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Everything posted by spitfire

  1. Thanks Guy and Nev, when I built the Skyranger I remember cleaning up the inside of the bore with a dowel wrapped in fine wet and dry, as per Greg Robertson’s’ recommendation. So I guess it’s done well for 10 plus years of service…given it’s only aluminium…
  2. Hi Guy, thanks for the info and photos, it’s a good heads up on what I might be facing. Could you see the bore was damaged or did the brakes just not work ? thanks Michael
  3. Still waiting on Flylight to come back with a delivery date… 🙁
  4. Hello Guy Ive got exactly the same issue with my Skyranger swift. As you probably already know, there is an overhaul kit available from Flylight , but there is some doubt about getting the right kit, apparently. My Swift is 11 years old btw. Its a pity we can’t just buy new o rings. I’m doubtful that Flylight manufacture the hydraulic unit. I’m guessing it’s from a moped or similar. And yes they are slow on emails. I’m waiting on a reply… would you like to send me a pm? cheers michael
  5. Hello Guy Ive got exactly the same issue with my Skyranger swift. As you probably already know, there is an overhaul kit available from Flylight , but there is some doubt about getting the right kit, apparently. My Swift is 11 years old btw. Its a pity we can’t just buy new o rings. I’m doubtful that Flylight manufacture the hydraulic unit. I’m guessing it’s from a moped or similar. And yes they are slow on emails. I’m waiting on a reply… would you like to send me a pm? cheers michael
  6. Hi Skippy thats brilliant, many thanks, Mike
  7. Ok, so if the larger sizes are difficult to find, do you use screw clamps on these? As found in automobile apps?
  8. Skippy, if I could ask you a question, do you use Oeticker clamps for securing the hoses , the EAA hints for home builders thinks they are a good idea?
  9. Skippy, you are a gentleman, many thanks for all your research and tabling the contents for mugs like me. It is appreciated…
  10. Hi i agree with Scott, I’ve had both engines in my Swift and the performance difference is considerable, especially in the climb. Mike
  11. Thanks for the responses guys, this may throw a bit more light on it, Skyranger has a larger than 600 x 600mm ali plate for the antenna. I promise not to disconnect antenna and transmit. I set the mike gain to what the light speed guys told me , all the way down and undo 1/4 turn , at least I think that’s what they said...
  12. Yes , gain fully wound down
  13. Yes static / white noise , just like open squelch ......
  14. Thanks Blueadventures, I’ll have a look
  15. Thanks Flyboy, I’ll check that out
  16. Thanks RFguy , ok the answers as best as I can think of; 1) no ,it’s not a whine noise at all. 2)Yes, it increases with rpm. 3) transmitted audio: I am told by other pilots when requesting a radio check that it’s a 4. 4) Battery is new. 5) I think the voltage at idle is about 14 volts, not sure at full song, will have to check. 6) No, noise is only on transmissions (When ptt activated) 7) Yes it occurs with a DC 13.4 8)No, recd audio is good.
  17. Thanks, yes I do use a USB charger for the iPad, pcas and gps signal unit for the iPad. i can easily check if these are an issue.....
  18. Hi Downunder, yes it’s in a cool spot, seems the same in winter...
  19. Hi all, just wondering if anyone can help with this problem? I fly a Skyranger with an Xcom radio, when transmitting I am getting a lot of noise coming back through my headset. it is worse at higher rpm, especially at climb out, noticeable but not too annoying at taxi and not there before engine start. The engine is a Rotax 912 uls. I use a light speed headset. Thanks.
  20. Thanks Paul, a timely reminder.
  21. I think Facthunter has got it right, it is up to us. We don’t have to fly if wx is marginal etc.
  22. Well done Heath, a great journey, thanks for letting us share it, sorry to hear about your ops, I sincerely hope that is all behind you now, best wishes Michael (Skyranger Swift)
  23. I had eye surgery for short sightedness and cataracts and to fix a skin growing over the back inside of one eye, I had to talk the surgeon into it as he said my eyesight wasn't too bad, I knew otherwise however, I could not believe the result after surgery, a couple of years later and I still can't get over how good it is. If you contact me I could tell you the details Regards Mike
  24. Hi Kyle Looks like a very professional rebuild/ restoration, well done to you sir. Mike
  25. Hi , I've had cataract surgery in both eyes, all I can say is I wish I had done it earlier, You won't believe the difference. I was also concerned about my eyes being touched, but you don't feel anything, Regards Mike
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