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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. .....very wide ride when viewed from the rear." At this Tubby woke from his cat nap/microsleep/avgas sniffing induced coma, stretched luxuriously and pondered the benefit of a wide rear. "I'll give it a whirl" cried Tubby, reaching for his......
  2. My understanding is that the courses don't generally allow you the choice of flying school, as most have an affiliate school or their own school. The flying component is usually far more expensive than what you would pay if you were going privately - calculated to nicely cover the total amount of available FEE-HELP that you might have. If you have found one that allows you to do it at your choice of schools, then that sounds much better. Like going to uni though, the pain of paying the bills 10 or 20 years after you finish is sometimes a little hard to take. And if the proposed changes come through, you will have to pay it back even if you die or leave the country!
  3. Did you notice the "expert" in counter terrorism from RMIT who said that it was undoubtedly done by the pilot? Apparently the pilot decompressed the aircraft, pulled up to 42000' while everyone else died in 9-15 seconds, then he flew merrily along on his way to the deepest part of the ocean so that no one could find the wreckage. All that analysis from an hourly satellite ping and a few radar returns - this guy is good........ I wonder if he can tell what colour I am thinking of......
  4. If that is true, they are running the risk of confirmation bias. You have to rule out the factors that didn't cause the accident just as much as rule in the ones that did.
  5. Still happens regularly Kaz - I believe that unintentional discharges in the stations are happening almost weekly..... Then there was the case of the PSO who drew on another PSO after a dispute. Some people shouldn't be trusted with slingshots, let alone handguns!
  6. If it was a Protective Services Officer in Victoria, he would be likely to taser himself......
  7. ....the eyes of the angry traffic officer are drawn to his taut, young Ulan skin, the anger fading and a look of wonderment crossed his face, before he asked.......
  8. Very sad to hear, condolences to the families. Most of us blokes aren't big on professional help, and anyone who has been through critical incident debriefing would probably question just how much worth there is in it. For now family and friends are probably the best support, and anything that is causing problems into the future probably warrants professional intervention.
  9. Toowoomba would work. More than big enough, RPT as well. Easy drive distance from Brisbane for those who fly commercial and hire a car. Fly ins could also happen at Clifton or one of the other smaller strips around the area that don't require an ASIC.
  10. ...wondering to himself whether he could start a similar industry using rat skins. "I know what I could call it" he mused, "I could call it Australian.......
  11. ....we sitting around squabbling about this? Why don't we all just kiss and........
  12. I used to keep a jar for all the bits that I couldn't work out where they went. And then other bikes had their spare bits added. Eventually it was remarkable just how often I could find bits I needed for yet another unrelated bike in that jar years later. Possibly not best practice in aviation though, although the weight reduction can't be denied!
  13. CT110 postie bike - not too expensive, parts are dirt cheap, and nice and simple mechanics to get you started. Haynes workshop manual gives you everything in pictures, and by the time you have finished it (presuming it actually runs and all the bits that came out went back in somewhere.....) you can possibly even make a profit. Or just use it as a cheap hack to get to work and back!
  14. If it wasn't for my wife, I would say very little on facebook. Thank goodness for wives who can handle the talking for us!
  15. Welcome to academia, where the only way to specialise is to ignore everything except your own narrow field.
  16. Probably more information over on HBA. The Wittman aircraft seem to come up reasonably often in discussion there.
  17. When you remember/go through with it and if you feel like it, would love some more information about what that test is, and to see what justifications there are for it.
  18. You could well be right about the maneouverability - I was basing it only on what I have seen when they performed compared to other aircraft. Seemed less crisp and snappy than comparable aircraft. Nice model by the way.
  19. How could you go past the Boomerang? Overweight, underpowered and not maneoverable compared to its opposition. But it was Australian designed and made, which is a poignant reminder of times past when we actually could. I had the pleasure of watching Aerotec's Boomerang fly out of Toowoomba for a few years, and see it joined by the second one flying. As for the original question, Spitfire for its grace gets me over the Mustang. Neil William's write up about flying the Spit for the first time is fantastic.
  20. No matter how I reframe it Nev, going to the dentist never quite seems adventurous
  21. Nice little write up about it in the latest EAA magazine. The view out the front looks sensational.
  22. Another vote for plexus.
  23. Riding near it in heavy traffic is a bit concerning. Makes you prefer your chances surrounded by the cagers rather than in the outside lane near the wire.
  24. That is just being mean - hinting of the interesting news to come and then making us wait.....
  25. Yep, the price of good lucerne in SEQld at the moment makes aviation look cheap.
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