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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. ....serve sauteed onions with a side of cheap blended scotch. Which in my opinion is worth more than double what Tub's opinion is of Rat's hair product choices. "I know all about hair products" said Mavis "Have a look at this hair removal gel Ratty, it is just what you need for....
  2. While doing the bus tour of the Boneyard in Tucson last year, I spotted a couple of rows of F-4s. Turns out that they have dozens in flyable storage ready to go for the next big war, and an Air Force Colonel whose job it is to supervise one being returned to flying status and test fly it every week, before putting it to bed again for another year or two. Will put up a picture if I can find it.
  3. Take it easy chaps - Brian didn't suggest that he wanted the flying schools to fail. One member is no more important than the other, whether one runs a flight school or just flying minimum hours to keep current. The problem is that commercial ops really don't fit within the classic organisational model. Flight schools need to have priority for a number of reasons, but that doesn't sit well for individuals either. The whole problem highlights the fact that RA-Aus hasn't done particularly well lately for it's members, or for the industry that supports it's existence. Therefore, something needs to change and by all accounts, change is happening. Hopefully change for the better at the end of the day.
  4. As did a number of us I guess. I generally use track up because that was how I was taught, but certainly don't have any issues orienting myself or using it north up. But anyone with spatial processing difficulties may struggle a bit with north up for navigating, or track up for giving relative positions on the go.
  5. Not your fault as an individual Brian....but collectively the organisation and it's members if it doesn't protect the industry that keeps it going. Sharing an opinion and disagreeing is fine, as long as people are prepared to listen as well as disagree. Not saying that you haven't, but as I'm sure you know too, there are so many that just won't hear anything that they disagree with. Shane
  6. I would be very concerned if I had invested a considerable amount of money and relied on my own flying school to eat. You have to look after the schools, at the end of the day someone has chosen to put their hard earned dollars on the line and as Turbs suggested, without the flying school a considerable number of people won't be able to continue their sport anyway. Without members, there is no organisation. Without accessible services, there are no members.
  7. ....throughbolts. There is nothing worse than a flying suit bulge caused by premature failure of the....
  8. ....Andy@coughsbl00dysmokinggonnakillmeoneday who was the mastermind behind the "Let's sink the SS Turbo with 400 dislikes" campaign. Andy had tried to retain the services of George Negus and Yumi Stynes to run his campaign, but they had already been retained by the RA-Aus board in an attempt to....
  9. ....when he gets too excited. We all know that their relationship is not recognised except in the state of Tasmania, but that doesn't mean that....
  10. Taken last year when I visited the Boneyard in Tucson with the family:
  11. ....might also be overstating it a bit, just like the Subway footlong which measured but 11 inches only recently. If only Jab could boast of an error rate of 1 in 12, then all we would have to talk about is...
  12. .....and that most classic of Australian pastimes - how to throw another board member on the barbie! And so the socialist takeover of ROz continued - all owners have been advised (edit - all references removed from website) to paint their party number on the side of their aero vehikles (with red paint of course) and..... Don't tell Aunt, but I was away holidaying with Nana!
  13. Sounds like a good circle to be out of really. Hats off to you Mr Tatlock for obviously not towing the line and actually trying to represent the members.
  14. ....Rat's heart with warmth and happiness at the sight of Loxy's expanding rivet. "Praise the Lord" exclaimed the Rodent "And pass me my beer. For today has been a wonderous day of achievement. Our exalted leader, the Tizz, is no more and Loxy popped a good one. Someone ring Tubbie and tell him the good news, and also that....
  15. .....AhJock's Jaunty little.....
  16. ....he was not likely to invest his millions in requesting financial documents. Andy@36dollarsapop had taken a leaf out of Bandit's pine tree, and taken to pestering Tink for a pirated copy of his research. "You think you want these documents (the truth)?" shouted Tink "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE......
  17. .....every 25 hours or 50nm, whichever comes first." This blatant disregard of correct procedures caused Tinkle to wonder just how far the corruption had spread. An audit of of Andy(Ididwhatinmyhat???)'s logs revealed.....
  18. Nice feature Ian, and I have learned something about Lorem Ipsum too.....
  19. Welcome to the forum Paul - although it would have been nicer to make your acquaintence under happier circumstances. It is always sad to hear of an untimely passing, but it hits hard around places like this when it is through a shared passion. My best wishes to you and your family in this tough time. Shane
  20. ....the well-dressed '12. "Just the other day, I was down at the drag strip with my Datsun 120Y, in the middle of doing my first ever sub-25 second 1/4, and I was waved down by this enormous purple Telly Tubby thing. He was jumping up and down about not having a photo of my gearstick in his records, and accused me of fiddling with his books!" "That Tubby, he was so worked up, you could see the testosterone leaking from his....
  21. Hmm....moderators must have merged NES to this thread at some point!!!
  22. Touche....
  23. That seems a fair mistake, and one that anyone who hasn't had a medical for a heavy road vehicle license in Australia could make. This is an aviation forum, seems only natural that a person would think of an aviation reference to most terms used.
  24. ....bookshelf held 200 copies of Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway. " "Hmm..." mused the unofficial RecFly shrink Dr Twelve, "Is this really a case of RandyAndyWhoDressesLikeADandy trying to recover from a big scare? Or could it be a cover for what is really going on, which is....
  25. I must have missed that post somewhere Turbs....although I still think that if you lead a few of these horses to water, some may drink. But if you suggest to the horses that they need to talk to a government department about water, they would rather go thirsty. You have a background in dealing with organisations and legislative bodies and it is second nature to you to dig a little. For a lot of people, it seems way out of their depth. The irony of having this discussion with you is that neither of us are current RA-Aus members, and therefore at present neither of us are at risk....!!!
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