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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. .....that he could never compare to the magnificence of Brine's.....
  2. Yep, I would log it. Otherwise there would be an argument for not logging any taxi time, and for those of us who fly out of Moorabbin, that's half of my hours!
  3. Maybe suggest that he can pay the deposit by Western Union?
  4. ...is it big enough to measure 12 of ultralighting's largest.....
  5. I suspect that their is patchy Vodafone reception - I drove through several months ago, and was most surprised about just how much coverage my Vodafone had. Perhaps the aeroclub has a phone you could use if the coverage is lacking? Alternatively make a call while airborne (if you are comfortable doing so).
  6. ....free hugs as long as you are prepared to......
  7. got a thru-bolt in your pocket? Cause it looks like you are awfully happy to see.....
  8. Perhaps if they had invested their cash reserves more wisely over the last few years, there would have been plenty more for a more competitive salary. Don't forget that Canberra can be an expensive place to live.
  9. ....best friend Woodstock strategically placed over his thru-bolt. "I love a...hic...bit of Woodstock....hic...burbon" slurred Tubby, especially before I go for a fly in my......
  10. Doesn't yours say that Howard? I guess you will be getting a visit from the Feds soon then....!!!!
  11. But they are pilots, surely they are earning the big bucks, no?
  12. ....might not be too impressed with the size of his through bolt (AvRef) and suggest that he go in for an STC (AvRef) in the hopes that his STD (PoxRef) might....
  13. Highly recommend "Lumosity" for cognitive training - it is one of the few that actually has decent research behind it and is cheap compared to most.
  14. ......"POLICE CONSTABLE" interrupted Sgt 12er of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police loudly, who at that moment had materialised on a horse that looked a little like a CatInTheHat. "Wot's all this drinkin about?" he asked. "You boys are nicked." While pondering this wierd event, Ahlox realised that the new forum member must have slipped him a date rape drug, which explained.........
  15. Wives are much happier if we remember to feed them. Or is it the other way around?
  16. I got it, just wasn't witty enough to come up with anything funny to add....
  17. The reality is that the RAAus fatality rate is twice that of comparable GA aircraft over the last decade, and that is ignoring any other high profile incident like the ferris wheel that caused additional scrutiny. I don't think there is a need for a hidden agenda, the publicly available figures make a convincing agenda by themselves.
  18. "Nope" replied Tubby "but you would be amazed at the amount of spare rubber tubes I can fit in my Chair-o-key, so many that......
  19. Condolences to the family and friends in this tough time.
  20. I'm really interested, because I think it is rare for the public to actually see how it all is developing. I need to pick something to build that needs an engine of this size.....
  21. an embarrassed silence....... The Harlot noticed that surrounding the crowd was a posse of law enforcement agents, and was wondering what he had gotten himself into, when he noticed that he was not on stage at the BOB at all, but was actually......
  22. Plenty of import agents around, I use Mainfreight International for my clearances. As FT said, make sure you know what it is packaged in, or risk big quarantine charges. Best to find an agent, explain what you want and ask them about steps to take to make it all happen. You will have Duties charges (don't know the rate, maybe 10%), GST (10%), sometimes airline handling charges, storage charges if it is at the airlines more than a day, handling charges if it is coming in via sea freight, and agent charges.. You can save a bit of money if you get the agent to do all the clearance and turn up with your documents to collect yourself, but this is often more hassle than it is worth if coming by sea. Get your seller to email you scanned copies of all documents - airway bill, commercial invoice etc so that you can send to your agent to get the clearance happening before it arrives.
  23. Someone who is clever with flowcharts could make the structure look nice and clear.....
  24. Scuttlebutt has it that Kingatropolis (sorry, I'm a Murgon boy and old rivalry hangs around) is being considered for an RAAF base if Amberley turns out to be not viable in years to come. But scuttlebutt is always worth what you paid for it, and maybe Joh's family really do have that kind of pull still
  25. Here is another perspective - train in what you will be able to hire when you get certificated (certified?). If you move to a different area or a new type/style becomes available, get checked out/endorsed for that then. That said, nothing looks as nice as a dragger.....
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