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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. Well, that is one way of avoiding the daily update I guess......
  2. The ball park figure tossed around seems to be that if you do less than 100 hours per year, it is not financially viable to own your own aircraft. Certainly with the maintenance costs on an older GA aircraft, you are probably much better off hiring. Or buy into a syndicate perhaps.
  3. Don't stress CB - this is just what happens on forums when things get a little heated. In person most of these people would be perfectly reasonable, in cold, hard text it often comes off as a little more nasty.... And Turbs is a sweet little pussy cat when you get to know him
  4. Been a while since we had a good old witch hunt! **Runs off to sharpen his pitchfork.....
  5. And think of the bigger picture. Everyone who may be considering becoming an RA-Aus member may choose to hang back and "wait and see".....those who are considering purchasing an aircraft will be more reluctant, and what if it happens again? A lot of money can be tied up in an aircraft that is unusable and unsaleable. As David mentioned, flying schools with grounded aircraft can't pay wages. Market uncertainty may badly knock the value of aircraft if you are never sure whether you may be able to offload it or not. Lots of little flow on effects from this situation. The true cost will be much bigger than a week or two (or however long this lasts) of lost revenue for RA-Aus.......
  6. Maybe RAA should be getting the coroner's reports and summarising for their own accident records, and publish on the website?
  7. It's not often that I experience a real pang of jealousy, but that did it for me. I've never noticed just how related the Mosquito and Vampire are - the lineage was plainly obvious in that last still picture. Thanks for sharing FT.
  8. Geez Andy, I am glad that everything turned out well...but.... You have been very open with sharing your incidents with the Jabs. Now as far as I can see, there are three possible situations: 1. Systemic failure by whoever conducts your maintenance. I'm sure that you have already looked into that. 2. Systemic failure in training, leading to pilot abuse/misuse of the engine and early failures. I'm sure you have looked at that too. 3. Systemic failure by the engine manufacturer, whether during parts manufacture, assembly, or design fault. Either way, I would feel confident that you and your business would have looked very carefully into the first two options. I just would like to hope that the manufacturer is looking into their option just as thoroughly. I'm certainly not a Jab basher, and enjoyed my one flight in a Jab 15 years ago. I would love to see them succeed, especially being an Aussie business. But if their engines can't reach TBO in a training environment, then you would have to question why they are certified for training.
  9. I've said it before, I will say it again. This sort of negative rubbish is just what doesn't work. It's not like you didn't realise that you had stuffed it up, and instead of making it a learning experience, he managed to make you get all defensive and that certainly didn't help you refocus, work out what went wrong and try to fix it for next time. The old saying of "those who can't do, teach" has never been more wrong. Some people should stick to doing and leave the teaching for those who are a little more encouraging and passionate about seeing others succeed.
  10. Here is your chance to make your mark - learn everything you can about it, read widely and rewrite it in accessible language. Put it together as a resource and go on the public speaking circuit (although you probably won't get rich ). Plenty of people become experts in fields who are really good at imparting the knowledge simply because they found it hard to understand at first and understand what others struggle with.
  11. Frank, I believe that every organisation or government that has tried to legislate (or regulate) common sense so far has failed.
  12. I wonder if these aircraft really do come out of the ground whether the sale prices of existing Spits will be affected? Supply and demand will surely change?
  13. I'm not NVFR current and haven't been for quite a long time, but I seem to recall that I definately flew a slightly longer downwind leg for a flatter approach at night.
  14. Have you looked at Airbum's review of the DA2A? Sounds like a nice little aircraft http://www.airbum.com/pireps/PirepDavisDA2.html
  15. I don't know about others but I would be hoping that I could get an aircraft down to the runway anywhere from mid downwind if the engine failed....on the Alpha 160, with it's stumpy wings and glide-like-a-brick performance, this means staying fairly tight if possible, but on something like a Warrior there is quite a bit more space.
  16. You weren't kidding! Looks like a really nice place though.
  17. Nice work overall, I bet your mate was watching and wondering whether you were going to lift off at all!
  18. Designated Warbird departure periods perhaps?
  19. Striking new photo evidence raises questions over Baumgartner jump authenticity
  20. I'm not commenting because I am merely an internet voyeur - I like to read ..... Sounds like a very lucky outcome for all involved though. That would have been very messy for aviation in Australia.
  21. How about the Team Mini-Max range? http://www.teammini-max.com/ Plans are free and I believe that they had a special recently for a $59 starter kit which covers the materials needed to build the fin and rudder of the model you choose!
  22. I never found any problems at higher altitudes (relatively high anyway) so I'm not sure it would be needed. Visibility in NVFR is interesting around 8500 and above, as the rods in your eyes are very sensitive to lower levels of oxygen. As long as you don't smoke, it shouldn't ever be a problem.
  23. Apparently he will reach speeds of up to 860km/h.....you would want to trust that the engineers and scientists involved in the maths behind the scenes more than triple checked the numbers!
  24. Doesn't hurt to call them out anyway. I was calling out "undercarriage is fixed" when doing my PPL flight test in a Warrior, no difference there.
  25. Okay then.... Toy - 650km range with intercom, CB radio, mobile phone, GPS and SPOT hooked up. More of a modern day motorcycling classic but has served me well and has more "soul" than the plastic fantastic. And wife, just because I could
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