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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. Best to share some reasons why DJP (if you have a spare moment). Not everyone has the same experience with spins.
  2. I find myself in the unenviable position of having to agree with you Fly - only happens once a year or so There isn't just a lack of community in aviation, there is a lack of it across the board. How many people actively volunteer for social or community groups? Less than there was, if you look at scouting as one example. I'd love to take up gliding, but sadly I can't afford the time to spend whole days and weekends as part of a club, and with gliding it is expected that everyone pitches in. Let's not be calling people lazy though, that is a big generalisation that is very value laden. Someone who works hard and makes enough money to buy off the shelf is hardly lazy; nor is the person who acknowledges their own lack of technical skills and so chooses to pay rather than attempt to learn.
  3. I agreed with you Nev, just so you won't feel lonely on that island.
  4. A friend who is a bit of a revhead in cars - about to take a ride in a Pitts Special with one of my old instructors. "How much power does it have?" "About 285 horsepower" "Is that all?" And then he went for the ride........
  5. I've had a few "what the heck am I doing here" moments climbing out of strips surrounded by big trees. It makes you think twice about going to one.
  6. It's not often that you get to have such an insight into the fullness of another's life. Thanks for sharing HITC, and condolences to Barry's family and friends.
  7. Lots of "mates" around at the moment
  8. IP is only an issue if you have the money to chase someone. Having just finished a trademark dispute recently, I can tell you that even a win often ends up as a lose in the account balance for most small businesses. For something with the investment cost like developing aircraft engines, I suspect that they already had the IP issues sorted long before going down this road (maybe even as an initial agreement between the two companies when they first started together).
  9. ......with just as many crooks." At that time, Poxy looked up guiltily from his corner, having been caugh with his hand in the.....
  10. I believe it is just a fairing for the axle to reduce drag.
  11. ....the new black, and that a trendy aviator would only wear his best....
  12. ..."the ground will be so repelled by the insufficient size of your thru-bolt (with the exception of Tink's bridge bolt!) that it will fling you to the heavens." "I'd love to be flinged, flung, or flang one day" muttered Andy, as he reached for his toolbox and pulled out a.....
  13. It's surprising how big the Tripe is! Looks fantastic, well done to TAVAS and Andrew.
  14. ....sticking an old thru-bolt (AvRef) in a new hole. "What about a new bolt in an old hole?" mused Turbo, who looked at the Rat suddenly with interest, and.....
  15. The irony of ageism - with a bit of luck even the most ageist person will live to be on the receiving end.
  16. I suspect that may be because there is insufficient data to actually analyse what are systematic correlates with accidents. You can look at one accident in isolation and perhaps attribute it to one cause, but finding a bigger problem across a population is many times more complicated, and often undertaken by people who look at generalisations without decent facts behind them. Generalisation: older pilots are more likely to have accidents Fact (or perhaps reasonable supposition): more older pilots are flying than younger pilots, which leads to a higher numbers of accidents involving older pilots Generalisation: you can't each an old dog new tricks Fact (anecdotal evidence from forum posts): many pilots seem to be taking their first lessons while already old dogs, and therefore must be able to learn Generalisation: self-maintenance is a significant risk factor in aviation accidents Fact: .........**insert sounds of wind and tumbleweeds blowing past**
  17. [tornado, post: 402522, member: 5669"]The problem is you are dealing with a lot of old guys, that old saying you can't teach an old dog new trick rings true. Regardless of what you say, they won't listen. Generalisation and guesswork do not solve problems FT.
  18. I have about 100 biggles books on my e-reader and half a dozen original on the bookshelf. The ebooks do the job, but rgmwa is right about the feel.
  19. Grew up on the all, wish I still had them (just so I could use them to fund my real flying!)
  20. ....the cause of a little jealousy. For all who knew Turbo also knew that he carried a little picture of Madge in his wallet, with this message written on the back - ..........
  21. .....was clearly in violation of the CWA code of conduct. Turbo raised his voice (and his blood pressure at the same time), yelling "All in favour of expelling Andy, say I" and the first to his feet was.....
  22. ....... ........
  23. Welcome Butz!
  24. ....jabawocki, the most elite of downtrodden RAA members). "Are you still having problems with that thing Andy?" asked the Turbo, holding his blowoff valve in one hand and his manhood in the other. "Yep" replied Andysodandy "but I'm concerned that if you test it with a lit match.......
  25. Listening to the reporter talk is not traditionally worthwhile when it comes to aviation incidents, but you make a good point about the camera ship being ready to film.
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