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Everything posted by Nev25

  1. Found these E-Books They are for sale on Amazon for 0.99c (assuming usd) Seem pretty basic but for 0.99c????
  2. Return email from LGT Aerospace Plans are not available at the moment. The new Stratos is currently being built, it will confirm the aspects of the design and drawings before any commercial sale will take place. Thanks LGT Aerospace
  3. I'm sure this has been asked before but I am asking again Had a play with a number of P.C.(windows) based flight simulators Admitably where not full versions (or where pirated (not by me)) wasn't that impressed But not being bitten by the flying bug again and seeing this Wondering it is really a learning tool or a game??
  4. Yeap no plans there
  5. I assume you are talking about http://www.ligetistratos.com Link is dead
  6. HUH???
  7. Yeah Thanks PA Seem a far bit of info around on this machine And the plans are suppose to be open source but just cannot find them
  8. But can one do the course or the online exam without being a member??
  9. Turn it up I like this song
  10. But is it??? Care to share your thoughts
  11. Might sound like a silly question but think about it My questioning is unrelated to aviation but similar Why does one need to engage a pilot with instructor rating to teach one to fly to obtain a licence or certificate Why can't one just get a local pilot with x amount of hours to instruct one At the end of the day you do not need a professional driving instructor to teach you to drive a motor vehicle your parents or an experience driver can teach you Thoughts please
  12. Is any of this going to change come 4 December
  13. Thought that was the case already if a Farmer gained his Licence for checking cattle, Crop dusting etc Remember they are primary Producers they have special rules
  14. Yep then he will tell you he is on an oilrig and cannot pick it up Asks you to forward some money via western Union to pay a carrier to pick it up (or something simular ) You and never hear from him again Well documented scam Like this one Google Oil Rig scam Fair call but been raised before At the end of the day the person gave the funds over willingly making it a perfectly legal transaction
  15. Yep I asked about homebuilt helis only to be called a pest and to go away
  16. I email CASA about this a while ago and eventually got an email back stating The rumours become true on 4 December 2013 there will be a RPL!! See http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_101368 Also received this in an email tonight **REMINDER CASA INFORMATION SESSIONS** **New pilot licensing regulations (Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 61)** Pilots are invited to attend CASA’s upcoming information sessions on the new pilot licensing regulations in six capital cities on Monday 21 October 2013. The sessions update CASA’s recent, popular AvSafety seminars on regulation reform including pilot licensing, and will provide further insight into the new licensing rules, what they mean for each pilot licence category, and how licences will be issued. Date: Monday 21 October 2013 Time: 19:00 (local time) Cost: Free. Where: Melbourne – Grape Room, Mercure Treasury Gardens, Melbourne City Sydney – Grand Ballroom, Mercure Sydney International Airport, Wolli Creek Brisbane – Auditorium, Broncos Leagues Club, Red Hill Adelaide – Room MC1-02, Mawson Centre, UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus, Mawson Lakes Perth – Meeting Rooms 2 and 3, Perth Convention Centre, Perth City Canberra – Rooms 1 and 2, ANU Commons Function Centre, Acton Registration: Register via AviationWorx <http://casa.grapevine.com.au/lists/lt.php?id=Y0UDBAcHBwUHUh9VBQoFTAgGAQEHCg%3D%3D> . Make sure you get the secret Handshake right My experience is they aren't the most friendly bunch over there .
  17. What Brand of Tin Snips do you use I'm told WIZ snips are good But heard elsewhere not to buy any with a serrated cutting edge that the Wiz Brand do??
  18. I recently did a ring/Email around locally as the cost of lessons for rec certificate and to my surprise the local aero club was one of the most expensive I thought clubs where formed to keep costs down and make things easier??
  19. At the air show at Avalon this year there was an Aircraft on display I the SAAA tent affectionately know as the Flying Paperclip Anyone know anything about this??
  20. Dunno about these but plans listed here
  21. The DVD "Scratch Building Basics for Metal Aircraft" would be a great help for you And as Marty said there are other DVDs available and some are instant downloads like here Maybe contact your local chapter of the SAAA
  22. Recently looked at some Sports Aircraft Association of Australia Magazines Wondering why all the homebuilt aircrafts in there are VH registered And where does the SAAA fit into the picture is it worth joining the local chapter a recreational Aircraft builder
  23. Long shot But is there anyone on here that was involved with the club
  24. Have a look at XCSOAR its for Gliders but worth a look
  25. I recently asked on a Helicopter Forum as to what Licence is required in Australia to fly a AW95 (Which is a very basic scratch Built Helicopter) Just a general question out of curiosity All I ended up with was a lecture on the dangers of flying without training was labelled a PEST and told to go away and stop posting stupid posts When I replied to defend myself my posts where deleted???? I was asking about licenses not building???? Some weeks later I Joined a glider online forum and asked about plans (Google glider plans and all you get is model plans (Radio control type)) Got a simular type of response (Admittedly only for 2 members) who posted the notion of scratch building a glider was STUPID !!!!!
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