with them, cheers.
  13. Hi guys, Just purchased a partially completed Zodiac 650B kit, looking at running a Corvair 100hp in it eventually. Was thinking about running a Rotec TBI on it. Has anyone here had any experience, issues, or can shed any light on these Rotec units, cheers.
  14. How would these units compare against something like an Airbox aware 5+ unit or the like?
  15. Akazia

    Zenith ch650 kit

    Looking into building a zenith ch650 kit. Would be interested to hear from anyone who has started or completed one of these kits in Northern NSW.
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