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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. Used to love watching the Tigers over the Gold Coast. Now love watching them over Williamstown. Fingers crossed for a good outcome.
  2. I've watched it a couple of times, and can now see the missing spat. But why the roll/yaw to the left so quickly? Maybe just overcontrolling when trying to keep the right wheel off? It looked like a beautiful aircraft.
  3. That video looked more like a landing gone wrong than problems with the undercarriage. Sudden wing drop and yaw to the left in the flare?
  4. .....the naked rat from getting back to his onesie, which was being fought over by Andy and the committee. "You can't have it without a fair and equitable process!" shouted Andy, as he jerked the onesie (ripping it in two), and shat in his hat at the same time. "Ewww....." groaned Madge, "now who is going to clean up all this mess?"
  5. With the youngest son on his first flight with me, tracking down the coast towards Mornington on a cold morning in the Alpha 160A.
  6. No contest.....!!!
  7. ...a rub of a Rat's sack could well end up as a criminal charge....especially when the rubber is only.....
  8. Seeing a Lancaster in action is on my bucketlist. Such a fantastic aircraft.
  9. ....started a petition to the government to save Holden, and reduce the price of ratsack at the same time. "It was always doomed to failure" mused the Rat later "My sack is already free to anyone who wants a piece, and......
  10. "Take these away, and don't come back until you have come up with chocolate-coconuts. And if you even think of taking them to Mrs El Ratta Hari, we will.....
  11. .....stick a new wire in my old hinge!!!! That's not safe at all, my mother warned me about people like.....
  12. I'm passionate about stats too. But unless you have some serious data that isn't readily available in the public domain, you will be hard pressed to answer the question of what systematic problem is occurring. Forgetting about this year alone for a second, is there any work being done to work out why the comparable GA fatality rate is half that of RA-Aus over the last decade?
  13. Bandit12

    Lismore RV-12

    Perhaps when the coroner's inquest is completed, someone might remember to post a link to it.
  14. Bandit12

    Lismore RV-12

    Exactly my point - 78kn is not enough of a margin to be pulling up hard, if it had been held on the deck to 100kn or more and then zoomed, perhaps that would have been a suitable explanation then. While knowing nothing more than what has been written here, I'd be thinking that either control failure or incapacitation to be more likely than showboating error.
  15. Negative wing dihedral for improved stability when flying inverted?
  16. ....an olive green onesie (RAAFref) might do the trick. "I've got something to open your loxies" said the dapper Madge. "This little trick opens.....
  17. If that is the way that it is going Maj, L2s better check their liability insurance covers training, because when someone goes down and maintenance is identified as a factor, the next person to get sued might well be the one who signed them off as being competent to maintain......
  18. Bandit12

    Lismore RV-12

    Unusual choice for a first flight though, and for someone who flys aeros, I would have expected more airspeed before a sudden pull up.
  19. .....obsessive compulsive disorder. "Allow me to help with your problem" suggested Dr Footlong, reaching for his.....
  20. .....only to be accosted by the bouncer, who was wearing braid and 4 stripes to indicate his senior position and extensive number of.....
  21. This may seem like a petty thing, but it is also a little sad to see someone like David amended to "guest" by the software default. Perhaps when times are quiet admin might be able to change that to something a little more appropriate. Maybe "gone west" or another similar aviation related phrase.
  22. I did the airline commute between Toowoomba and Melbourne while working away from the family for a year. If you get on to them early enough, flights are pretty cheap. I ended up flying out of Cooly quite a bit as I found you could park over the road from the airport for free, and walk over!
  23. I find that tablets are great for social stuff, and much more limited when it is any kind of work. A relative bought a Surface RT and I was impressed with that as a step up in usefulness. Out and about, I check on recflying using the web browser on my android phone - works well for a quick browse, but long replies are painful.
  24. Be wary of free advice, or anything written on the internet. That said, perhaps a solicitor well versed in consumer law is what you need, rather than aviation specifically. Plenty of information here to get you started.
  25. Under confident, over confident, and anti-authority aren't personality types. They are traits in students which can be problematic for anyone trying to teach them anything.
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