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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. That was what astounded me....I was doing 110km/h in a Subaru Forester, and remembered just how much of a dog they were at speed! That said, a brilliant bush vehicle. Had a series 3 V8 as well, now that was a thirsty beast. Had a habit of snapping rear axles too.
  2. I grew up in Landrovers....passed an early SWB on the highway recently - actually it passed me which was a mighty shock because I seem to recall that the last time I tried one of those, highway speeds were just a dream!
  3. A gentleman of discerning tastes!
  4. I am so close to losing my nut......
  5. Backing up what Andy said about SPOT - I've had one for several years and think it is fantastic. Someone at home can sit and watch your track every two minutes, and the emergency function will work just about anywhere in the world.....I watched a friend ride around the USA for a week and could track him at any time of the day. Fantastic safety device.
  6. They may or may not be careless Herm, but you are absolutely right in that you have invested the dollars and have the most to lose. They might be somewhat more cautious if it was their dollars on the line. You are PIC, so you make the decisions.
  7. Fingers crossed but it doesn't sound great.....I drove from Murgon through to Brissy airport and back this afternoon, and the weather was pretty ordinary. Heard about the search on the radio a couple of times.
  8. I've been governed by CASA for 12 years now....hasn't ruined my life yet. Looked at joining RA-Aus a couple of times but waiting to see whether some of the concerns are going to be resolved before I hand over my cash. I'll freely admit that hiring GA aircraft isn't cheap, but neither is being alive these days.
  9. Doesn't count until you have a PPL, and even then from memory I believe there is only some provision to share flying duties with another PPL on a nav. Someone else will clarify I am sure, but that is the essence. Don't log hours unless you are PIC or under instruction...
  10. I've used the anti slosh foam in two auxilliary tanks for long range motorcycles, and know a number of other people who have too. Wonder if there is a good reason not to use them in an aircraft tank?
  11. Hi Rosita and David I'll echo what others have suggested - it is great that you are sharing your experience here, and there is always the chance (although you probably won't know it if it happens) that someone will read it one day, and that may remind them to go and to a little refresher training which the next day will save their life too. Don't underestimate just how much good can come out of an unpleasant situation. And just another thought regarding "getting back on the horse". I work mostly in the disability field, and one day was asked to conduct an assessment for a gentleman who had been standing at a street corner in Melbourne's CBD waiting for the lights to change. A bus went around the corner, and due to the camber of the road the mirror of the bus managed to hit the gentleman in the head - he won't ever walk again. Sometimes bad things happen, but what really counts is whether you choose to live your life and enjoy what you love, or don't. Pull the situation apart, work out what worked, what didn't and what if anything can be done better next time. And then go out and make those choices. That young man might never walk again, but is so passionate and driven to live his life that I believe in many ways he has a more complete and enjoyable life ahead of him than most people. It is what you do with the situation that counts, not what happened.
  12. It is exceedingly difficult to survey people well. If people who were more likely to support a new movement also happened to be the people who were more likely to join forums, and then your sample really includes mostly people more interested in change....and that is without even considering whether the people likely to vote are also more likely to support one or another. Biased samples cause many a researcher to throw up their hands in dismay, just because the results are so hard to generalise without criticism.
  13. Can I just say that this sort of thing is what keeps organisations in the dark ages. Since when is a faxed copy any more legitimate than an emailed copy? Both can be fraudulent.
  14. Maybe a thread is needed with a summary, make it a sticky and close it. So the information is there for all to read without wading through the variety of discussions that crop up. Might be of use to some of those people who aren't paid up members, or members here, but do read and take an interest. I'm sure there are some who read without joining.
  15. I don't have any real details, just stirring the pot Dazza My wife called from work when she read the incident sheet about the accident, but there was no details on it about make or model. ATSB were notified but declined to attend. Fuel leak resulted in a liberal dousing of foam by the MFB, after which it was cleared for the wreck to be recovered by the insurers.....typical investgation down here - didn't even bother noting the rego.
  16. There is something in a low wing that makes you feel like a fighter pilot.....
  17. But will you run a spanner over your nuts for it Dazza? Turbs, you crack me up. I heard on the grapevine that the pilot was trained on Jabbawhos, and commented afterwards that it seemed just like most of his training flights....
  18. I have found a number of people in the Moorabbin training area who never left circuit frequency. Plus there is no compliance whatsoever about tracking directions and heights....I sympathise with the crook neck Met. It is just a case of eyes outside of the cockpit 99% of the time in that area.
  19. Wow that parasol is something that only a mother could love.....a mother with really poor eyesight!
  20. Yep, Moorabbin is great to train yourself to really look for traffic....approaching Carrum Downs inbound can be interesting at times!
  21. By avoiding it, the situation only gets worse. Better to just front up, make a public statement, tender resignation, or perhaps even all three if necessary.
  22. Yep, in my first solo, I thought that the Tomahawk climbed like a rocket! And funnily enough, didn't seem to lose height like normal on finals either.... Edit: congrats by the way. It is a very special time indeed, and will be a treasured memory.
  23. Off topic, but I have never found much difficulty changing from left or right hand stick and throttle. But I do find it much more awkward flying from the right hand seat.
  24. One would hope that no one would try the same tactic without a more careful consideration of being able to justify their position....
  25. First positive comment in this thread!
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