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Everything posted by Hargraves

  1. The differance is obviously where you start off from I think Nev, that would obviously greatly influence how we would view the sport ,vis a vis coming down from comercial flying to just rec flying would be nothing like someone just interested in rec flying full stop with no interest or intension of going any further and I can understand your good wife for not wanting to fly in another bird after backseating in the lounge room of a citabria, i don,t know of a more roomy better twoseater for the navagator than those eh.
  2. Quite right Nev. The limited usefulness of our two seaters makes touring problamatic in many ways, like being at an out of town empty grass strip with either your pax or 80 to 100 kg of camping gear but not both has wiskers on it for sure and I would,nt describe as thrilling any flying that I do, more like "very enjoyable and the best way to see our country" would be my choice of description for it. But i do come back to my previous post, of seeking to fly and being responsible for yourself and your actions as being the main attraction, for me anyway, after all when where up their and all is well who needs anyone else. Cheers Hargraves
  3. I don,t know that I could agree that its, us parents fault mostly, except for possiblly the (dropped ball) of not actually revolting over macro economic reform ie the dismanteling of our manufacturing base and the destruction of the only true opposition the country ever had, the trade union movment, which I view as the precursor and direct consequence to the social situation were in now including the disenfranchisement of real pursuits by our younger australians in favour of (games). But even thats not a new tactic, old mate Julius Cesar (give the people games) it worked a treat for him too eh. I haven,t got a clue of how to fix it except to say i would treat the possesion of violent vidieo games the same way we treat child pornography and heroin possesion. But thats just me and my antiquated ways. Cheers Hargraves
  4. Yes its (needs must) nev, when road options are very limited and coastal routes are often four or more times longer around, but being a dedicated Darwinist with very little fur remaining on me i think i,ll stay in warmer climes and love it sir
  5. While we look closely at the dilemma of attracting more and younger people to our sport and the challenges it poses, The overall participation figure via population percentage of owner pilots of .0017% needs to be realized as the single biggest hurdel in our path. In other words to all intents and purposes where up against human nature, that is to say we are involved in a sport that is unique due to the simple fact we actually seek and enjoy being responsible for ourselves and our actions on our own recognense. This is not the case with the general population. I believe that on top of cost issues is largely the reason we are in a minute minority and a way to get around it is what needs to be looked at. Cheers Hargraves
  6. G,,day Bruce welcome to the forum
  7. The deliberate move by the raa board regarding the fee increase by stealth via not supplying what was supplied re sport pilot, is I think indicative of the direction the organization is being led, after all who needs an ultralight magazine when theirs plenty of GA and light sport ones more suitable to their intended direction.
  8. Could,nt help but notice that by a huge margin the main topic centered on the marvelous progess being made by this inovation was to do with complying with existing imposed beauracratic regulation and much less to do with the actual aircraft and as a believer in encouraging, assisting and helping those enterprises it makes me sick to see it so throttled. The sooner theirs a genuine regulatory choice for (recreational) not wanna be GA flying the better.
  9. Wonderfull historic photo,s of real pioneer's in non professional oz flying and interesting to NB that us Anglo-Saxon origon aussies had a very healthy representation of colleagues from all around the world getting into it here, I just love these real pilots of the old days, who would,nt know an LCD from a credit card and recieved payments FROM the banks for having their savings with them. Dem wus de days. Cheers
  10. I was getting an (average) fuel consumption in my 582 GT 500 of 17 lts hr but i say average because flying windows down was differant from zipped up as was cruise speed of course. But more noticable was, because of my tendancy to fly high when theirs a choice, the added consumption required to get to cruise hight at each climbout I think around 21 or more would be more realistic at those times. So that even befor factoring in winds enroute theirs a potential for large discrepancies in twostroke fuel usage making it harder to get a handle on.
  11. A great forum to be in Ian, like a lot of us I don,t always post but always read thank you for the oppertunity to participate sir cheers
  12. I brought my aircraft from a property outside of Charters Towers in 2015. The aircraft was past serviced by Denis though I never met him, I was warned by other pilot friends from their that it was a very bad place with an awful history. Outside the hanger where my bird was billited for two nights, sat a 701 on its arse whose engine had been stolen from right their. Some standout and helpfull people their that I met for sure, but at least one grade one arsehole was their somewhere as well.
  13. Quite right sir (facthunter) greatly exacerbated by very thin material thickness and as bad as countersinking the same. The edges almost need a rolling non cutting process of sorts. I think the Cleavland tool advised by rgmwa is closest to what would be best by the look of it. Ie no relief cut back on the leading edge of the tool to prevent or at least control any cutting action. Thats my twobob for what its worth sir. Wish you well with the project. Cheers.
  14. BRS weight is a good point, more so as most of the guys i know fly less than 600 mtow catagory mainly i,m sure because their wallets arn,t as heavy and its affordable.
  15. Aka Newzealand where the kiwis as usual are applying common sense and leading the way, just like they did at our anniversary airshow at Richmond with our (old redundant skyhawks) and absolutley stole the show, with the possible exception of the Russian aerobatic world champions flying display. .Aircraft size/weight creep will kill RAA buy making it more expensive, unaffordable and regulated and are the opposite reasons we fly, under this system
  16. From my very limited experience the law is based on precedence and the fact that it coinsides with justice is to a large extent coincidental due to those precedence,s being applied. PS i,m not bitter or twisted on the subject just obsevant.
  17. Yes spacesailer every thing old is new again. But still an interesting vid all the same and those plugs were befor exahust gas sensors were used for tuning ICE,s as well.
  18. From the little iv,e heard from sav owners here corrosion proofing of all mating parts and joints regardless of what the factory has done would be my absolute priority.
  19. This bloke should be charged with multiple attempted murder, but as stated he,ll probably get a slap on the wrist, Theirs a reason the law is called the law, its because its not justice.
  20. Great looking bird for sure. But taxis belong in GA not recreational flying. The insurance issues for registration is the differance and the reason raa flying is affordable.
  21. G,day Des, planing a northern holliday latter this year + plane and don,t know any pilot's up their as yet, be nice to meet up with like minded people and get some local knowledge, tips and briefs when i get their, meanwhile welcome
  22. Very sad to see a good bird banged up like that sir. Trouble with tiedowns is all ways going to be wheres into wind during the event. Got to aggree with bex but low wing equals solid roll bar plus canopy hammer.
  23. Got to disagree their sir. They look wonderfully symmetrical and harmonic, and how it should be, despite the natural harmonics of horizontally opposed flat designs for streamlining.
  24. We have a little in common then sir in 1968 i built a kart around a 105E engine mounted east west driving through a Burman Vincent bike gearbox via a HarlyDavidson duplex chain and clutch. And later upgraded to a 1500 cc GT Cortina engine in vertually the same mounts. 60 mph in 1st gear with your arse 3" off the ground was quite auxillrating back then. And she required for and aft inverted airfoils to keep her down over a particular asphalt to concrete to asphalt bump in the track as well. I may well be one of the few people to have ever been overtaken buy an 14 lb flywheel at around 80 mph flat changing from 2nd to 3rd. High weight to power ratios have always interested me eh. So flyings only natural afterall. Cheers Hargraves
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