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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. It's not often you get to say to someone to come flying as it is a cheaper hobby!
  2. I think a NVFR is really useful experience, although I am less keen to go out at night these days. Perfect for those slightly late arrivals, or those areas where local last light is actually much earlier than published last light.
  3. I'd go even further to suggest that a visit to an Educational Psychologist is probably the best place to work on figuring out where the underlying difficulties lie. Self-taught is great if you have the time, but if you want to bring it in to focus quickly, a proper assessment is warranted. But then again, if it isn't causing you any grief, and you can still do the things you want to in life, I say just get on with living and don't worry about it. I have rarely had any difficulty understanding your posts Flyerme.
  4. Self catheterisation should do it! Can you imagine that as part of the pax briefing. "Today we are going to be flying for quite some time. In your seat pocket you will find equipment and directions for safe and hygienic toileting. I would like to remind you that is an offence to smoke anywhere in the aircraft, including while toileting."
  5. Don't know if I can read any more of this for fear of wetting myself with excitement! Have reasonable plans now to spend the week next year after doing a Route 66 roadtrip, then on to Canada for a conference. Might have to arrange an Aussie meeting point!
  6. Looks like I will be going to Oshkosh next year - very excited!
  7. I assessed a kid once for learning difficulties. His full scale IQ (an outdated, almost meaningless measure but fine for illustrative purposes) was off the chart, and yet his written language was appalling and his spelling was at a level about 10 years below his age. Ask him to write and it was almost gibberish, ask him to answer verbally and it was unbelievable just how bright he was. One of my brothers builds truck trailers and is almost as bad in written language, yet can eyeball a trailer and tell you where it will fail and by how much and where it needs to be reinforced to prevent failure. I think it is wrong to presume that errors are from laziness. How a person is approached regarding their mistakes will make a big difference to whether they even come back, and to be honest most people who struggle to spell probably already know that they struggle, and don't need a faceless person on the internet to tell them. If it was that simple, I suspect their problems would have been solved by now. My sympathy is lower to those who are representing a business and have mistakes in advertising - no excuses for a business not to appear professional. For individuals in social settings, as long as they can get their point across, I think that is enough.
  8. I think Nev's thought of buy up some spares and build a good one is probably the easiest option. You might be able to find a secondhand one with low hours, but have no real way of knowing if it is actually low, nor how it has been treated/mistreated. Changing engine will mean new mounts and checking COG at the least; at the worst you will have to make new cowls and even add weight elsewhere to get the COG right again. If you build a spare, or rebuild the one you've got, surely that is the best way of knowing what you've got.
  9. Statistics ain't so bad - it's the agenda of the person running (or asking for) the analysis, or the complete lack of understanding about how to use them that is the real problem..... But the internet, now that's definitely all bad
  10. I saw what you did there, and had a quiet chuckle
  11. .......beat around the.....
  12. You are getting ~12% of users looking without being either registered, or logged in. I suspect that this figure is not enough to substantially sway the distribution unless there was some rationale for it (eg CPL holders are less likely to want to be identified - probably a bit of a stretch). What is says to me is that despite the use of the word "Recreational" in the name, the majority of users are "RA-Aus" users rather than "recreational" users. The majority of RA-Aus users explains pretty well the decline following the organisation debacles of recent years. If you want to attract PPL and CPL users, I guess you would need to work out where they currently are and deliver resources and content that would attract them to the site. At the risk of turning away the core of the users here already, of course.... Another thought leading on from Dayfdd's - perhaps mods could at least tweak titles of threads when they have the spare time (offer them a 50% payrise maybe ) to help with searching. Titles like "Another Jab Goes Down" is much more difficult to find in the future than "Jabiru accident 01/01/01".
  13. Unlikely - the data collection is lacking and the small sample size suggests that a decade or more of data would be needed to draw anything meaningful. Given that photographs for registration seem to go missing within a year, it seems too much to expect that accident data would also be there in its entirety after a decade.
  14. It was and still is so much worse than that. Perhaps more akin to handing in the 170s and keeping the 160s. But we digress, it is a good example of what happens when those that legislate are ignorant and make wild changes to suit their vendettas.
  15. Happened to the shooting fraternity in 1996 - aviators be warned.....
  16. Looks like it Pete. Turns it out is French, and a contemporary of the Breguet 14 too.
  17. Camera I'm pretty sure. The single synchronised gun at the front with the twin Vickers at the rear should help identify it.
  18. Has it been proven that the aircraft ran out of fuel? A blockage (such as from contaminated fuel) can stop the fan just as effectively as empty tanks.
  19. Looks interwar - more streamlined than WWI. Is it just me or does the observer look caucasian? Closest aircraft that I could find with the right sort of specs was the Breguet 14, but it has a distinctive flat cowling with cooling slats, while this one look more radial or rotary.
  20. Agreed, it is pretty easy at a place like Moorabbin to spend close to 20 minutes of your hour on start up, taxi, run up, taxi, holding, and sometimes a very long taxi home after landing.
  21. Probably the mag wheels too.....
  22. .....accused him of being a tyre kicker." Well, you can imagine what happened then. Cars screeched to a halt, mothers covered the ears of their children, as Andy drew himself up to his full height of 4 ft 11in and screamed..........
  23. Curiously, the more pictures of Jabs after forced landings, the more I am impressed with their fuselage design. Not sure I would be wanting to fork out the costs of engines that aren't making time regularly, but from the perspective of survivability, it looks like there isn't much better.
  24. I think it was 24-7984, just caught it on Channel 9.
  25. Except for Turbo, he is a real "chew your arm off if you woke up beside him" type of character Welcome to the forum Ian
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