Ross, sorry about the language and thanks for the edit,I thought it was mild though.
BLA82, I know a lot of very nice GA jockeys, so I don't think we being nice blokes or gals are the reason for our increaced numbers, rather the price of operations and the lack of medicals, just check the average age at a fly in. I'm about average, not good.
If we want to attract young blood we've got to make flying affordable, you're not going to do it charging around $180 an Hr which is what you have to charge if you are training in the upper end A/C. You can do GA for about that. Not only does it puts less bums on seats but those who solo will fly less because of cost. Some schools and clubs have done the sums and have brought two A/C for the price of a more expensive type. These are the guys fostering aviation and I congratulate them. It doesn't matter what you solo in, ( bearing in mind a lot of ultralight A/c are harder to fly than GA) you can step up as many levels you wish depending on desire and your financial situation after:sorry:
Regards, Frosty.