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About Methusala

  • Birthday 30/03/1951


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  1. Well actually, if drivers paid similar attention to their duties as most pilots do, then it would be a "better world".
  2. Moderators please!
  3. Friend of mine (occasionally here) showed me a DH-82 wing that he bought for the hardware. Came off a flying ac. As Nev said rats had eaten 75% thru the main spar near the root. Funny to see if you're not flying it. Don
  4. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority has reportedly launched legal action against pilot Hayden Pullen.
  5. "Greener" supersonic flight. Similar to developing a kinder poison?
  6. Good luck with that.
  7. Did you get this message?
  8. Landed at Hamilton last week. 737 came in so hot we hit at about 2g then bounced. Full reverse thrust, lift dumped and brakes to avoid tumbling off the end into water. As Nev says, we had a close view of the tray tables. Landing pilot probably needs an eye check.
  9. Got a 120kts. Serviceable when installed in my vp2. Don
  10. Question: Has flying become too accessible? This may seem a ridiculous proposition but, with the increasing wealth of a section of population has it? We know that snow sports have become easier with snow boarding. Motor cycles are now popular as symbols of "freedom". Many enjoy the thrill of jetskis and even snapping pics of oneself leaning at impossible angles over the void on cliff tops is a "thing". Flying also has a certain cachet. We who have taken the hard road to flying qualification realise too well the invisible gap between safety and disaster and treat such with great respect. Some may be schooled to believe that everything is possible with our innate gifts of managing hazards. I am too often reminded of this situation when listening to work safety cynics. This is my attempt to make sense of the needless disasters we are confronted with all too frequently on these pages. I am not attempting to assign any directed blame, merely posing a question. Don
  11. Sapphire is pusher not tractor Nev
  12. Fair go Nev! I expect the chooks are properly thawed before being thrown into the engine🤣🤣
  13. Mid-air is my greatest fear in flying and naturally so. I've spoken to ga pilots who love IFR because of the awareness given through air control. Not fool proof ref the Kingair accident near Mansfield. See and avoid needs radio and ADSB assistance. This is an extreme example when a hugely experienced ATPL gets caught out. Numbingly sad, Don
  14. This discussion has some intersection with the "which radio calls" thread.
  15. Mine had a completely re-built wing, blue head 582, rear bulkhead,doors etc,etc. Flew well and safe.
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