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Everything posted by Hargraves

  1. David post 152 Thanks very much for your imput and explanations on the issue but i,e been around long enough to witness that the greens partys "groundswell of opinion" doesn't even come close to a tide change, and yes i flew through on through that fiasco and am actually ok with our current boards preformance with the exception of this issue.
  2. Similar to Ian. I won't be taking part in any further forums on the content, suitability or desirability of a new constitution until I am satisfied that all us members have been asked the most important question first, namely a simple, do you want the constitution changed or not. Until that time comes the answer is an equally simple, no, to the changes.
  3. My point is Ian that I am looking for a member to act as my proxy to vote no in the upcomming issues and would appreciate it if you or any one you know of the same mind are able to do so for me. My email is [email protected]. kind regards. Hargraves
  4. Hello Ian. Thank you very much for your constitutional change imput. As a 65 year old retired fellow, flying for recreation the last 5 years who aquired an information package on the slepchev storch aircraft 21 years ago and at last got one in january this year I feel I am very representitive of persons who make up the backbone of what recreational flying used to be and should still be. ( ie people who were to busy working, paying mortgage,s and raising kids to be able To afford it earlier) . While i was waiting my life experience has taught me that bigger and comercial is seldom better for members. One only has to join a cattle race type bank que to see what record bank profits get you in terms of customer service.
  5. Way to go sir. Shes not a bad little landing spot their on Marks place. I took out an anti cowpat policy myself today and ordered a duelfork 9"phneumatic tailwheel assembly for the ole girl eh. Had another hour in the storch this morning and loverly and calm air again to help me to get used to her Brett, very nice indeed sir. Good to see your practicing the tailwheelers creed after all they made airoplanes before they made airodromes eh
  6. Here,s a pic
  7. Loverly air this morning chaps so, up for my first storch solo, half a dozen ccts then off to a cuppa with Hugh at chilly, smooth as all the way with a bit of overcast keeping it cool. No other tailfeather airplanes around and about but a nice way to spend the morning anyway. Thanks Hugh
  8. Got a long, long, long way to go befor I can match my birds capability but Brett and I sure am looking forward to learning it all. In still air she was climbing out at only 4000 rpm and had to be throttled back to fly the strip. Just wants to fly eh.
  9. G,day taildragers all. Thursday at sparra was nil wind as predicted and I managed to get in some short solo strip flights and bum up taxi training as well, blessed to have a 2 klm main and 1100 cross all to oneself for training eh. I,ll post a pic or two of "afters". (No one mentioned you need to be part monkey to service these old girls)
  10. So right sir, lovely all day, long range forcast is thursday even better hope their right.
  11. I,m only a low hours pilot but I very much remember that hight eaquals time eaquals safety and I think in this transit flight that was the salient and prime mistake made. I would thank this pilot for having the character to allow us to learn from this accident and I,m very glad he,s ok
  12. My experience with silvertop 582 rotax two strokes has been absolutely positive and I believe that is directly related to engine maitenance and timeon monitoring. It is reasonable to expect that a very high preformance low weight to power engine will have less longevity than an engine with less preformance and more weight to power resulting in less operational stress such as a four stroke. And that I believe is the reason for the two verses four stroke controversy. The answer for two stroke flyers is engine condition monitoring and efficent routine maintenance and not expecting similar tbo,s to fourstrokes.
  13. Quite right sir I have only overflown their and their was no alterates from that strip that I could see then
  14. Looks great sir i,m trying hard to retire but got a recall to arms recently from an old employer in a bit of a pickle so for a short time (only) i,m in but it gets in the way this working thing and i,ll bail as soon as we get to safe altitude. Hope to enjoy some fine air with you shortly sir meanwhile enjoy
  15. Yeah she ain,t pretty though but a nice flying platform nether the less hoping to have here their sat if not i,ll drive down with the sheep eh
  16. Having trouble transfering the storch pic i,ll try again sir
  17. Aircraft with the third wheel at the right end are certainly the real look alright Brett i,ll try posting a pic of the old girl and see how i go eh
  18. Gravity assist would allways be an advantage i agree but the same something going wrong is also applicable and possible when the only method of transfering auxillary fuel from the external low mounted tank is via its seperate transfer pump. Looked at from the position of systems complication their would be more oppertunity for something to go wrong in a single continuious fuel delivery system involving two more tanks and plumbing than the proposed solution of two seperate and, independant deliver systems providing double redundency
  19. Not what i had in mind exactly sir. Two seperate ways of feeding fuel is what i have in mind one from the auxillary tank transfer pump to engine with mains isolated or current mains feed with auxillary isolated with no cross tank transfering required..
  20. Congratulations sir a truly wonderfull aircraft. Iv,e always admired them having trained in a cub and seeing the differance. I,m having some engine issues with my storch at present but hope to fly her down to our breakfast if corrected by then. Cheers Brett
  21. Auxilliary tank plumbing practices. Just brought an SS4 storch with standard twin wing tanks and standard 38 ltr centerline auxillary tank. The fuel system is plumbed in what I belive is the standard method and requires actuation of the auxilliary transfer pump,to pump fuel to the main tanks when required. While I understand the advantages of an overhead gravity assisted primary delivery system particularly on an aircraft who,s auxillary tank's pick up is 5' lower than the mains, the fact that fuel can not be transfered without the use of the transfer pump in any cicumstance leads me to question why it would not be a better option to have a fuel delivery system that delivered direct to the engine from the auxilliary when required via isolating the mains fuel taps and the procedure decaled suitably. The current system allows fuel in excess of an individual wing tank,s capacity to be dumped outboard via the tank vent this is problermatic due to the inherent yinaccuracy of the wingtank gauges in flight and the larger capacity of the auxillary tank. Any assistance and advice is most wecomed
  22. Welcome sir what a great intro bird tbey are too. Been flying mine 4 years and loving it. Oiregards Hargraves
  23. i've been told by the previous owner of my 500 about an hour per side comming off and double that going on tallyho hargraves
  24. g'day shafts 64 i'm an owner of the 500 and though only 3 months into it shes a delight to fly and a lot slicker than the drifter. Solo with the 582 5000 rpm gets me just on 68 kts in still conditions and very good rudder control plus an all triming tailplane alla cub makes her a smooth preformer. on the downside single actuating push/pull cables create, in my opinion the inevertble lag in aleron control imputs which translates to heavy control feel of same. Aleron spades have been suggested as a posible help but I believe a duel (opposing) push/pull cable to negitate the control lag would be a better solution and provide a backup system in the event of a cable failure (as and added bonus) My bird will let you know pretty smartly if you fail to monitor landing speed correctly, and can be quite lively in blowy conditions which can dictate flapless landings due to the very effective flaps fitted (30 degrees becomes a huge airbreak) something that drifters don't have to think about. anyway take care and safe flying tallyho from hargraves
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