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About Methusala

  • Birthday 30/03/1951


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  1. Hey Methusala,

    Admin closed the discussion just as I was about to send a post explaining what I meant by the admittedly cryptic comment: 

    "We all need our self-affirming certainties challenged from time to time.  But 'hair of the dog'  ain't much of a remedy."


    All I meant was that it does us all good to have our certainties challenged but maybe not  by rival certainties alone. (Like curing rabies with the hair of the dog that bit us - as the saying goes  ;- ) There was certainly no intention at all to make any kind of personal attack but I can see now that it was a bit weirdly worded. Sorry about that.


    European wars aside,  I hear that you keep your Thruster at Tumut these days.  I used to keep my Ranger there - in Peter's hangar. Now it's hangared up at Taree although lately I'm spending more time in Canberra than up there.  Anyway, all the best. Hope to catch up some time. 



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    1. Methusala


      G'day Gary, I also regret that Ian has decided to close the thread. Discussion of contentious subjects often leads to better understanding of complex topics. Still, it is his site to make whatever decisions he wishes. I have suffered trolling in the past for expressing my often non mainstream views. Should toughen up I guess.

      I was based at Currandooly for over 20 years, 1st with a VP-2, then a t300. Only flying 20 hrs/yr and mostly by myself, I decided to sell and fly the Tumut club's J170. Much happier with club atmosphere and simply pay when I wished to fly.

      I've known Peter for 30 years and do BFR's under his tutelage. Good mob at Tumut and 2 1/4 hrs down the road.

      Anyway, thanks for the line. Maybe we'll meet sometime, 'ave a beer?

      Regards Don. PS. I sent this link to RGMWA. Hope you enjoy it as I do. She can sing and dance.

    2. Garfly


      Thanks for getting back Don.  Yes, we must catch up for a drink sometime.  Maybe in Tumut!  Thanks for the Kate Bush link!

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