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Everything posted by Methusala

  1. I think that the great danger lies in that one may convince oneself that, having done all required training, you become safe from making an erroneous decision. This is where Nev's call regarding human factors gains legs.
  2. Consensus both here and with the pilot on the Mt Beauty strip, was that the weather was terrible. The proverbial 'anyman' would judge that the trip in prospect was not safe or viable.
  3. That is a straw argument. Do you believe that only unqualified people make bad decisions? What of the De Havilland Dragon that went in at Imbil few years back? Training will not alter bad decisions made because, "We want to get there." The lack of training had almost no impact on the fact that the pilot made a fatal decision. RAA can be criticised for many sins but this one is all on the individual.
  4. Really Nev, what in heck has charter flying got to do with the topic?
  5. From Mt Beauty in the direction NW must climb over the range extending from Bogong towards Murray Valley. Hume dam and heavy wooded ridges till Tumut Valley then Murrumbidgee. All unfriendly. How was this anything but the poorest decision. I remember the weather over SW NSW was foul. We cannot excuse poor planning regardless of errors in regulation or regulator personell. Black is black, not white or even grey.
  6. I think you win post of the day. Exactly what HF is all about. However the weather was terrible from the get go, no RPT aids on a basic Jabiru.
  7. Be interesting to see response from DPP.
  8. In my opinion, coroners seem to (sometimes) suffer 'deprivation of relevance syndrome'. That is, because they only make recommendations, they over emphasise their conclusions. Must be viewed in such light. I respectfully disagree. This event is ALL about individuals making erroneous decisions.
  9. I believe that a recommendation to a DPP is fatuous and overreach. Obviously, events like this affect us all. That is to bring reflection back to our responsibilities as pilots. Mention of Maurice Blackburn, well known 'ambulance chasers' carries no weight in this discussion - free publicity for their commercial ops. Similarly, the departure of M Moncks to CASA, well, who ever saw such a thing on the horizon. These are my opinions and, are those of a participant, no particular expertise. Don
  10. I've seldom seen so many column inches wasted by people wishing to blame the system. This is so obviously a case of an individual making the wrong decision. Regulators, instructors, qualified bystanders and family and friends cannot be blamed for the rash decisions of the victim of poor decisions. Coroners will often try to scapegoat by looking for 'system failings'. Recreational flying has and will always be potentially dangerous and, in common with all risk activities, will punish poor choices. Blaming instructors, regulators or regulations is a trap. The attraction of recreational flying is that it assigns the risk to the pilot. The obvious lesson here is to carry in mind, at all times, the knowledge that this thing can kill me.
  11. Picture in the OP shows well cleared back from bitumen, should always be the rule.
  12. Thruster 25-0393 is there as well!
  13. Rotax Rick, a US engine rebuilder and modifier, of certain renown, reccomends 40-1 in 582's. I don't know but that's what he says. He also feels that the big end rollers starve for oil and enlarges the feed orifice on the rods. Don
  14. Have to agree with Nev here. All should feel entitled to state their opinions freely. No one should feel obliged to accept that opinion, your judgement is paramount . Please, no name calling. Don
  15. Should an aircraft delay attempts to land untill excess fuel has been burned/dumped?
  16. War is always a dirty business and we only know that we don't know the whole story. Luckily there were survivors.
  17. Well actually, if drivers paid similar attention to their duties as most pilots do, then it would be a "better world".
  18. Moderators please!
  19. Friend of mine (occasionally here) showed me a DH-82 wing that he bought for the hardware. Came off a flying ac. As Nev said rats had eaten 75% thru the main spar near the root. Funny to see if you're not flying it. Don
  20. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority has reportedly launched legal action against pilot Hayden Pullen.
  21. "Greener" supersonic flight. Similar to developing a kinder poison?
  22. Good luck with that.
  23. Did you get this message?
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