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About Methusala

  • Birthday 30/03/1951


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  1. I used to walk from Cooma Nth to Polo Flat after school to watch Snowy Beavers return. Could walk around the apron looking into the cabins, no one cared.
  2. It is certain that the US is headed for traumatic events dictated largely by past actions of delusional politicians. These include the pushing of NATO membership onto minor eastern European states (always towards Russia's borders). Gorbachev and Reagan had agreed "not one inch further to the east" in 1991. Unfortunately modern impasses were set in past mistakes and here we are (with the orange looney.
  3. Today I noticed at our market, 2 of 4 recharge spots occupied by non EV's. My solution? Crush and return to owners as scrap 🤣😂
  4. Thanks Jerry. I'm aware of this thread. I don't wish to add my voice to a well deserved dissing of Trump. My view is that the US has been rogue for 80 years or so. I rejected the Oz invitation to fight in Vietnam and have seen Oz tail wagged by dog as extremely disappointing. In a perfect (or even a slightly better) world, we could be better off with an independent foreign policy. Just my view. Cheers and no judgement implied to my fellow forumites. Don
  5. I struggle to understand the reason this thread has not been stopped by the mods. I recall some long while ago that my thoughts on the US political failures were very roughly curtailed by ad hominem attacks and worse. It must be apparent that the US nation has been responsible for catastrophe followed by worse at least since they took on the Vietnam boondogle but ,really since Korea and all that. it is NOT JUST TRUMP. We have taken on F35s that can't turn. can't... etc and now are involved in the steal of the century , purchasing Submarines that we will never control let alone actually need. It's about time that we grew a pair as a nation. Sorry for that rant, I guess that I will now be banned for muy trouble. Don
  6. I believe that without point number 1 the rest of the chain would fall over. Cause and (then) effect. Not directly RAAus' fault . See point number 1 !
  7. I think that the great danger lies in that one may convince oneself that, having done all required training, you become safe from making an erroneous decision. This is where Nev's call regarding human factors gains legs.
  8. Consensus both here and with the pilot on the Mt Beauty strip, was that the weather was terrible. The proverbial 'anyman' would judge that the trip in prospect was not safe or viable.
  9. That is a straw argument. Do you believe that only unqualified people make bad decisions? What of the De Havilland Dragon that went in at Imbil few years back? Training will not alter bad decisions made because, "We want to get there." The lack of training had almost no impact on the fact that the pilot made a fatal decision. RAA can be criticised for many sins but this one is all on the individual.
  10. Really Nev, what in heck has charter flying got to do with the topic?
  11. From Mt Beauty in the direction NW must climb over the range extending from Bogong towards Murray Valley. Hume dam and heavy wooded ridges till Tumut Valley then Murrumbidgee. All unfriendly. How was this anything but the poorest decision. I remember the weather over SW NSW was foul. We cannot excuse poor planning regardless of errors in regulation or regulator personell. Black is black, not white or even grey.
  12. I think you win post of the day. Exactly what HF is all about. However the weather was terrible from the get go, no RPT aids on a basic Jabiru.
  13. Be interesting to see response from DPP.
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