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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. It is best for everyone to source primary documents themselves, and that way no one can be accused of modifying anything to suit their own purposes. That said, maybe you could post some excerpts Turbo? You have alluded to them on many occasions and yet it seems that no one else is following through in requesting the docs, reading, and then joining in the discussion. Make it simple and more people may take it up. Post a couple of excerpts to whet the appetite, and some easy to follow links for how to get an original, and maybe more will follow through.
  2. I found that book in an op shop only a few weeks ago, and was excited because I thought I had just about everything he had written.
  3. .....friend Ahloxxx's drawer when you have a sleep over at his place. " It's amazing what a good investigator can find in a sock drawer. Just ask Mrs B12, she can tell you about the time that she was called out to RandyAndy's humble abode and after a thorough search of his drawers, declared....
  4. .....six inch wookie." Sadly, the TellyTurd's wookie was more like a 3 inch spam droid, following an earlier encounter with Han(d) Solo, which caused Mave to lose interest very quickly. "It's worse than a solar powered light sabre" exclaimed Nanna, who then rushed to the teleporter and...... Edit: Bandito to Rat's Aunt - I'm baaaaaaack!!!
  5. Sometimes it is worth just getting tested again. These tools are not completely infallible or error free.
  6. ....crossdressing lady and temporary tatts afficienado". You see, AhMyJocks has a very low pain threshold, and once fainted after being bitten on the *#%^& by a.....
  7. Not enough people appreciate just how rare it is for professionals like Kaz to share their knowledge and experience freely. Off topic but Kaz, my wife went through DTS about 10 years before you, and is still in Crime Dept. You may have met somewhere along the way....
  8. ....finding the correct MOTOW sticker on RatsHairySack! "But I just wanna fly!" cried Bronchitus Andrew. "My Aunt offered to take you for a fly" replied the Rodent, "But on one condition. You have to....
  9. "....on the stick, just enough to unload it but not so much as to send me into negative g(asp)!". Telly Turbo looked on disdainfully as the Bull laid spent on the bed of pine needles "You call that a performance old boy? You should see when I hook up with Nanna, there is no limit to what we......
  10. "fill them up with water just in case the world ends soon. If it doesn't, I'll show you just what a good moderati can do with his..."
  11. I love a good conspiracy theory but have to wait till I get home to have a look at these ones. One thing that always concerns me with regards to a conspiracy is the number of people involved, and the extent to which a government or organisation would have to go to ensure that the truth never comes out. Just how many people would have known or be involved in it and how would you ensure that their knowledge and involvement remains hidden? If it is a big conspiracy, the odds are good that there may be quite a number of people involved, which increases the chance of the word getting out.....
  12. PAPI lights are normally on during the day I believe. At least I have seen them operating during the day, but I usually just ignore them as a distraction. IFR guys and gals may feel differently about them I guess.
  13. Definately a night flying thing - probably wouldn't go looking to try it unless you need to for fear of attracting unwanted attention. From memory the ones that I used when flying NVFR stayed on for about 20-30 minutes. My memory is a little rusty though. Plenty of time to do an approach, join circuit and land, or taxi, take off and do a couple of circuits anyway.
  14. ".....time to strike, while the iron is hot and my friend the Rat is digesting those prunes!". Prunes are remarkable for digestive health, and the Purple Tink wondered whether he might also benefit from more regular bowel motions. "By jove!" exclaimed the Wet Tinkle, "I've got it! If they can't stomach my analysis, then what I need to do is......"
  15. Actually it is about my 1200cc bike, but Captain seems a little obsessed by the "12" bit
  16. ...."I've got too many toes, and a bad case of tinea!" moaned Rodentus Ugliness. "I know just what you need" replied Old Salty. "Take a jar of Nanna's old......
  17. It's probably quite difficult to judge the true interest. I suspect that there would be a lot more of the wider membership who don't read here, and a substantial number that just don't understand what is being suggested. But the results of the poll show more people voting than I often see in polls in this forum, so that may mean something in itself. It may have to be trialed, feedback given and the results put out to the wider membership to get some real interest.
  18. Is this a dating site now????
  19. As a Victorian and former Queenslander, I would also like to take this opportunity to provide some useful information: 2.
  20. ...challenging, especially the bit with Andysodandy. Because weekends are already booked in with Bandit and his overpriced Alpha. " Sadly, the Bandit could not provide Nanna with her flights to the moon and back, as the Alpha was strictly for looking and not touching. Disgusted, Nanna left Bandit crying pitifully in the corner, rushing to Andysodandy's open.....
  21. ....I have a friend who was once the personal assistant to the receptionist at CAHSAH. With contacts like these, I can take your case right to the top!". "Argh" groaned the unwashed and smelly rodent "now I know I am stuffed. If only that Bandit of supreme length would come and save me"......
  22. In my experience with separated families (also personal with two step boys of my own), when the heavies come out it is usually not about what is best for the kids but rather about trying to control or make the other side miserable. People need to do their absolute best to keep things out of courts and keep some amount of open communication if the kid's best interests are to be taken into account. That said, it sounds like a bit of a spiteful attack and if you have no other option then you do what you have to. But it won't end at this, it will just get worse whichever way this goes if the courts become involved. Think about it, if a court makes a judgement in favour of one side, the other side is going to be pretty angry. And that will send you straight back there for something else. The cost has to be worth the benefit.
  23. .....to prepare to meet his maker, as we all know what happened to the slaves after they built the pyramids. So the Lox hitched up his jocks, and cursed the T-Monk for being a pox. A quick scratch of his chafed buttocks, and the Lox reached for his.....
  24. ....recrahasional veerhickle? I bet there is no photo of that there sticker in your file. But I happen to know that the TellyTurbsie smelt a rat when he found a photo of Byron's nickers in...."
  25. I watched it in the news thing on the home page....awesome display but only a heart beat away from meeting his maker.
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