If our representatives have our best interest at heart they should have enough clout to stand up to Mr Mc. Not to long back the GA clan wanted nothing to do with our lot. We were dangerous and irresponsible, well some were. I think our safety record is probably better for Hrs flown than GA. Once the performance of our AC got to GA levels our numbers started to swell because our costs were considerably less than GA as was our health requirements.It would be interesting to see how many of our members have come from GA. . It would also be interesting to see how many GA pilots first went solo in Ultralight AC, I think if it wasn't for RAAus the current GA situation could be worse. Most of the people that are pushing the barrow for more demanding standards and costs seem to be GA oriented, Either ex or would be if they could be. I think we lost a bit more of our independence with the move to Temora, Narromine was run for us by us. It now looks like we're under the arm of the big boys and I bet they'll let us know if they see something they dont like.. No point talking to the minister, he becomes the puppet of his advisors as he knows little of his port folio. The more you gain the less freedom you have. I think we should be happy with what we've got, fight to keep it. If you want more go GA. I'm Agree mostly with Don & Yenn and will now stop my rant.