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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. I grew up on a cattle farm, so had the usual range of primary production related jobs while young. I ended up working in the disability sector, working with people with intellectual and physical disabilities, both on the bottom level and in management. Most recently I managed a program providing support for people with neurological diseases such as MS. Currently I am a fulltime student, as I managed to get an undergrad psychology degree done in there somewhere too, and decided to take a year off to do some postgrad study, ending this year as a provisional psychologist. For the last five years I have also ran my own business in the motorcycle industry as well (Starider Motorcycle Products) which helps in taking a year off from professional work. And I'm also a muso, although not quite current. Brass mainly, played Euphonium in marching bands (including Cadets and Reserves) and also Trombone in Jazz and Big Bands......
  2. Rolling also increases angle of attack for the lower wing (over the outboard area anyway), if already close to the edge it could cause a stall and wing drop. I would imagine that unloading the aircraft would be necessary before trying to use ailerons, just like is taught in aerobatics and unusual attitudes recovery. You can not stall/spin in zero G, but it is easy to see how with low speed, high angle of attack and bank on, there might not have been enough altitude to recover regardless of skill or speed of taking action. With a lot of bank on, there is precious little lift to spare without power to maintain the height.
  3. Always a sad day when one of the community goes down, even worse when it is one you know (even if only online). Thoughts and prayers are with the families in a tough time.
  4. Honda have already ceased production of their two stroke bikes - mostly caused by California banning the sale of new two stroke bikes (both on and offroad) a little while ago. California is I believe the biggest market, and Honda the biggest player by volume..... Personally, I have no issues with the reliability of a two stoke. But you do need to keep an eye on the maintenance. One thing that doesn't seem to rate a mention often is how much a two stroke hates to be left standing and not run regularly. A quick way to kill a two stroke.
  5. http://www.dailypress.com/news/military/dp-nws-b17-flying-fortress-crashes-20110613,0,298950.story A vintage World War II-era bomber that has visited Hampton Roads appeared all but destroyed Monday after it made an emergency landing in an Illinois cornfield and caught fire. The Chicago Tribune reported that seven crew members and volunteers walked from the B-17 Flying Fortress without serious injury after the pilot reported an engine fire. It happened southeast of Aurora Municipal Airport. The B-17, nicknamed "Liberty Belle," was on its way to the Indianapolis Regional Airport and was due to arrive at about noon. It was expected to offer flights to the public over the Father's Day weekend, the newspaper reported. Ninemsn also has video http://news.ninemsn.com.au/video.aspx
  6. I've read the arguments for and against - I just struggle to get my head around the idea of not having ailerons. I struggle with the idea of a trike or hang glider with only two as well.....I may just have to try the idea one day! Good luck with the build, it is fantastic to see another 95.10 on the way!
  7. What made you choose the Skypup? Gorgeous looking little aircraft, and I have considered it at times, but I just can't get my head around the lack of ailerons...!!!
  8. And that David, is an excellent example of how to deal with a situation that you do have some level of control over, that you know exactly who the pilot is and can approach them in person.....it doesn't sound like Darky's situation was like that, but you make an excellent point of how to do something if you can. I'm all for dealing with a person directly if I can first, but if there is reason to escalate, then that should happen. Only the person/s involved can really make that call.
  9. Obviously Ms Dark hasn't posted details and perhaps wth good reason. It is a sad fact that some people do our hobby/passion/profession/career no favours at all, and the results usually cost us all in the end. I don't know Darky in person, but I would be confdent that she would approach the individual personally if it was appropriate or possible. I can't say I have ever met many pilots who would report another pilot to the authorities without good reason, regardless of the class of license they hold.
  10. Fascinating info there Facthunter - makes perfect sense although I had never thought of the margin over stall as reducing that much due to altitude.
  11. Your problem mate, is that we hear stories of the "shysters" so regularly now, and as you say, there are some pretty dodgy charities out there. My better half investigated some for fraud once, and a couple of the big name ones that even I had heard of - well, the results were very upsetting. A few choice words missing from your post and it was easy to jump to conclusions. Your passion was evident as soon as you started telling a little more, keep that going and you will do great! Perhaps your charity could set up their own trust account, and all paypal/bank account details/ promotional material directs clearly to them. I wish you the best of luck, and if you plan anything in Melbourne, be sure to sing out if you need any assistance with leg work. Cheers Shane
  12. Feel free to keep posting reports like that Maj - the Bantam is one of my favourite little flyers, even though all I ever did was a TIF in one a number of years ago. Great read and write up!
  13. Makes perfect sense to me - building a higher performance aircraft is not cheap, which seems to generally preclude younger people doing it. So those a little more "mature" can and do afford it, but run the risk of not passing a medical and losing the ability to fly GA. So building a proven design to RAA specs seems like a great idea. Watched your video, like most RVs, it looks superb!
  14. I was once talking to a senior military flying instructor, who told me that through all his training, he was sick every flight. Over years it gradually got better, but even 20 years on he still got occasionally airsick. I noticed because he had a sick bag tucked into his flight suit every time we flew. Just don't let it beat you!
  15. Sitting in the jump sea on an East West Airlines flight way back.... First solo in a Tomahawk - the climb rate with one on board seemed unreal! Night circuits - always a magical experience An early morning flight south of Toowoomba in Spring, when there was a low ground fog covering nearly as far as the eye can see. Every time I was lucky enough to fly aeros - Pitts S2B, CT4B and CAP10
  16. If it was a motorcycle, I would say it had been running very lean. In the run in phase, a lot of people like to run extra oil (if premixed) but this also leans the mixture out. Maybe fuel flow problem also caused leaning? Don't know much about stroker aircraft engines but rebuilt a couple of bikes.... Commiserations, she looked like there had been a lot of loving work put in to get to that stage.
  17. Now that, David, is why I like being involved in a forum. I know little about trikes (or even less than little) but I really enjoyed reading your analysis and advice.
  18. If you are young and single, go for the traditional route! Get to experience everything to do with aviation, you might find yourself not wanting to fly for an airline anyway. Cadetships are great in theory, but one look at the precarious state of world finance should give you an indication of how quickly circumstances can change, and whether there may be a job at the end, or even an airline at the end.....
  19. This reminds me of the "women in motorcycling" debate.....my better half rides too, and never on the back of a bike. Her bike is much flashier than mine, much, much faster and she rides like an absolute hoon in her pink and white leathers....!!! She cops many a patronising look and comment from male customers in our shop, who naturally presume that her CBR is a 250cc, not the 1000cc that it actually is. Those looks change rapidly when she is out on the road. Sadly, she is very uninterested in aviation, but is prepared to put up with my expensive hobbies. Like Spin, I am all for encouraging men and women to get into aviation, the increased numbers is what will help make flying more affordable ultimately, and the financial side of business doesn't care which gender you are when you are paying the bill.....
  20. I went on Sunday, but apparently Ian wasn't in that day (according to others on the stand). Had a great time, and really enjoyed checking out the RAA aircraft. Only wished I had a three day pass to see everything properly!
  21. Welcome youngster There will be many more better placed than I to answer your questions, but essentially you won't have major expenses once qualified, except for aircraft hire. Off the top of my head, this is what you will be up for: Licencing costs (RAA membership etc) Security ID (ASIC or AVID as required ~$200 for 2 or 5 year respectively) Maps, ERSA etc (only really needed if doing cross country) Bi-yearly flight review Most other things should be covered by the owner/school you hire from.
  22. No problems Spin..... I used to admire a couple of Starlets that flew into/from Toowoomba about 10 years ago, looks great but I always wondered whether it might be a bit of a sqeeze under the canopy. The performance would be much better than the VP, but I don't really mind lower performance. I also have a set of plans for the Easy Eagle 1, but don't fancy working with steel as much. Love biplanes though, which is a big plus for it. Decisions, decisions.......
  23. Thanks Spin, I hear that a lot. There is no doubt that a Starlet is more saleable, and you are correct that there is probably little difference in cost (similar size, materials, engine options etc).
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