Question: Has flying become too accessible? This may seem a ridiculous proposition but, with the increasing wealth of a section of population has it? We know that snow sports have become easier with snow boarding. Motor cycles are now popular as symbols of "freedom". Many enjoy the thrill of jetskis and even snapping pics of oneself leaning at impossible angles over the void on cliff tops is a "thing".
Flying also has a certain cachet. We who have taken the hard road to flying qualification realise too well the invisible gap between safety and disaster and treat such with great respect. Some may be schooled to believe that everything is possible with our innate gifts of managing hazards. I am too often reminded of this situation when listening to work safety cynics.
This is my attempt to make sense of the needless disasters we are confronted with all too frequently on these pages. I am not attempting to assign any directed blame, merely posing a question. Don