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Everything posted by Nev25

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBfpjPCb2r8
  2. I am going to assume one has to be able to fly to a standard and has pasted relevant courses to become an instructor Based on some comments in this thread is the standard to low Having asked that I am an accredited sports coach (here and in the states) and do understand there is more to teaching/Coaching than knowledge of the sport itself? .
  3. Why do AirLine Pilots and ATC end the message with the word Gidday Am I correct Gidday has replaced "Over and out???"
  4. I really cannot see the point of comparing how it was years ago and other country's as the cost of living is different to today and here Bearing in mind USA have a class of aircraft that you don't need a licence for!! I am in the process of shopping for a school/person to train for my certificate Interesting thing is here (Latrobe Valley) one guy has quoted me $190/h (admitably he is only available Friday afternoons and Sundays) Another (Who claims to teach as if you are advancing on to a "higher standard") wants $220/h Both in a J160 At the end of the day I no matter who I go with I will end up with the same certificate do I not!!!! Its a no Brainer really I know of 2 places one in Tassy and one at the Oaks who are $150/h and have suggested one can take a week of work and spend the week there (Like a holiday) and obtain my certificate in a week I'm sure there are others that do this I have also been advised against this Then there is Sydney Recreation Flying Club $145/h in a Lightwing
  5. Fact or Photoshop
  6. Isn't the Magni a gyro?? The Heli guys would have you hung an quartered for calling a gyro a heli Was under the impression it was a different Licence
  7. Yeah But what are they starting I cannot find any reference to what the requirements of such a licence or what sort of craft would be applicable to such a Licence Its all very confusing
  8. Anyone read this and can explain what's going to Change???
  9. Well CASA Finally got back to me to say Unofficially a Rotary Rec Licence will come into play 4/12/2013 and suggested I read http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_101368 But wow what a document??
  10. While trying to save for lessons I am keen to get into some theory Wondering what should I be studying (is it advisable before lessons) Can exams be sat before flying??
  11. How far of is the plans for the 2 seater
  12. Any Idea on the cost of the Plans .
  13. Yes particularly if it has folding/removable wings
  14. About $20,000 for a start
  15. I also find it strange the in the USA you don't need a licence at all to fly such craft
  16. Thanks Nev But as I said And it seems that the rotary licenced Paternity don't want a Rec Class.... Nev25
  17. Looking cannot see anything relevant Am I missing something
  18. Oh DO tell ???
  19. Because there isn't one yet ?????? Hence the Question 50 hours I believe to get a private rotary Licence Most charge around $500/h
  20. Thanks Frank I thought I had missed something .
  21. I'm curious about heavy transport requirements Sorry to steal the thread but I have a rigid licence in Vic and have never had to do a medical
  22. The main reason I asked was I asked a Question on Rotary licence on an Australia Helicopter forum After some not to the point answers I posted this pic and asked what Licence I would need to fly it. After the Lectures on unlicensed Flying I got told Recreational Pilots are pests so Go away and annoy someone else (Not in as many words) and when I asked why in response I got my postings deleted (there not a friendly bunch over there). One did say take a look at the new Part61 changes that CASA are introducing Another said one would need a Private Copter licence to fly it My point is as it would cost $30,000 upwards to obtain the licence why would one bother when a Fixed wing recreational Certificate could be obtained for around $5,000 .
  23. I'm hearing talk about a Recreational class being introduced into helicopters Including a new class of craft and a new Licence class Anyone know anything or got any details
  24. Thanks Ill take a look
  25. Can someone point me in the direction of the CASA legislation on licencing Mainly look for hours and requirements etc. for various licences
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