Hi Rosita and David
I'll echo what others have suggested - it is great that you are sharing your experience here, and there is always the chance (although you probably won't know it if it happens) that someone will read it one day, and that may remind them to go and to a little refresher training which the next day will save their life too. Don't underestimate just how much good can come out of an unpleasant situation.
And just another thought regarding "getting back on the horse". I work mostly in the disability field, and one day was asked to conduct an assessment for a gentleman who had been standing at a street corner in Melbourne's CBD waiting for the lights to change. A bus went around the corner, and due to the camber of the road the mirror of the bus managed to hit the gentleman in the head - he won't ever walk again. Sometimes bad things happen, but what really counts is whether you choose to live your life and enjoy what you love, or don't. Pull the situation apart, work out what worked, what didn't and what if anything can be done better next time. And then go out and make those choices. That young man might never walk again, but is so passionate and driven to live his life that I believe in many ways he has a more complete and enjoyable life ahead of him than most people. It is what you do with the situation that counts, not what happened.