Was still looking for something suitable
Didn't see the point in Building something that I needed a PPL(H) for which cost a fortune
Hence the original Question was about a Recreational rotatory License
Story Floating around a while ago was
A first year Auto Mechanic apprentice was told to fill a car with oil
The supervising mechanic returned after attending to a Customer
To find a pallet of empty 5 Lt oil containers
Filled the car alright as was instructed
Been away for this site (and others for a while (Long story))
Come back on expecting to see lots of Hype about Part 61 Changes
To my surprise I haven't found anything
Around this time last year the changes got put on hold till later in the year
It was to have a huge impact on lots of things flying related
Told it was put into play late September but what really changed??
There was talk of a Recreational Rotary wing Licence???
Have heard the GA GFPT is replaced with a Recreational Licence
Is this licence the same as a Recreational Certificate
The New Recreational Licence requires 20 dual as compared to the 15 hrs previous and MTOW is now 1500KG compared to 540KG or what it was previously??
What about Stall speed
Does this mean someone with a Rec License can now fly VH registered aircraft to MTOW of 1500KG
HAs anything chance regarding RA-Aus registered Aircraft
What other changes where made
Huge user of Facebook and other social media
But I asked a question on RA Aus Facebook site only to be told to ring there office for the answer
So I guess what's the point??
Old thread I know but
Jim did you ever get any more info in this
There website doesn't say to much (like where the designer lives, Doesn't even say what currency the cost of the plans are??)
Recently came across a fellow in Melbourne who is planning to build one
Would be fantastic for the sport
Apparently they now charge $170/h there website is very much out of date!!!!!
I tell you what
Ill pay $140/h you make up the difference for a good school as I cannot afford one
Is there ??
I'm tipping yours says exactly the same as everyone else's
I digress
Another way of looking at it
I'm a trained and accredited sports coach
I offer my services to others that want to be coached for free
Why because I love the chosen sport and want to see others excel and numbers increase
Does this mean the next coach that is charging $$$$$ any better coach than me??
Absolutely but as someone pointed out previously there are some who will milk you for the extra buck
At the end of the day its still the same certificate
What about Vic other than Horsham
Woorayl air services near Leongatha are $170/h cheapest around here
I believe there is a Flying school in Tasmania that's $150/h
A lot of university's are offering this now
I have seen it advertised as a Vet Fee Free approved course
In other words (My understanding) is the government will lend you the money to do the course (under very loose conditions) and you don't have to pay it back until and/or if you earn so much a year
I have even seen it advertised to do via online studies with the flight training done at your local flying school (that's how it was worded)
And the Minimum outcome was a Rec Licence
Could this be a free way of obtaining a Pilots Licence / Certificate
Or even a train now pay later thing
Wondering if stall speed can be lowered
And how it is calculated
I'm looking at scratch building a KR2-s for Ra-Aus rego that has a stall speed of 52MPH (according to the specs)
This equates to 45.1868 Just over
Would they allow this
Just came across a Melbourne flying school offering training for an Un-Restricted Pilot Certificate
10hrs required but there Restricted Pilot Certificate is 20hrs
Can I assume you have to have restricted before Un-Restricted
What's the difference
I'm confused??
Didn't th
Didn't think ypu needed Facebook there is a download button at the top
Failing that Send me a private message and Ill email it to you
Its to large to post on here
Then why did he state it on Live TV
Ok you win
Remove the word Elton John in the previous post and replace with
Angus Young, Jimi Hendrix, DimeBag Daryl or any other on this page
Around 30 years ago I say an entrance exam to be excepted into an Airline Academy
That I believe was in Cessnock NSW
Never excepted there offer (family morgage etc)
Does anyone know about this Academy
Once again off the topic to start an augment
And totally irrelevant
It was announced on the letterman show a few years ago Paul Shaffer's reply was you don't have read it to you write it???
I got excepted into a flying school but I cannot fly???
Anyway total irrelevant and not the point
Now that the dust has settled
Sorry didn't mean to stare WW3
Back to the question
I recently while trying to get the cash together for flying lessons came across a local add on gumtree for a guitar teacher
I've been playing Guitar off and on for 40 years and worked In the Music industry (doing Production) for around 15 years
Thinking to my self I can teach done it before with success
The add went on to say MUST have past grade 6 music theory exams DAMN
I remember see an interview with Elton John who openly admitted he cannot read Music
I can assure you a good majority of professional musicians have no formal qualifications in Music just experience
So based on that Elton John couldn't or wouldn't get the above position (If it was for Piano) nor would a lot of experienced professional Musos
But little Johnny who has been locked in a room by himself studying and passing exams could
The other side of the coin and certainly the reason why I posted this originally is
I am an accredited Sports coach (the sport is irrelevant)
Get asked why the (and many other sports) are declining in numbers
My argument is all the armchair experts who think they know how to coach the sport are driving them away
Its of my option people need to be accredited to coach (teach) any sport
But they don't need the experience to be able to teach just the knowledge on how to
I was just curious as to what peoples thought where