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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. Me too. Used to hate climbing up to check the wing tanks on the C172 and C210, but happily climbed in and went flying. Still don't like changing light bulbs either.
  2. I suspect there is next to no correlation between spelling ability and the ability to construct, maintain, and fly an aircraft.
  3. Condescending and not helping your case.
  4. Hardly - you get the site and all of its resources for free. Answering a couple of questions is a long way from unreasonable. Maybe you feel a membership fee to access the site would be more appropriate?
  5. Sheesh, we talk about our kids living in the age of entitlement and yet here we have adults who aren't prepared to put in a little to gain a lot. I'm all for protection of personal information, but seriously Google already knows a heck of a lot more about all of us than what aircraft we fly most, what licence we have, or even where we live.
  6. That will be awesome. Reminds me of a miniature A-10 Warthog.
  7. See, you have it wrong there Ian. You don't ask people to complete a survey. You require them to as part of the conditions of membership of the site. It is pretty simple really. The site costs a lot of money and time Most people using it regularly contribute nothing financially towards it (generalising, but probably true) Advertising is a viable way of keeping the site going Targeting advertising towards the users is more effective if you have more details about the users themselves Data collection *might* also be useful for other projects which could be beneficial to recreational flying (depending on going into research design etc) You can't prevent people from entering bogus information anyway, but you can limit it by not making it too onerous with too many questions, and keeping the details private - declaring that individual information will not be shared, and that aggregate data only will be used to further develop the site. For example, having an extensive background on Bandit12's 350 or so GA hours, including 1 written off Tomahawk and 1 airspace incursion in the last 15 years is of little use by itself. Knowing that ~150 predominantly GA pilots access the site at least weekly may be of interest to advertisers, and also may help in allocating development resources, especially if it turns out that ~500 predominantly RA-Aus pilots also access the site weekly (numbers made up of course). As David Isaac says, make everyone go back to add details to their profile. Maybe yearly force it again to check/update information, and make the forums not visible until the profile/survey is complete.
  8. ....love me in the morning!" Now this was going to be a problem, for everyone knows that SNiLyH are far from lovable in the morning, or even in the evening through the thickest set of beer goggles that money can buy, which meant that......
  9. The problem is how verifiable the information is - nothing to stop the shonky types from picking something that implies they know what they are talking about. Or the modest ones from understating their experience. Ian, if the purpose is research for improvement of the site, why not make it part of the user registration to complete some fields about experience/quals, and perhaps set up a recurring survey yearly asking people to confirm their details or make any changes before proceeding to the site. The information doesn't have to be available to the public, and on an individual level is probably of little use either, but if you could run reports by type of licence/experience etc it would surely be useful.
  10. I wonder if it might end up devisive Ian. Perhaps just enthusiast, recreational, or commercial would do it? Regardless of what body you do it under, anyone who is doing it for fun is recreational, and anyone who does it for a paycheck is commercial.
  11. Never used it so won't miss it.....
  12. ....all of which would go down better with a glass of red. "I know what will help" exclaimed Turbo, pointing to his arms "Loxy, if you get some tribal marks like these, they will remind you that there is a time to moderate, and a time to drink moderately, and never the two shall......
  13. Should about do it!
  14. Good old Lucas - very wise fellow when it comes to electrickery.....
  15. ....who served the meal on a bed of porous alloy (JabRef) with a side salad, followed by.........
  16. Not what you see everyday..... http://www.king5.com/news/Train-derails-with-aircraft-parts-265866171.html
  17. I wondered about it, until I realised that he had really taken ownership of the large phallic symbol as his avatar, which no one else was prepared to use. I suspect he is just subtly telling us that his thru-bolt is much more substantial than the rest of us.....
  18. Does the design preclude removable wings completely? If you could incorporate removable wings and tail at the seam, then transport (and maybe even storage) would be an interesting prospect. Would come at a wight penalty though.
  19. I cringed slightly looking at the pics of the Bug cut in half - I'm sure you guys know what you are doing, it just seemed cringeworthy to see an aircraft chopped. Had the same feeling at the Boneyard looking at the B52, B1B and F111 carcasses. Love the story so far, keep the pictures coming (except for those cringeworthy ones )
  20. I can't see any excuse for not at least investigating the opportunity, and reporting back to the membership "We could have had an agreement with ATSB to investigate, however it was going to cost the equivalent of XXX per member yearly and we decided that this was blah blah blah".
  21. ....belly button, where it broke off that day when I was trying to clean the lint out, but got startled by Madge swooping over in his F-35 Lightwing, which made me.....
  22. Didn't they report MH370 as "missing"? Months later it would seem that was an accurate statement (unless the conspiracy theorists are right!). But apart from that, it would seem nothing else has been correct for quite some time......
  23. In pioneering times they did lots of things as Turbs suggested, but these days if I had to land by car light I would consider that to be an emergency situation, not one to plan for.
  24. .....saftey compliance officer. "Don'tcha wish ya girlfriend waz hot like......I mean **cough cough** sorry, was just practicing for the karaoke competition coming up" exclaimed Turbo "Don't you mean safety compliance officer Epauls?" "Nope" replied the gilted one "I meant saftey officer, it's my job to promote saf and tey, which really means that I get to...... Letter to the Editor: Bandit wishes to send his regards to Mrs Rat, and to explain that he had no part in any Ghost Dog behaviours, nor was he responsible for anything that may or may not have happened to her sheets. Bandit also suggested that a healthy dose of vitamin B might help what ails young Ratty, preferably B12.
  25. .....that his "milkshakebringsalltheboystotheyard", and sure enough, none less than Byron and Madge had turned up to see him shake his.....
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