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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. I contemplated a go around on my first solo - a couple of thermals on final and the weight of the instructor missing meant that the Tommy just didn't want to descend like it had before....but I got it there. If you busy yourself with all of the things you are meant to be doing, you won't have time to worry.
  2. Wow - that climb rate would have been in inches per second, not feet per second!
  3. Love the idea, and have been dreaming of doing a full scale Pup....the problem really lies in the engine. Which one are you doing? Plans or kit?
  4. That video brought back memories Tomo, thanks for sharing. I remember a couple of memorable nights in Toowoomba, once watching a twin on finals to the highway beside the runway! Another time being number 5 on an extended final, absolute magic watching four aircraft in front of you heading in for the runway at night.
  5. ERSA may have some details - failing that, find the details of a local aeroclub or school and ring them to ask. I've not generally found it too hard to work out.
  6. Yep, watching a sunrise or sunset from the air is the biggest kick for me when NVFR.
  7. Say hi to Tim Berry from Shane Costello if you have him at all. Flying west from TMBA really gives you some good black hole experiences, with very little light and horizion sometimes. Funnily enough I found night navs out there quite easy, but much harder around Brissy where the airport lights just disappeared into the mess of electricity.
  8. Who are you doing it through Tomo? As an aside, every mechanical/electrical issue I have ever had while flying happened when NVFR. Enough to make you a little nervous when the dash lets out a puff of smoke, the radio stops working and you need a radio to turn the runway lights on! Or the oil pressure/temp guages that acted like yoyos for an hour between Toowoomba and Gundi....
  9. Hey Bob Do you recall a Noel Vonhoff from that time period? I believe he was a Navy pilot on Vampires at a similar time. I went to school with his son. Cheers Shane
  10. Hi All I've been toying with the idea of homebuilding for quite some time, and really need to get along with it. I like the idea of the 95.10 framework, and also of a minimal aircraft. Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to fly a 95.10 aircraft to more populated airfields, which would require flying over populated areas? The guidelines seem to suggest that it isn't normally permissible, but that it may be possible with permission. I was wondering if anyone actually ever has? Also, whether anyone has any suggestions of plans built aircraft? Cheers Shane PS there seems to be a few familiar faces around here!
  11. I have seen pictures of low, high and biplane Volksplanes, and the original Flybaby was conceptualised as all three, although plans only ever became available for two. So I guess you could say it could be done, but in each of these cases, the designers were aeronautical engineers with extensive experience. The argument about whether it would really be worth doing is something else.....
  12. Can't say I have done aeros in the Aerobat but the idea of using a yoke instead of a stick just doesn't seem "right" for aeros! I've had the text for quite some time, but always preferred Neil William's book.
  13. So, getting back to the crux of it - what do people think may be issues across RAA? Using the Ferris wheel incident as an example, does anyone think that training regarding the use of ALAs is lacking, or perhaps that the responsibilities and processes to follow for ALAs aren't clearly defined? Identify a problem, come up with possible solutions!
  14. So, getting back to the crux of it - what do people think may be issues across RAA? Using the Ferris wheel incident as an example, does anyone think that training regarding the use of ALAs is lacking, or perhaps that the responsibilities and processes to follow for ALAs aren't clearly defined? Identify a problem, come up with possible solutions!
  15. It's a rare day flying that I don't have at least one "wow" moment.
  16. My agenda is clear - I'm not even an RAA member. My recent background is in survey development and statistics, so I offered to help with that if is useful. One of the problems with trying to fix any problem is getting it taken seriously. While stats take a bashing from a lot of people (including me at times), using them carefully can make a big difference in outcomes. Plus, any well designed quantitative survey data is very publishable in a number of aviation psychology journals or magazines, and if you want CASA or RAA to really sit up and take notice of something that needs improvement, publish it. In a sense, I am fishing. Without ideas to start with, there is no direction. I'd like to do my bit because I very fondly remember my first few flights in an AUF Skyfox and Bantam back in the day, before switching to a Tomahawk and GA.
  17. My agenda is clear - I'm not even an RAA member. My recent background is in survey development and statistics, so I offered to help with that if is useful. One of the problems with trying to fix any problem is getting it taken seriously. While stats take a bashing from a lot of people (including me at times), using them carefully can make a big difference in outcomes. Plus, any well designed quantitative survey data is very publishable in a number of aviation psychology journals or magazines, and if you want CASA or RAA to really sit up and take notice of something that needs improvement, publish it. In a sense, I am fishing. Without ideas to start with, there is no direction. I'd like to do my bit because I very fondly remember my first few flights in an AUF Skyfox and Bantam back in the day, before switching to a Tomahawk and GA.
  18. FT my friend, never make the mistake that just because "they" may have already heard it, there would be no benefit from hearing it again. So throw out your complaints, come with an idea to help and you might find that not many people agree, or that a majority of members aren't happy about the same things too. But if no one shares, obviously there are no problems.
  19. FT my friend, never make the mistake that just because "they" may have already heard it, there would be no benefit from hearing it again. So throw out your complaints, come with an idea to help and you might find that not many people agree, or that a majority of members aren't happy about the same things too. But if no one shares, obviously there are no problems.
  20. I think the idea was to thrash out some ideas that could go into the submission. I don't think that David Isaac has it all figured out and done yet, otherwise he wouldn't have been put it out there for discussion. So the question is - what do YOU want in the submission FT? Not just a generic criticism, but identify a problem and propose a solution, or at least several ideas that you think may help. Blanket criticism without specifics, and without specific solutions is worthless.
  21. I think the idea was to thrash out some ideas that could go into the submission. I don't think that David Isaac has it all figured out and done yet, otherwise he wouldn't have been put it out there for discussion. So the question is - what do YOU want in the submission FT? Not just a generic criticism, but identify a problem and propose a solution, or at least several ideas that you think may help. Blanket criticism without specifics, and without specific solutions is worthless.
  22. Happy to help out if you need a survey developed? Anything with stats attached always carries more credibility. If you want to show a procedural, attitudinal or training deficit, you need to be able to show the numbers.
  23. Happy to help out if you need a survey developed? Anything with stats attached always carries more credibility. If you want to show a procedural, attitudinal or training deficit, you need to be able to show the numbers.
  24. Words can't adequtely describe just how impressive that is.
  25. Adjusted to avatar size for you:
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